If Mort Divine ruled the world

Isn't/wasn't there any tension because you had to give up something? Or is it so insignificant that you never felt any regrets or some other negative emotion?
Maybe it's because I've been with an asexual partner the last three years, but I don't quite see it as such. These terms aren't wildly over the top and certainly not as ridiculous as other forms of identifying can get (mostly otherkin stuff.)

It gives people a way to form a community with those who are similar to them in a culture that has normalized heterosexual heteroromantic relationships and made all others into something "gross" or "wrong." I don't see how that is a silly thing.

Not everything is going to fit into a western binary view of sexuality and romantic attraction.

It's silly because you can just call a demisexual person someone who isn't kinky. There is a serious sexual identity crisis going around these days.
It is just meant to refer to those who kinda fall in between full on sexual and asexual.

Demisexual is a stupid term? How so?

It's just fancy terms to describe something completely normal. Everybody is somewhere between, and what the fuck is "full on sexual" anyway?? You know that nobody fucks everyone in all circumstances, right? It's made for people who're completely regular but have the retarded fucking need to "IDENTIFY" as something higher. I also need to talk to the person first and make some emotional connection. Everybody does.
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I just don't understand SJW's priorities. I understand that just because things are shit somewhere doesn't mean they can't be better here, or however you want to phrase it, but the completely neurotic and bizarre priorities that these liberals take points towards it all being part of a phony ideology.
Isn't/wasn't there any tension because you had to give up something? Or is it so insignificant that you never felt any regrets or some other negative emotion?

I never really felt I was giving anything up. So no, no negative emotions about anything.

It's painfully obvious Mort's girlfriend has turned him into this. If you go look at his old posts, he's nothing like this.

It's just fancy terms to describe something completely normal. Everybody is somewhere between, and what the fuck is "full on sexual" anyway?? You know that nobody fucks everyone in all circumstances, right? It's made for people who're completely regular but have the retarded fucking need to "IDENTIFY" as something higher. I also need to talk to the person first and make some emotional connection. Everybody does.

Difference between needing to talk and form some small connection before sleeping with someone and needing to form an emotional bond before even feeling sexually attracted.

In my opinion, there are three classifications:

Everything else

Mort can't convince me otherwise. All this shit just popped up in the last year or so and it's all dumb.

What does gender have to do with sexual identities in this case? That was never the discussion.

And even going into gender - so people who don't fit into your neat little male/female binary just are "everything else" and don't get to have their identity represented with a name?

What a joke.
And even going into gender - so people who don't fit into your neat little male/female binary just are "everything else" and don't get to have their identity represented with a name?

What a joke.

How's it better to have 1000 different genders, including the "scary" genders?
It needs to be thought of as a spectrum rather than hard unmoving 'standards'

That just creates more confusion, not less. Also, that chart is racist because it represents genderless as black, suggesting that black people have no real gender since they all look alike; whereas white represents pangender because white folks are entitled to have it all.
Yeah, lets just throw something out because it isn't simple and easy to digest. Fuck anyone who doesn't fit in to the western binary because they make me uncomfortable and its too hard to have to think about.
I feel old and disconnected when I read stuff like that. Asexual, demisexual, pansexual, and probably a thousand different other retarded terms.

I don't want to be left out though so I want my own part of this sexual spectrum...whoever is like me and can only perform on Mondays when the full moon is present while keeping your socks on is welcome to reach out to me. This is very hard on my partner who has a foot fetish, but we have deep bond and can generally express our love with non-sexual touches that makes us feel more connected.
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Why cant we just classify them all as human and move the fuck along? I could give two shits what someone is sexually attracted to or what gender label they want to label themselves as.

To me, they are a human being and no greater or less than anyone else. Why cant we just leave it there?

Lets keep it simple with that is my vote, not because Im insensitive to other people's gender roles, sexual preferences, labels or whatever else they want to smoosh themselves in, its because it really doesnt fucking matter.
I don't want to be left out though so I want my own part of this sexual spectrum...whoever is like me and can only perform on Mondays when the full moon is present while keeping your socks on is welcome to reach out to me. This is very hard on my partner who has a foot fetish, but we have deep bond and can generally express our love with non-sexual touches that makes us feel more connected.

Why cant we just classify them all as human and move the fuck along? I could give two shits what someone is sexually attracted to or what gender label they want to label themselves as.

To me, they are a human being and no greater or less than anyone else. Why cant we just leave it there?

Lets keep it simple with that is my vote, not because Im insensitive to other people's gender roles, sexual preferences, labels or whatever else they want to smoosh themselves in, its because it really doesnt fucking matter.

yeah, of course we are all human, but that doesn't mean any two given individuals have anything more than genetics in common

that manner of thought serves to ignore the lived experiences people have as a result of not being part of the majority, simply erases them and tries to force them to latch onto what "everyone else does"