If Mort Divine ruled the world

Random avg dude/dudette: "I do not respond particularly positively to x dress/behavior choices"

This is pretty much how I see the "conversation" around the whole thing going, and Mort is just our local example of a particular subgroup of agitators.
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Of course the ones committing the offense are presented as civilized by you.

Laugh, make a cheap joke, whatever - shitty to do, but no one is going to crucify you for it in public

However, it doesn't end there - if it did then violence against trans individuals. for example, wouldn't be disproportionately higher relative to the rest of the population

"Gross, disgusting, faggot, tranny, etc."

Why? They don't fit in neatly, but hey according to you we need to blame them for being too flamboyant
So how do you prevent those that do the violence versus those that throw casual insults? By making hundreds of niche gender classifications?
Of course the ones committing the offense are presented as civilized by you.

Because you are lumping a bunch of civilized people in with some violent outliers, on top of equivocating eyerolls, smirks, or even mere avoidance with SKULLFUCKINGRAPEMURDERS.

Edit: We already have laws for violent offenders. But whoa: Criticizing?? Just think about how that will make them feel. Isn't that the whole problem with them? Not surprised that you support re-education.......camps.
It goes beyond the eyerolls, smirks, and avoidance and into harassment and hate speech.

But yeah, lets just assume that GSM individuals don't face violence at significantly higher rates than heteronormative individuals and chalk it up to VIOLENT OUTLIERS.

It isn't the entire culture/society that is violent towards them, of course not.
What makes an abnormal gender, sexual, species or whatever identity more special than any other abnormality? I enjoy collecting bones and have buried roadkill to later collect the bones, but I can't talk about it in most groups or I'm discriminated against. Where the hell is MY white knight internet crusader for equality?

Point being that everyone is unique, people have quirks, and not everyone is cool with those quirks. Straight, 'normal' identity weirdos experience just as much discrimination as these oversensitive obsessionists. An identity encompasses the entire scope of a person's essence, not just how they feel about their genitals or those of others.
What makes an abnormal gender, sexual, species or whatever identity more special than any other abnormality? I enjoy collecting bones and have buried roadkill to later collect the bones, but I can't talk about it in most groups or I'm discriminated against. Where the hell is MY white knight internet crusader for equality?

Point being that everyone is unique, people have quirks, and not everyone is cool with those quirks. Straight, 'normal' identity weirdos experience just as much discrimination as these oversensitive obsessionists. An identity encompasses the entire scope of a person's essence, not just how they feel about their genitals or those of others.

Yeah but your dumb hobbies and interests are not an inherent and uncontrollable part of who you are.
How so? Pretty sure I've read studies of certain brain patterns being linked to increased affinity for and skill in art, for instance. Who you are and what you like is absolutely inherent and uncontrollable, unless you're faking for some reason. Which is equally possible amongst these... 'People' we speak of.
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It goes beyond the eyerolls, smirks, and avoidance and into harassment and hate speech.

But yeah, lets just assume that GSM individuals don't face violence at significantly higher rates than heteronormative individuals and chalk it up to VIOLENT OUTLIERS.

It isn't the entire culture/society that is violent towards them, of course not.

Your way of being is my harrassment. Your heartfelt conviction is my hatespeech. But let us for argument's sake say you have grasped something objective here: Regardless how much more likely a trans person is to be physically assaulted, it still doesn't mean that a majority, or even a large majority of the majority are involved. It doesn't mean that the necessary followup to a smirk is a smackdown.

No one is obligated to like anyone else. They just need to keep their hands off.

@Mathias: So no one can control their sexuality? Pretty sure that's been used in rape defense.
If they do not directly oppose the culture of violence and discrimination against GSM individuals they are participants.
If they do not directly oppose the culture of violence and discrimination against GSM individuals they are participants.

I can understand where you're trying to go with this, but if you can't acknowledge that that is a pretty big stretch you need to stop using whatever it is that you're using.

Also, I've seen plenty of your posts identifying social problems, but not very much on how to solve anything (not saying you haven't posted any, I just haven't seen it). Could you fill me in on your ideas of how to actually fix all of this social injustice?
God damn, just read some Beauvoir you fucks. It's not what Mort is getting at (what he's getting at comes after it), but it's sets the stage well. The Other, from the perspective you're seeing it (male generally, but expanding it to white male versus other sexes/races is not a stretch) is not a hard concept to grasp. Just read the introduction at least: http://burawoy.berkeley.edu/Reader.102/Beauvoir.I.pdf **Note; her introduction, not the editors.