If Mort Divine ruled the world

That might be hard to quantify. I'll offer this anecdote though. While I was going to Cal State Long Beach, a transgendered individual was attacked and brutally beaten in the men's restroom on campus. As I mentioned earlier, Long Beach is a pretty sexually progressive city. We have a huge LGBT (GSM now?) population, and one of the largest gay pride parades in the country. If that happened here, then I'm pretty certain it could happen anywhere.

As for the whole "move or don't dress that way", that's a shitty line of logic and reduces a complex problem down to two choices. There can be a whole host of reasons why a person cannot just simply change their situation. And if they're forced to go with the norm because that's what everybody else demands, then that's equally shitty.

Again, a lot of it boils down to people not being able to wrap their heads around something they cannot understand or don't know, so they automatically antagonize it. When I see a guy dressed in women's clothing, I notice it. Of course. But it stays in my brain for the two seconds for me to go "That guy is wearing a dress" and I move on. People are too wrapped up in other peoples' business
Very true and I agree with everything you have said except for there being a whole host of reasons for not changing clothes and wearing makeup (which is the only situation I'm talking about). Other than changing every single persons way of thinking are those not the only reasonable choices to not have to worry about being attacked? It's shitty and insensitive, but assuming you had a friend in this position what other real advice would you be able to give them?
Very true and I agree with everything you have said except for there being a whole host of reasons for not changing clothes and wearing makeup (which is the only situation I'm talking about). Other than changing every single persons way of thinking are those not the only reasonable choices to not have to worry about being attacked? It's shitty and insensitive, but assuming you had a friend in this position what other real advice would you be able to give them?

I don't think you'd necessarily have to change peoples' thinking. People are entitled to their opinions. It's when they act out violently or try to push through legislation when it's issue. As for an alternative to moving or repressing yourself, you could learn how to fight (kickboxing, martial arts, whatever) or take other measure to protect yourself. Telling people "if you don't like it, move" just ghetto-izes the problem and doesn't really solve anything. Again, ideally, people wouldn't give a shit, but I guess we're too concerned about other people

Also, this:
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I just feel that there will ALWAYS be assholes in this world that can't leave people alone so the only real options at the moment require the action to be taken by the person being harassed/assaulted (in this situation). Learning how to fight is another option, but it isn't too different from what I said. It still involves someone making a change to put up with other peoples actions.
I did a Google image search on that and this was the first thing that came up:
This stuff seems worse than trying to decipher sub-genres for heavy metal.

Could someone give me a concise list of what all these terms mean? I get confused when I see half these terms because they all seem similar from context clues.

Let's hope Mort never runs a department of insurance. Their risk parameters would change dramatically and probably run companies out of business.

It's painfully obvious Mort's girlfriend has turned him into this. If you go look at his old posts, he's nothing like this.

I actually agree with this as well. He went from 'not caring at all about any of this' to 'crusader for equal justice' seemingly overnight. Some life changing event happened that made him this way.
Yeah, you can be gay, trans, queer, etc. just as long as you are normal and act just like the rest of us.

I don't know how you don't see that as a problem.How can you accuse someone of wanting a response simply because they publicly do something outside the norm.

I've found you to be a bit off on these issues several times, but this is just beyond what I expect of you.

You can be completely heterosexual and be an attention seeking/flamboyant douchebag/douchebagette. TheButt mentioned brodudes (or woogirls) and these are perfect examples. This "I'm just being comfortable/being me" stuff, relative to needing to wear shit that is going to draw a lot of negative attention, looks very tenuously related to "gender" or "sexuality". Total Flamboyance is definitely not a "sexual orientation".

When I look around a classroom, everyone is dressed differently. But very rarely is someone dressed absurdly (kind of by definition). And absurdly can be drag or xtreme bro-duding or PARTYGIRL!!!! or whatever. If someone wants to dress absurdly then fine. But don't bitch about negative reactions or whine about how "sexuality" is being repressed.
I'd like us to take into account that the diversity of individual expression has been steadily increasing since the middle of the last century, when every woman wore blouses, skirts and dresses while men wore suits and ties whenever they went outside. People who dress "flamboyantly" could simply be pushing that spectrum of diversity ever wider until it becomes accepted (viz. loses its shock value).
Re you can't get beaten for wearing a patch vest - last year, in my city we had a case when a few "nazi" fucktards beat the shit out of someone with mohawk. I consider it being the same. They were released without charges and it was all over the media.

These people are problematic. People have opinions and as long as they don't express them in a way that can harm others it's ok I think. To be honest, I quite often laugh at people that are acting weird, but not straight in their face. I know others laugh at me and I don't give a shit, I often laugh at myself too.

Maybe people outside of traditional gender and sexuality classification shouln't be so butthurt and serious. I am 100% sure a lot of them aren't. If they are, it may suggest some different psycholigical problems, not gender and sexuality.
I'd like us to take into account that the diversity of individual expression has been steadily increasing since the middle of the last century, when every woman wore blouses, skirts and dresses while men wore suits and ties whenever they went outside. People who dress "flamboyantly" could simply be pushing that spectrum of diversity ever wider until it becomes accepted (viz. loses its shock value).

Part of the lack of diversity there was a matter of economics. People couldn't afford all that many clothes, and so it made sense to dress towards necessity. You might have a suit and a couple pairs of overalls or something if you were blue collar, or maybe 3 suits if not blue collar.

The 80s might be viewed as "peak absurdity", and now we seem to be oscillating between elegance and bohemia in popular fashion.
You can be completely heterosexual and be an attention seeking/flamboyant douchebag/douchebagette. TheButt mentioned brodudes (or woogirls) and these are perfect examples. This "I'm just being comfortable/being me" stuff, relative to needing to wear shit that is going to draw a lot of negative attention, looks very tenuously related to "gender" or "sexuality". Total Flamboyance is definitely not a "sexual orientation".

When I look around a classroom, everyone is dressed differently. But very rarely is someone dressed absurdly (kind of by definition). And absurdly can be drag or xtreme bro-duding or PARTYGIRL!!!! or whatever. If someone wants to dress absurdly then fine. But don't bitch about negative reactions or whine about how "sexuality" is being repressed.

"Don't dress in revealing clothing if you don't want to get raped"
"Don't dress in drag if you don't want to get your ass beat"
"Don't dress in a manner which you are comfortable doing because someone might find it weird and say shitty things, do shitty things to you"

Yeah, sorry. Fuck you. If you can honestly say you believe what you're saying you need to check your capacity for empathy.
Mort, it's like walking through a bad neighborhood at 3AM. We all agree you should be able to do it but you are taking a risk. Nobody here is saying you deserve it. Nobody.