If Mort Divine ruled the world

I imagine Mort probably does that to himself for having thoughts that are non-consensual for the "imaginekin" and possibly western cishet in their vulgar binaryness.

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I just don't understand why someone who isnt asexual is with someone who is. I mean you must get aroused by her in some capacity. I definitely don't understand how people cannot enjoy a biological function regardless, but whatever
Toxic brew of chemical castration(and/or the female equivalent) and all the uncertainty pumped into them for the sake of consumerism.
You mistake absence of sexual attraction for lack of pleasure derived from sexual activity

Our relationship is not completely non-sexual. I will not elaborate on that specifically, but I don't mind other questions being asked regarding our relationship.

As for how a sexual individual could be in a relationship with an asexual person? I love her and enjoy being with her, all there really is to it.
On the bright side, embracing these new constructs helps solve the overpopulation problem.

Not really. Fertility levels already aren't replacement level in countries where this stuff is a thing. All the bleedingheartkins better start advocating for Muslim genocide or start having babies (if this confuses anyone, I advocate for the latter), because at the current rates of procreation, the future belongs to the followers of Allah. So much for the Enlightenment.
You mistake absence of sexual attraction for lack of pleasure derived from sexual activity

Our relationship is not completely non-sexual. I will not elaborate on that specifically, but I don't mind other questions being asked regarding our relationship.

As for how a sexual individual could be in a relationship with an asexual person? I love her and enjoy being with her, all there really is to it.

But does she touch your winky? Does she feel bad that she is a weird minority of people that don't enjoy sex at all near the same level as everyone else and take one for the team? And does she resent you for that? Or vice versa, do you sacrifice your interest for sexual pleasure because you like her emotionally and thus resent her forever?

Not really. Fertility levels already aren't replacement level in countries where this stuff is a thing. All the bleedingheartkins better start advocating for Muslim genocide or start having babies (if this confuses anyone, I advocate for the latter), because at the current rates of procreation, the future belongs to the followers of Allah. So much for the Enlightenment.

I don't get your islam reference to birth rates, dak!
But does she touch your winky? Does she feel bad that she is a weird minority of people that don't enjoy sex at all near the same level as everyone else and take one for the team? And does she resent you for that? Or vice versa, do you sacrifice your interest for sexual pleasure because you like her emotionally and thus resent her forever?

When you put it that way, maybe he is a white knight.

I don't get your islam reference to birth rates, dak!

I hope this is sarcasm.
No, I mean that Muslims have babies and mostly no one else does. Now, "westernized" Muslims have less babies than the non-westernized muslims, but still more than non-Muslims. Simple demographic prediction. Frankly I'd just tell my kids that if push came to shove to start praying 6 times a day or whatever it is, since it's all bullshit. But Sharia Law becoming The Law gets conservatives and liberals in an equal tizzy, although they apparently haven't the foggiest on how they contribute to the probability of it being the case. They want to be able to Tweet the solution or watch O'Reilly spin one.
White people need to start having babies again, because North America and Western Europe have negative population growth if you don't include immigration. Any population above replacement level is gaining rapidly on them. Need to bring back that old fashioned Catholic family planning.

All this sexuality labeling stuff seems to be getting to a point where people who feel different are feeling left out on the LGBTQXYZ spectrum, so they have to find a label for what sounds a whole lot like a plain old low sex drive.

Maybe Mort can fill me in. Is there a better label than LGBT(Q) yet? It suggests the exclusion of some people with the current umbrella for the movement, so people just keep trying to append more things to it. Maybe there's a more inclusive title for non-heteronormative advocacy?
I've seen phrases like GSM (Gender and Sexual Minorities) which I like because it is inclusive without having a huge list attached to it
That sounds more reasonable. Then you have the problem of the needs for trans advocacy being a lot different than those for asexual advocacy. It's understandable for there to be an alliance among these groups, but it's easy to imagine divisions too.
GSM is less fuck-you than LDGHFVFJSQTQTQ, but it's also a cellphone tech related acronym so I don't know if that will catch on. How about "Outerkin"?
Demisexual means that an individual experiences sexual attraction exclusively towards those they have a deep emotional bond with

It is a variation of grey a, which means someone who experiences sexual attraction only in limited circumstances

asexuals simply don't experience it at all

Yeah those two labels are the stupidest. Everybody fucking experiences sexual attraction only in limited circumstances. What the fuck.
Yeah those two labels are the stupidest. Everybody fucking experiences sexual attraction only in limited circumstances. What the fuck.

It is just meant to refer to those who kinda fall in between full on sexual and asexual.

Demisexual is a stupid term? How so?