If Mort Divine ruled the world

Also, I've seen plenty of your posts identifying social problems, but not very much on how to solve anything (not saying you haven't posted any, I just haven't seen it). Could you fill me in on your ideas of how to actually fix all of this social injustice?

Apparently by categorizing people into 50 constructed classes.
SJWs are the victims of shitty diversionary ideology and Sun Tzu-ian psychological warfare.

Say you think feminine men are discriminated against by society, I'd say, yes, they probably are, but there are million problems with trying to look at this from the angle of a liberal. At the same time as thinking this is a problem, you have to kind of accept it through cultural relativism in loads of environments, even within your own Western country.

Anyway, on with the point, feminine men are bullied at school, sodomized in prisons and probably in the military etc., what do we do about this? Is it a problem?

I'd say that it is a problem. It’s a societal problem in which artificially constructed environments become shitty neo-stone age social experiments. These are problematic for the follow semi –utilitarian reasons: It’s bad for the victims, it’s bad for people who care about them, it’s related to anti-intellectualism, and anti-intellectualism will definitely cost lives every year and waste people who could have been societally useful and finally because it’s a distraction from all people being socialised into a singular societally useful value system.

There isn’t really an “other side”, there’s just a further bad point in that within these artificial environments, people of poor moral and mental quality are able to feel as though they are better than others when this is the opposite of reality, again causing more people to be distracted from the ideal of a singular useful value system. One plausible exception to this may be within the military, if violent hazing and other practices serve some psychological purposes of bringing the perpetrators together in some way, cutting the whole group off from the commonly accepted morality within society (this may be useful for a military I suppose) and “weeding out” the weaker links.

Personally I find the whole thing to be disgraceful and disgusting, but I am not familiar with military traditions and I suppose the key concern for people in charge of a military is order and respect for the upper ranks by the lower. Still it sounds like a morale destroying thing if I ever heard of one, a lot of people would go postal on the men that gang raped them, I would have thought, causing further morale problems in the wider military. With the professionalization of militaries, behind the doors acceptance of such practices should be phased out as it too dishonourable and disgraceful in my opinion. If you want to bring people together and set up a moral wedge between the army and the population at large then do it in a less perverse manner, shoot some bad guys or something.

Within prisons I see it like this. Each prisoner, in the UK at least, costs massively more to keep each year than it would cost to keep them on unemployment benefits. I see no particular reason to keep up the current commonly accepted scenario where those serving sentences for minor crimes have to live in fear of those serving life sentences, especially seeing as the percentage of prisoners who will never be released is tiny, but the re-offending rate is sky high. It doesn’t work, it’s just shitty sadism. Fuck the lifers, keep them in their cells and give them escorted walks to the yard on their own a couple of times a week or something, that plus library access isn’t cruel and unusual torture, at least they wouldn’t have to fear other prisoners. More intellectually challenged lifers who need social contact and to feel “above” some people may not like that, but A) they are supposed to be being punished and B) it distracts society from the singular useful value system and is conducive to anti-intellectualism. Basically if it were up to me, Prisons would be solitary confinement for lifers and like extremely strict old fashioned finishing schools for the other prisoners, in which you can’t really leave without having become like a middle class person. Gangs would not be tolerated at all, cameras would be everywhere and people who commit rapes inside would get mandatory life sentences, so end up in solitary for good. That would fuck over thicko culture massively.

Now schools, ok here the solution again lies in establishing and solidifying a singular value system. Don’t tell the bullies they are being mean, tell them they’re being retarded. Make them clean the toilets with toothbrushes. Don’t let them graduate primary school (pre teen) until they have learn to be respectful to themselves and others. Don’t let the thickos enter society, have them in pseudo-prisons until they grow up, in which violence is not tolerated at all and results in massive sanctions on food rations, to the point of borderline starvation.
..Don’t tell the bullies they are being mean, tell them they’re being retarded. Make them clean the toilets with toothbrushes. Don’t let them graduate primary school (pre teen) until they have learn to be respectful to themselves and others. Don’t let the thickos enter society, have them in pseudo-prisons until they grow up, in which violence is not tolerated at all and results in massive sanctions on food rations, to the point of borderline starvation.

I think this is too harsh and wouldn't work, but might even increase the anger and intolerance among the bullies. Instead, fill them in the shoes of the discriminated and let them feel whet they felt. For exemple, if they made fun of someone, let other make fun of them for some reason.

Now I know even this may backfire but is better solution IMO.
Mathiäs;10978128 said:
Yeah but your dumb hobbies and interests are not an inherent and uncontrollable part of who you are.

Neither is being "trans" according to the tumblr transtrender crowd.
Everyone on tumblr and everything they say should be disregarded.

Whenever I've followed a link and browsed that site I've been literally offended by the stupidity, vapidity and pomposity of everyone on it.

Asking someone if they have a tumblr account is probably the simplest and quickest way of discerning whether or not they're a cunt.
Everyone on tumblr and everything they say should be disregarded.

Whenever I've followed a link and browsed that site I've been literally offended by the stupidity, vapidity and pomposity of everyone on it.

Asking someone if they have a tumblr account is probably the simplest and quickest way of discerning whether or not they're a cunt.

:lol: pretty much.

I'm still waiting for some one to give a good example of how they'd solve any of this social injustice.

I feel like all I see and hear as far as SJWs go is that discriminating against those they perceive as people that discriminate is a good way of ending discrimination. Fighting racism with racism, sexism with sexism, etc.
They then play with language and try to change the definition of words to hide their hypocrisy.

None of that, in my opinion, is a good way to do anything. I believe the ultimate goal of solving social issues shouldn't be living in a world where a certain group's morals are forced upon everyone and anyone that says or does anything that doesn't fall in line with it is censored, suppressed, and ridiculed.

It feels at times like their goal isn't to fix the problems, but to turn the victims into perpetrators and the perpetrators into victims.
Using discrimination and generalizations to end discrimination and generalizations is hypocritical and fucking stupid.
I'd like to elaborate on this point. I think the trend of seeking out alternative labels of sexuality is simply a means to seek attention and antagonize others, i.e. the "normal, traditional" sexuality/gender identification, as just that. They construct an Other in order to better define themselves, and since they have nothing else to feel proud about, they (hyper-)focus on sexuality as their defining feature. It's the logical conclusion of the cult of individuality. People seek out new ways to feel special, when all it really does is divide us by creating mutual antagonisms. It also freezes people into arbitrary categories and treats identities as fixed states and innate qualities, rather than socialized phenomena.

'Cult of individuality' is an oxymoron, and labels are only antagonistic if you choose to make a big deal out of them. If one person chooses to label themselves whatever-gendered and shape their identity/image accordingly, the only antagonism is when someone chooses to attack that. The main problem with SJWs is that they support individuality only within their own pet interests but subscribe strongly to leftist-collectivist politics on the whole. How many trans-friendly people would support their trans-friends shooting a brodude in self-defense?
It feels at times like their goal isn't to fix the problems, but to turn the victims into perpetrators and the perpetrators into victims.
Using discrimination and generalizations to end discrimination and generalizations is hypocritical and fucking stupid.

In a nutshell.
I'm still waiting for some one to give a good example of how they'd solve any of this social injustice.

Education is probably the first start. Mandate education on matters of social injustice from a relatively young age.

However, I largely don't think destruction of injustice itself is possible with our current system that largely benefits rich, white, men over everyone else. Bringing that system down is the only way to achieve justice.

I feel like all I see and hear as far as SJWs go is that discriminating against those they perceive as people that discriminate is a good way of ending discrimination. Fighting racism with racism, sexism with sexism, etc.
They then play with language and try to change the definition of words to hide their hypocrisy.

There is no "fighting racism/sexism/etc. with racism/sexism" because those are one way streets. Even if it were, I do not see how this even occurs.

None of that, in my opinion, is a good way to do anything. I believe the ultimate goal of solving social issues shouldn't be living in a world where a certain group's morals are forced upon everyone and anyone that says or does anything that doesn't fall in line with it is censored, suppressed, and ridiculed.

We already live in a world where a certain group's morals are forced upon everyone else. Those morals/values simply benefit a very specific portion of the population at the expense of everyone else. Hate and injustice should very well be suppressed and ridiculed.

It feels at times like their goal isn't to fix the problems, but to turn the victims into perpetrators and the perpetrators into victims.
Using discrimination and generalizations to end discrimination and generalizations is hypocritical and fucking stupid.

Again, this doesn't happen.
:I feel like all I see and hear as far as SJWs go is that discriminating against those they perceive as people that discriminate is a good way of ending discrimination. Fighting racism with racism, sexism with sexism, etc.
They then play with language and try to change the definition of words to hide their hypocrisy.

There is no "fighting racism/sexism/etc. with racism/sexism" because those are one way streets.

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I believe the ultimate goal of solving social issues shouldn't be living in a world where a certain group's morals are forced upon everyone and anyone that says or does anything that doesn't fall in line with it is censored, suppressed, and ridiculed.
So you wouldn't have approved of civil rights or universal suffrage? Because people are still being dragged out of the stone age on those issues. It's right to ridicule people who are in the wrong. Shame is a powerful motivator.

Also, what do you think laws are other than legislation of morality?
White heterosexual men are so evil. White women are alright though and other races are fine too. Also all other sexualities including the made up ones like grey something are oppressed by white, horrible men.
If someone has too much muscle they have to be given less food.
Education is probably the first start. Mandate education on matters of social injustice from a relatively young age.

Get'em while they're young! Nothing changes does it Mort ;)

However, I largely don't think destruction of injustice itself is possible with our current system that largely benefits rich, white, men over everyone else. Bringing that system down is the only way to achieve justice.

Rather than just post a particular Samberg song, I'm interested in the system that would benefit otherkin moreso than the one that has provided free tumblr.
Rather than just post a particular Samberg song, I'm interested in the system that would benefit otherkin moreso than the one that has provided free tumblr.

Maybe cis scum could pay for Tumblr and otherkins could have it free?
So you wouldn't have approved of civil rights or universal suffrage? Because people are still being dragged out of the stone age on those issues. It's right to ridicule people who are in the wrong. Shame is a powerful motivator.

Also, what do you think laws are other than legislation of morality?

I don't understand how you got that out of what I said. There are a lot of issues that do still need to be addressed, but I disagree with the methods being used/proposed. "It's right to ridicule people who are in the wrong" is probably how people against things like gay marraige think as well. I guess it all boils down to who gets to dictate what "right and wrong" is.

Education is probably the first start. Mandate education on matters of social injustice from a relatively young age.

However, I largely don't think destruction of injustice itself is possible with our current system that largely benefits rich, white, men over everyone else. Bringing that system down is the only way to achieve justice.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but "mandating education on matters of social injustice from a relatively young age" sounds like "forcing children to conform to my idea of what is right and wrong" which is basically what has been happening already. The problem with raising children to SJW standards is that again, there would be no equality. The only difference would be the reversal of victim and (perceived) perpetrator roles.

Destruction of injustice itself is impossible because we live in an imperfect world. Humans are not perfect. How would you bring down the system of rich white men(which is a sexist/racist thing to say imo) without affecting those white men that are innocent(not rich/powerful)?

There is no "fighting racism/sexism/etc. with racism/sexism" because those are one way streets. Even if it were, I do not see how this even occurs.
I feel like if I asked you what the definition of sexism or racism was you'd tell me something about how the standing definitions are "broken" or "don't work". If that's the case, all you've done here is confirm what I said about changing the definition of words and being a hypocrite. If that's not the case, I suggest you read the definition of those words. I'm not saying that there isn't "heavier traffic on one side of the road", but by the definition of those words it is not "a one way street".

We already live in a world where a certain group's morals are forced upon everyone else. Those morals/values simply benefit a very specific portion of the population at the expense of everyone else. Hate and injustice should very well be suppressed and ridiculed.

This returns to the whole "who decides what is right and wrong" thing.
I've yet to see an unbiased SJW whose idea of morals/values would benefit anyone in the long run.

Again, this doesn't happen.

"...our current system that largely benefits rich, white, men over everyone else. Bringing that system down is the only way to achieve justice."
It isn't sexist or racist to point out that a specific demographic is responsible for the vast majority of this countries problems. The bigger problem is the "rich" aspect, but rich white men run this country for themselves. I refuse to feel bad about singling them out.