If Mort Divine ruled the world

It isn't sexist or racist to point out that a specific demographic is responsible for the vast majority of this countries problems.
Labeling a group based on sex and race and stating that it should be brought down is sexist and racist.
The bigger problem is the "rich" aspect, but rich white men run this country for themselves. I refuse to feel bad about singling them out.

I agree, the problem is the rich aspect. As for the rest of this statement, you're a hypocrite. You single a group out based on sex and race while telling people how horrible singling out groups based on their sex and race is.
No. If that group is the one that is causing problems significantly more than others, they are a problem. I don't know how you can be this dense.
I don't know how you can be this dense.


This is word for word the typical argument against blacks.

Right? :lol:

TBH the world should just be an Arnold Schwarzenegger movie, complete with one liners, burly men, and the most badass special effects of all time.

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This is more of a "troll mort for the lulz" thread than a "debate human sexuality" thread.

Anyway, in regards to the latter, I don't think that homosexual men, as they are kind of stereotyped and commonly understood particularly exist. I think they are kind of ill straight men who are either too macho or too feminine and hence think of sexual things when they look at other men. I think that aggressively anti gay men do tend to be gay, particularly obvious instances include the SA, the Taliban and elements of prison culture. I don't accept that none gay men will have sex with straight men as a habit, even if there are no women. There is something beautiful about a beautiful woman and no crossdresser, shemale, twink or whatever can replace that. Most unnattractive or awkward teenage boys effectively go through a prison sentence in their bedrooms, being deprived of sex that is, but few of the ones that identify as straight have gay sex.
I'll see if I can find a link to the study I found some time ago saying that gender identity is largely "decided" by 5-6 years old.
I caught a mother trying to turn her son into a girl at a clothing store once. The child will have no idea he/she was inundated with gendered propaganda from birth.
I'll see if I can find a link to the study I found some time ago saying that gender identity is largely "decided" by 5-6 years old.

The wiki page says its one of the earliest cases of gender dysphoria or whatever its called. What year did Jazz have her winky removed? Is it better that you do it young so she won't be as manly?!

Weirdly she says she looks forward to birthing a child. I mean let's have some reality in this situation