If Mort Divine ruled the world

I think repulsion over a "Ladies Man" baby outfit is a bit silly, but yeah tbh that list is pretty much objective fact.
Mathiäs;10987466 said:
It's not like any of those points aren't true though.

Obviously, but it's just whiny, victim bullshit. All I read into it "You are sooooo lucky you're heterosexual! It's so hard being a lesbian because of this, this and this. Feel bad for me."
I'm not dismissing any of the stuff in the article, except for the fact that getting one's panties in a twist over baby onesies saying "Ladies Man" is simply fucking silly and retarded.
It's not my fucking fault that humans have two different sexes. Fucking give me a break.
Hahaha I clicked on another article from the page and they actually use one of the most common racist remarks AGAINST racism. If you're black you statistically have more CHANCE to get in prison. :lol:

Now that's a new way to look at the stats.

Hahaha I clicked on another article from the page and they actually use one of the most common racist remarks AGAINST racism. If you're black you statistically have more CHANCE to get in prison. :lol:

Now that's a new way to look at the stats.


MAYBE people might try not to break the law and do shit and they won't go to prison no matter what colour are they.

Seriously, I'm sick of those stupid keyboard warriors. You might be beaten because you have long hair and wear leather jacket and I don't see people writing million articles about it. If you're gonna write an article, write about some problem and the solution, not how straight person's life is awesome yours is shit. Deal with it, do something about it, fight back, or ignore it.

I don't get it. I think LBGTQ(I hope I didn't offend anyone) people would be better accepted if they stopped being a pussies. Act like sane people and you'll be accepted as normal.
yet another member of the zero-empathy team

I understand their feelings, I just don't support whiny, victim enabling people, that this article represents whole heartedly. People all across the world face much, much worse conditions than this presumably rich white girl who hates Kristen Stewart but now loves her.


Great writer, great ideas.

@Onder, yeah that stat is misleading as hell. 2.2k out of 100k black people are incarcerated every year, 980 "latinos" and 380 whites. Asians don't get arrested, ever, according to the DOJ.
@ rms and onder ... yup, they must be out of their minds, there are far more latinos than afircan americans in the not only the prison system here in Cali, but also Arizon, NM, Texas, Nevada and even Oregon. Some of those states might even have more white people in their prisons than blacks. That article is just plain bullshit.

@ng: No, he definitely meant empathy, he's pulled it on me a couple of times. He even tempted me to post the Voivod track Empathy for the Enemy but i said fuck it.
Maybe the east coast has much more african americans in their prison systems, but yea they're definitely not the majority in any of southwestern states, but they're a solid #2 ... *but some of the places have just as many, if not more whites.
I wish I could pinpoint the exact moment where victim became such a fucking misused word that people use to downplay anything that a person makes complaints about which they don't view as serious enough to warrant any complaints
I wish I could pinpoint the exact moment where victim became such a fucking misused word that people use to downplay anything that a person makes complaints about which they don't view as serious enough to warrant any complaints

Would it be the exact moment you started to use the word misogyny?

But honestly, she's a whiner and I don't respect whiners.
Maybe the east coast has much more african americans in their prison systems, but yea they're definitely not the majority in any of southwestern states, but they're a solid #2 ... *but some of the places have just as many, if not more whites.

Well the information by the DOJ doesn't say that there are more blacks in prisons necessarily, just a higher percentage of the population. For every 100k whites, 380 are inprisoned. But there are (estimated) 211million whites according to the Census. 100,000*10 = 1mil * 211 so; 3800 * 211 should equal the total amount of whites incarcerated. (801K)

Blacks, 2207 out of 100k. 35million total population so; 100*10*35; 2207 * 10 * 35 = total number of blacks inprisoned(unless i'm retarded). (772K)

So whites are the majority, just obviously a factor of about 5 less of their own population get 'targeted'