If Mort Divine ruled the world

This is more of a "troll mort for the lulz" thread than a "debate human sexuality" thread.

Anyway, in regards to the latter, I don't think that homosexual men, as they are kind of stereotyped and commonly understood particularly exist. I think they are kind of ill straight men who are either too macho or too feminine and hence think of sexual things when they look at other men. I think that aggressively anti gay men do tend to be gay, particularly obvious instances include the SA, the Taliban and elements of prison culture. I don't accept that none gay men will have sex with straight men as a habit, even if there are no women. There is something beautiful about a beautiful woman and no crossdresser, shemale, twink or whatever can replace that. Most unnattractive or awkward teenage boys effectively go through a prison sentence in their bedrooms, being deprived of sex that is, but few of the ones that identify as straight have gay sex.

do not use this term
You don't want him to use shemale, but "twink" is perfectly fine? :lol:
probably shouldn't be using that one either, though i'll admit i didn't know it was considered offensive
I like how you're so sensitive and critical about these very important things yet you say such vicious shit to people

I'm not willing to be "understanding" with people who have repeatedly gone out of their way to be vile pieces of human refuse.

No tolerance for people like TB
Yea but you're isolating this person and creating more extremes by fighting fire with fire.

Remember Mort, individually we are weak like a single twig, but as a bundle we form a mighty faggot ;)
I'm not willing to be "understanding" with people who have repeatedly gone out of their way to be vile pieces of human refuse.

No tolerance for people like TB

Shemale and tranny are words that were and still are being used regularly before sensitive pieces of shits like yourself started to get offended by everything and anything you don't fucking agree with. If me using those harmless words offends you that much than you truly need to go see a fucking shrink or something. But yeah, you're clearly a venomous piece of shit ... you've showcased it plenty of times. I swear, you're basically the definition of everything that is wrong with the world today ... just pure filth.

You're probably just mad because your boyfriend's a tranny.
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Tranny and she male are not harmless and you are not in a position to say that they are. You do not get to determine that.

Those are the words used when trans folk are beaten, raped, and murdered. They are words of violence and often hold the same weight to the trans community as the word my pals would if said to a black individual. (Do not mistake this for me comparing the words to one another, just their place within a given community)

I didn't decide they were harmful, I am not a trans individual therefore I don't get a say, but neither do you. The difference is I am willing to listen and you are willing only to further disenfranchise.

I am venomous - yes - and I do not have any problem with that. There is zero reason why tolerance of bigotry should exist or be accepted.

I do not respect your opinion nor your right to hold it.
... i really dont care about what you say HBB, because the truth is you would never in your life say something like that to me in person .. and me and you both know that.

Also, hook nosed? Unibrowed? Have you not seen my pics? You must be mistaking me for one of your inbred hillbilly relatives.

@ mort: Like i said, you just love loading words up, it's a trait shared amongst your people. Also, you think i actually give a shit about your "respect"? :lol:
Shemale and tranny are words that were and still are being used regularly before sensitive pieces of shits like yourself started to get offended by everything and anything you don't fucking agree with. If me using those harmless words offends you that much than you truly need to go see a fucking shrink or something. But yeah, you're clearly a venomous piece of shit ... you've showcased it plenty of times. I swear, you're basically the definition of everything that is wrong with the world today ... just pure filth.

You're probably just mad because your boyfriend's a tranny.

I realize I probably don't occupy the most reputable position on your list, and to be honest I've just been trying to stay out of this shit show. I'm making an exception for this comment.

Language is inexhaustible. We will always be coming up with new words, and there is absolutely no way for us to run out of words. Furthermore, certain meanings will fall out of fashion and new meanings will take their place.

My reason for saying this is that these words (i.e. tranny, shemale, etc.) do not serve as anything even remotely resembling a "necessary word" (of which there really is no such thing, since we have a virtually infinite number of words to choose from). So, not being able to say them isn't depriving you of communicating something that would otherwise be lost on any other word or phrase.

As far as I can tell, people keep using these words (i.e. tranny, shemale, etc.) purely for the purpose of getting a rise out of other "overly sensitive" people. If that's the sole reason for using these words, then I have to admit that that sounds (to me) like a really deplorable excuse. If our entertainment and pleasure is derived at the expense of others' comfort and/or happiness, then that signals to me that we should think harder about other ways to entertain ourselves. I, personally, see it as no major inconvenience to not be allowed to say "tranny" or "shemale."

Carrying on saying these words simply because it pisses people off seems to me like a shitty thing to do.

The difference between supporting someone's right to be gay and someone's right to say "faggot" is that the former is very much necessary in a way that the latter is very much not.