
Originally posted by Odemarkens_son
One thing where I can't fully agree with Desecrated: I think i'ts too simple to say that "it's not natural to believe in God". From what I see man has a need to believe in something - the reason is his weakness, fears, desires etc.

Exactly. The fear and weakness are natural as is the need for man to believe in something.. but what we created to appease this curiousity isn't natural and I think that now we are intelligent enough to come to the realization that religion has no place in our lives. There are mysteries to the world that we don't have answers to... but religion isn't going to help solve them, science is. Religion merely holds back our true potential as human beings and Soviet Imperator should know that. Humans split the atom with the help of science, not Jesus.
Originally posted by Odemarkens_son
lately i started to see the absurd of life. I'm afraid the world's beyond healing. Mankind is a mistake of Mother Nature and she already pays for it. Or maybe she too was a mistake? what's the purpose of LIFE IN ANY FORM? (no, i'm not sane)

What's the purpose of life in any form?

This question is not only unanswerable, it is also flawed because it presumes that life has some sort of inherent meaning. We have no good reason for making this presumption.

A better question would be: Does life have a purpose at all? I have no reasons to conclude that it does. Life appears to be something which happens as a result of the nature/fabric of reality, just like how stars form.

Going deeper, the concept of "purpose" is a human one and doesn't apply to things which are not conscious (and the fabric of the universe, that which has spawned life, doesn't appear to be conscious in an animal/human sense).

Humans tend to personify reality by looking at it completely relative to themselves. It's an odd fact of consciousness and perception. The universe does not fit into the little box our minds put it into. It's far more expansive and complex than we'll probably ever be able to appreciate. Given this, it seems kinda silly and futile to ask if life has a purpose, even if it did, would we be able to truly comprehend it with our limited/personified human minds? I don't think so, besides, "purpose" implies "intent", and unless you happen to believe in some fictional dictator who created the universe for it's own amusement, the irrational presumption of "intent" is simply short-sighted.

Originally posted by Soviet Imperator
Because they know as well as I do the insignificance of one, but the significance of all.

A significance that is nonetheless a completely human construct, that is, an illusion of the senses and nothing more. Let's not lose sight of our own subjectivity.

Originally posted by Soviet Imperator
[Cornerstone of personal philosophy coming up......]

But we are all brothers! We are all the same! And secularity / atheism is as much an attempt to brainwash the masses as religion is - only religion has been around longer.

Sooner or later we will be forced into acepting all of this, and I work towards the creation of [my utopia] a world where no-one undervalues another. Because ultimately we are all identical.

While I agree with, commend, and share your brotherly way of viewing humanity, I thought the idea that atheisim is an attempt to brainwash the masses to be just absurd to the extreme.

There is no "church of athiesm" spreading fear and lies to brainwash people and keep them stupid and subserviant. Without someone to spread misinformation and propoganda to actually achieve the brainwashing, it's non-existent.

Besides this obvious fact, even if there were someone spreading atheism and profiting in some way from it's propogation, there is nothing about it that denotes "brainwashing". Athiesm is simply a metaphysical stance about the age old god question. Someone could not say: "There is no god, therefore you must do this and not do that." That doesn't make any sense.

Originally posted by Soviet Imperator
I call it 'fashion'.

As much as you'd love to think athiesm is a "trend" of some sort, it clearly is not. For some it may be, but that does not make it so, it does not change what it is. Atheism is simply a metaphysical opinion and nothing more, and it's one that is typically reached in the absense of, or rebellion against, traditional brainwashing techniques.

Yes, the same 'fashion' that inspires the hordes of screaming children to follow their pop idols and wear pink clothing, squealing and ignorant, is true as much of atheism as of religion.

Your attempts to equate atheism with religion are very amusing, and I'm not sure if you actually being serious or just being silly as a way of getting a discussion started. Being an optimist, I will presume the latter, but I will entertain this feeble notion nonetheless.

Atheism is spawned from logic and observance of the known universe, but it's also a bit of a rebellion against the dogma of organized religion (and rightly so, this sort of mind-cancer has been infecting humanity for far too long and has lead to untold suffering/stupidity). When people agree on something they tend to congregate and be vocal about that which they agree on. This is the source of the "fashion" which you are seeing. However, the same trendy attitude could be said of anything, including listening to Borknager, eating at McDonalds, driving a Civic, and writing in this forum. It's simply an aspect of human nature. Therefore, pointing out the trendiness in atheism (or anything else for that matter) does absolutely nothing to place it's sincerity or validity into light. Sure, kids use atheism like a trend, but where people are concerned, what isn't a trend of some sort? Even the anti-trends are trends. It's inescapable and can be applied to anything.

'I don't f**king believe in f**king God' is merely an attempt by most of those of little faith to convert those people who do believe in God into not doing so.

It may be that for some, and that's fine and perfectly reasonable considering how deeply mislead and brainwashed by organized religion so many poor fools in the world are today. However, it may also be an expression of an opinion and nothing more.

As for the "conversion" idea, please understand that atheistic type people value logic and common sense, and they are well aware that these character traits mean nothing to religious people who are obligated by their innane religious constructs to prefer self-delusion and self-deception over reason. This tendency for religious people to be entirely unreasonable and keep their own heads firmly implanted in their own asses is a source of confusion and frustration for atheists (who value logic and common sense, and who feel that humanity is sadly lacking in these required traits). Therefore, don't presume that every atheist who seeks to "convert" some poor deluded religious person is doing so just to be a rebellious asshole, I'm sure many are, but many are not as well and you would be wise to make this distinction. Some actually care about the religious people and want to help them break free from their burden of having to maintain a delusional conception of reality, they want them to be free of the rhetorical dogma and actually *think* insteading of just behaving like subserviant sheep in some dictator's twisted ass-kissing quest. There's a nobility in this which I think you are missing. Religion has enslaved humanity with its archiac bullshit long enough, the dark ages are over, this is the age of reason, it's about time we started to act like it and leave our feeble superstitions in the past where they belong.

So no, the disbelief in God is NOT a decision people reach on their own, at least no more than religious people do.

Oh boy, at this point I'm pretty sure you aren't just being silly for the same of conversation, it seems to me like you actually believe what you are saying. That's ok however, you won't for long.. ;)

So what you are saying is that there is some organization/institution out there which spreads misinformation and propoganda to force people to make the conclusion that there is no god? Please, that's just too innane to take seriously. What you are referring to is just another aspect of humanity, the tendency for people to get others to agree with them on matters of opinion. As much as you'd clearly love to believe otherwise, people do reach this conclusion on their own, without brainwashing, but other people do help to get them to think about it and help them make the decision by giving them stuff to ponder. They are influenced by the people around them, just as everyone is.

The line "at least no more than religious people do" was very amusing, you should really consider a career in comedy, hehe. Perhaps you are unaware that most religions insist that people begin brainwashing their children with idiotic religious bullshit before they are old enough to wipe their own asses. I'm not aware of any atheistic institutions which do this, are you? Perhaps you are also unaware that religions put considerable effort into convincing people of their innane bullplop, they even threaten them with god's evil vengence and make false promises of paradise to achieve this end. Are you aware of any atheist organizations which employ this sort of mind-fucking to bring people over to atheism? I'm sure you are not, and that's precisely what makes your claims to incredibly short-sighted and amusing.

The fact is, people are clearly influenced by others to think that atheism is the most logical and practical stance, just as they are influenced to eat a veggie dog instead of pig guts, but they reach it entirely on their own simply because no one can be mind-fucked with rhetorical bullshit or threatened with fear-laced dogma into coming to this conclusion, so the only way they can come to such a conclusion is via their own reason. I trust that you now realize this.

People may well not turn up on your door with atheism pamphlets, but the dissimilarities stop there.

What I have said above has shown you that the dissimilarities do not stop there. You are welcome to try to suggest otherwise if you'd like, but that would not be a wise course of action if your intent is to get others to take you seriously in regard to this topic. If your intent is to be silly and amusing, then by all means, rebuttal to your heart's content ;)

If it's all bulls**t, why do you people get so offended when religious people generalise?

I don't get offended with religious people generalize, I just feel sorry for them and I want to help them, but if some people get offended I sure it's simply because religious people generally say mindless and intellectually childish things which have little or no basis in reality. Ignorance can be a source of frustration.

Besides, atheism is just an extension of humanism and that is a religion unto itself.

Humanism is a philosophy and may contain elements of spiritualism/mysticism for some, but so does yoga. Is yoga a religion? According to your definition of the word, it is. If that's how you define religion, then I would say that being a health fanatic is also a religion. I would say the same about being a prog metal fan as well. In that sense, many things are religions, but that doesn't equate them with something as absurd and harmful as something like Christianity, it doesn't mean they are born of political propoganda and bullshit, it doesn't mean that people are brainwashed into them they way they are into what MOST people mean when they say "religion".

So, as I said, WE ARE ALL THE SAME.

Yes, we are the same in more ways than not, but this is just an idea and nothing more, it's not literally true, it's only subjectively true. However, saying this does not at all show that atheism IS a religion any more than it shows that turds are hotdogs (there are similarities of course, but there are also very significant differences which we'd be foolish to overlook).

First, a thank you to comrade Satori for that massive response.

Let's see what I can do in reply.

Firstly, many of you, including, it seems, my right honourable friend believe this to be some sort of joke post. This is not the case. As odd as it may seem I believe what I'm saying, and although a sort of Communist/Christian/Metal hybrid my be abhorrent, at least to all but the former, but it's the ideology of this Soviet Imperator.

My right honourable friend points out that EVERY Religious person, and the points on the bringing up of children were especiall poignant on this issue, is either forced, lobbied, bribed or terrified into what they believe, but this, as I'm sure you will appriciate, is not true. There is a difference between accepting a God and believing in one, and the former is more common of those who choose to follow the growing numbers of Atheists or Agnostics who broadcast the opposite view. The latter, however, is made up of an increasingly small group of people who genuinely take a new and interesting view of the world around them.

As has been pointed out, by my right honourable friend amongst others, the word 'Soviet' does indeed counjour up images of Stalinism and Churches being used as museums, but as I have attempted, albeit with limited success, to explain, I am a forward thinker, not a revisionist. This brings me onto my next point. I am against the use of what I would call 'orchestrated' and institutionalised religion. Despite the Communist/Christian/Metal hybrid that I believe in, am am against Catholicism, not least for the extent that I have been renounced as a 'Heretic' by elements of that church.

I cannot subscribe however, to my right honourable friend's uages of the following expletives: 'Mind Cancer', 'Archaic bulls**t', 'Mind - f**ked' and so on. This accomplishes nothing. Now on to the natural/unnatural debate. Is religion natural? Well, to compare us to animals is, quite frankly, a waste of material. By the fact that we are sentient, self conscious beings, qualifies us uniquely in this company. Here's a good question for the scientists among us - why did we evolve sentience? According to Arthur C Clarke it was the Monolith, according to me and some others it was GOD. So no, it is not natural, it is, in the 'twisted, f**ked up minds' of some of us, a gift of some sort.

The final point of this post comes as somewhat of a compromise. I believe that Atheism and Religion both need their proverbial heads knocking together.

The Soviet Imperator
I bow before the wisdom of "my honorable friend" :D :Satori. I agree with him on most matters and admit I could't express it better. One note: my question that provoked your post was only rhetorical and that life has *no* purpose was exactly what I meant. Strange, but I found it... comforting to know that. Well, humans are weak, if some of them find strenght in religion, others may find it in lack of religion.
@ Soviet : You have explained it with sucess, comrade, but I just pointed out that in order to reach your utopia, you must convince people to it, and many of them won't like the word. So you should't use it anymore, as you probably know well enough by now.
Originally posted by Soviet Imperator

Who are you trying to kid? Look at all we have accomplished. We have split the atom, put a man into space and journeyed to the bottom of the ocean. We are a magnificent species

bull fucking shit.So fucking what.the human race are also raping each other, murdering children, and destroying our planet.

#I dont see what we should be celebrating for when we have so much to be ashamed of.And dont you fucking dare turn around and say we cant blame the downfall of the human race on a the minority who are giving us a bad name, because it was only the minority who split the atom, it wasnt the whole race who went into space was it.I dont think we should rejoice just yet.I think you should take of your rose tinted rich kid classes.You know nothing of the real world because youve been brought up inside a bubble. Live my life any many other peoples lives then see if you think human beings are a manificent species.
Communism works in theory but not in reality. Why? Because humans are selfish. If one gets an adequate amount, one wishes to gather some surplus. We always wish to have more than we have.

The ideology in which metal is based is based on individuality. Communism restricts individuality. So communism doesn't work well with metal.
Communism is not about crushing indiviuality, quite the contrary, it's about everyone contributing in equal measure, meaing that we those of us who are more fortunate in this or that aspect help those who are less fortunate in the aspect. So everybody wins.

Many of you may be coiled up in your own misery but some of you dare to hope, and work for, a better future for all of us.
Originally posted by Soviet Imperator
Many of you may be coiled up in your own misery but some of you dare to hope, and work for, a better future for all of us.

I'm not coiled up in misery, more like coiled up in reality. I know that a world of which you speak of is not possible... and it's not that I don't dare to hope... I'd rather be an apathetic realist than a delusional idealist. If you think this world of yours is in our reach.. then instead of trying to convince me it can happen.. why don't you make it happen?
I hate hate hate hate politic!!:mad:


Originally posted by Soviet Imperator
Many of you may be coiled up in your own misery

Really??!! Was that a dig at me darling?! If so consider yourself SINGLE.I will not be in a relationship with a stuck up, pompous bastard.

Just for the record, in case the six months youve spent with me hasnt shown how HAPPY I am, i will say this, i am not miserable,just because i and many others have had it hard in our lives does not mean we sit and wallow in self pity,it merely means that we recognise the faults in human nature. Also for the record,i agree with the guys saying that communism and metal do NOT go hand in hand.How can it?? As far as I can tell communism is about oppression, where as metal is about expression, freedom to do what you want with life, and be who you want to be(albeit some metal is about satanism and slaying virgins!![Joke]).

I cant be arsed arguing my point anymore, your not gonna listen.Your head is stuck too far up your own arse for you to consider that once, just once, you might be wrong.
Originally posted by Soviet Imperator
Fear not, comrades. It will happen. You will see it soon enough.

You will see this world's end before that. Politics is a path away from nature and freedom.

Live instead of discussing how you should live.