If Mort Divine ruled the world

It seems a lot of 20 something none whites in the West aren't going to be happy until last book written by a white man is burned and the museums and sperm banks are billowing with flames.
Thank you.

It wasn't a compliment, you proved my point that people like you use infinitely expanding tautologies and there is no argument that can be used against the implication that, whiteface is fine because black people are powerless and blackface is not okay because white people are privileged and any non-white that contradicts this premise is just "brainwashed by a society that is racist towards them."
EDIT: @ Einherjar

No he's right and he's seen through your bullshit. Deal with it. Reality matters for those with integrity.
I think that being skeptical about what reality is shows more integrity than making presumptuous comments about it.

Anyway, I waste too much time arguing about this shit.
i just wanna smear blackface on a sjw's face. fucking losers
Spot the hypocrisy(ies):


“The University of Missouri does not care about black students,” Danielle Walker shouted into a microphone. “Racism lives here. Not in Ferguson. Not in Baltimore. Not in South Carolina. Here. Right here.”

Not everyone was happy with the protest.

“If you are not comfortable at MU please leave,” wrote a commenter on an article covering the protest. “This racist issue is sure getting old and tiresome.”

Barely a week later came another ugly on-campus incident.

Shortly after midnight on Oct. 5, members of the Legion of Black Collegians (LBC) were in a campus plaza rehearsing for a play the following night when “an inebriated white male” called them “n—–s.”

This time, the university responded more promptly, with Loftin issuing a statement denouncing the incidents. “We support free speech in the context of learning, spirited inquiry and intellectual discussion, but acts of bias and discrimination will not be tolerated at Mizzou,” he wrote.


A center circle of activists held hands in a circle, facing outward while reciting prayers surrounded by about 10 rings of people holding hands facing inwards towards them. The prayers ranged from generic calls for grace to specific calls for the evil of racism to be expunged from Mizzou by removing Wolfe.

lol? Salem all over again. Let us pick a goat and lay our sins upon it.
It's interesting that racism has become a word defined by institutional acts, but when a white kid calls a kid a "******" or black girls aren't allowed at a frat party, that somehow is institutionalized.

I do agree that the response from the Mizzou chair (Wolfe?) was slow, but seems hard for him to do anything.

Student conduct at Yale has been even more unbelievable. According to The Atlantic’s Conor Friedersdorf and The Yale Daily News, student-protesters spat upon people attending a free speech event over the weekend:

These students were offended by one person’s words, and were free to offer their own words in turn. That wasn’t enough for them, so they spat on different people who listened to those words and called one minority student a traitor to his race. In their muddled ideology, the Yale activists had to destroy the safe space to save it.

It’s clear that many of today’s students—at Yale, Missouri, and other campuses—don’t value free expression the way their radical predecessors did. But the Yale and Missouri incidents reveal something even more startling: they don’t value their own independence, either. Their goal is to re-enshrine in loco parentis. They want their administrators-in-chief to hold them while they cry, pat them on the back, and softly whisper into their ears, “you’re right, I’m so sorry.”

Edit: BTW, I don't go searching for this stuff. I have these outlets on my RSS and it's all over it right now.
I imagine it's a very small # of people "spitting," so I think that's kind of irresponsible. I think the op-ed piece there and the YouTube videos clearly show that groups intent.

Supposedly the student body president of Mizzou went on MSNBC today, interested to hear what he had to say. I am noticing these debates are centered around "I want action but I don't know what kind!" kind of thinking.