If Mort Divine ruled the world

Obvious subtle racism is obvious, as well as not accounting for the 50 shades of brown(moar racism!) and many -kins. Obviously only "Neutrois" is real.
Why cant we just classify them all as human and move the fuck along? I could give two shits what someone is sexually attracted to or what gender label they want to label themselves as.

To me, they are a human being and no greater or less than anyone else. Why cant we just leave it there?

Lets keep it simple with that is my vote, not because Im insensitive to other people's gender roles, sexual preferences, labels or whatever else they want to smoosh themselves in, its because it really doesnt fucking matter.

This is basically my opinion. One of my best friends is female and always dated guys. Now she's dating a girl. She doesn't identify herself as lesbian or bisexual. She just likes guys and girls and feels no need to classify herself. I've had similar discussions with my students about this and race. Several have mentioned that by becoming hypersensitive about it, it draws more (negative) attention. I'm of the opinion that whoever you're attracted to is your business. I really don't give a shit who people sleep with. I don't know why it bothers so many people if two dudes are banging or three guys and a girl are in a relationship together. As long as it's all consensual and everybody is an adult, more power to you. Free love and all that shit. Of course, the obvious problem is when people try to legislate what people do in this regard or react violently to something they disagree with or don't understand

Then again, I'm also looking at this from the perspective of somebody living in Long Beach, which is considered a very sexually progressive community. So whatever
Several have mentioned that by becoming hypersensitive about it, it draws more (negative) attention.

I'd like to elaborate on this point. I think the trend of seeking out alternative labels of sexuality is simply a means to seek attention and antagonize others, i.e. the "normal, traditional" sexuality/gender identification, as just that. They construct an Other in order to better define themselves, and since they have nothing else to feel proud about, they (hyper-)focus on sexuality as their defining feature. It's the logical conclusion of the cult of individuality. People seek out new ways to feel special, when all it really does is divide us by creating mutual antagonisms. It also freezes people into arbitrary categories and treats identities as fixed states and innate qualities, rather than socialized phenomena.
I guess I should say that the idea of unity in our society as it is now isn't really desirable - why try to be "one with" a system that demeans, ridicules, silences, and often murders those who do not fit in?

Take trans folk for example. Why should they want to be unified with a society that leads them to disproportionately attempt suicide, be disproportionately murdered, suffer from sexual assault at higher rates than cis individuals, etc.

They should be free to simply be themselves without fear of such things. They need to be able to embrace their identity freely.

After just treatment is the norm for the now disenfranchised then we can focus on unifying, but not until then.
I'm willing to accept gender-as-a-spectrum the way I accept sexuality-as-a-spectrum, as long as we can just stop fucking talking about it. The idea that there are people who don't feel like they are either male or female doesn't really give me too much trouble. I think all this "otherkin" stuff is mostly a joke that people are taking seriously because it's easier to refute than the actual arguments mort is making.
that manner of thought serves to ignore the lived experiences people have as a result of not being part of the majority, simply erases them and tries to force them to latch onto what "everyone else does"

But isn't creating new term for every small difference doing exactly the same?

I fully agree with Zephyrus. I think it's also a way of not accepting/dealing with the problems, but instead putting it as sexuality difference. Now, this may no apply to everyone but I'm sure a lot of genderqueer and -sexual people are actually completely "normal", they just seek attetion.
I don't understand how identifying yourself as a trans person somehow fixes people's perception of you

It shouldn't, but it does often. Gross, unnatural, mentally ill, etc. are all things regularly thrown at trans folk face pretty regularly.

I'm willing to accept gender-as-a-spectrum the way I accept sexuality-as-a-spectrum, as long as we can just stop fucking talking about it. The idea that there are people who don't feel like they are either male or female doesn't really give me too much trouble. I think all this "otherkin" stuff is mostly a joke that people are taking seriously because it's easier to refute than the actual arguments mort is making.

I'm fine with stopping constant talking about it if everyone viewed it the way you do. Gender and sexuality realistically should be wholly personal things that are no big deal, but more too many people find it problematic when someone doesn't fit into their myopic world view so it will continue to be talked about.

But isn't creating new term for every small difference doing exactly the same?

I fully agree with Zephyrus. I think it's also a way of not accepting/dealing with the problems, but instead putting it as sexuality difference. Now, this may no apply to everyone but I'm sure a lot of genderqueer and -sexual people are actually completely "normal", they just seek attetion.

It serves to give people who cannot find a community some place to feel safe and accepted often times. I'm not going to take something away from someone if it helps them get by. Besides, who knows someone better than themselves?
I'd like to elaborate on this point. I think the trend of seeking out alternative labels of sexuality is simply a means to seek attention and antagonize others, i.e. the "normal, traditional" sexuality/gender identification, as just that. They construct an Other in order to better define themselves, and since they have nothing else to feel proud about, they (hyper-)focus on sexuality as their defining feature. It's the logical conclusion of the cult of individuality. People seek out new ways to feel special, when all it really does is divide us by creating mutual antagonisms. It also freezes people into arbitrary categories and treats identities as fixed states and innate qualities, rather than socialized phenomena.

I don't agree with all of this specifically, but I think it gets enough right to "dot" it.
Gender and sexuality realistically should be wholly personal things that are no big deal, but more too many people find it problematic when someone doesn't fit into their myopic world view so it will continue to be talked about.

It serves to give people who cannot find a community some place to feel safe and accepted often times. I'm not going to take something away from someone if it helps them get by. Besides, who knows someone better than themselves?

So is it a personal thing or a social thing?
And by a personal thing I mean it shouldn't matter what someone's sexuality or gender identification is. However, until we reach a point where it is a nonissue it is not simply personal.