If Mort Divine ruled the world

faggot is not the same as shemale or tranny, bro. And there is nothing wrong with using the word faggot casually amongst friends ... and to think otherwise is just plain sad.

You guys remember the hockey player the morts of this world tried to crucify for saying his teammates "need to stop playing like girls"? :lol: Is that what you guys want?
There's nothing "wrong" with saying it in private because you're in a context, and participating in a language game, in which that usage is acceptable among the parties involved.

The problem is that using it in common parlance often leads to using it frequently, which means dropping it when you're in public and participating in a language game that you didn't realize you were playing. And then you get in trouble.

And we can say "it's not the same" for any words. Give it one hundred years and "shemale" might be as unnacceptable as "my pals." There's nothing wrong with that; it's just history. And I guarantee it that people one hundred years from now won't be complaining like they are today.
... i really dont care about what you say HBB, because the truth is you would never in your life say something like that to me in person .. and me and you both know that.

Also, hook nosed? Unibrowed? Have you not seen my pics? You must be mistaking me for one of your inbred hillbilly relatives.

@ mort: Like i said, you just love loading words up, it's a trait shared amongst your people. Also, you think i actually give a shit about your "respect"? :lol:

I've only seen the ones of you flexing with your shirt off and back to the camera. You'd make a good power bottom.
There's nothing "wrong" with saying it in private because you're in a context, and participating in a language game, in which that usage is acceptable among the parties involved.

The problem is that using it in common parlance often leads to using it frequently, which means dropping it when you're in public and participating in a language game that you didn't realize you were playing. And then you get in trouble.

Yes but tranny and shemale are words that most of the trannies and shemales use themselves, and trust me i know .. im in southern california, we probably have more trannies and shemales in a few square mile radius than mort or the most of you have even met throughout your lifetime in little white suburbia.
Yes but tranny and shemale are words that most of the trannies and shemales use themselves, and trust me i know .. im in southern california, we probably have more trannies and shemales in a few square mile radius than mort or the most of you have even met throughout your lifetime in little white suburbia.

What kinds of non-white shemales and trannies are we talking about here? I've run across a bunch of white ones and also one or two Asian ones (hard to tell), but have never met a brown or black one. Could I interest you in a trade, perhaps?
Yes but tranny and shemale are words that most of the trannies and shemales use themselves, and trust me i know .. im in southern california, we probably have more trannies and shemales in a few square mile radius than mort or the most of you have even met throughout your lifetime in little white suburbia.

if they desire to use it amongst themselves that is fine, doesn't mean you can
Does anyone else read the title of this thread in Lauryn Hill's voice? I can't read it normally and it's pissing me off.

Also HBB, since when did you become such a keyboard warrior? That Armenian comment was pretty fucked up. Think about the karma next time you rub your semen all over your belly.
Does anyone else read the title of this thread in Lauryn Hill's voice? I can't read it normally and it's pissing me off.

Also HBB, since when did you become such a keyboard warrior? That Armenian comment was pretty fucked up. Think about the karma next time you rub your semen all over your belly.

One million dead and Turkey has been rewarded with a standard of living far exceeding the rest of the Muslim world. I fear nothing.

EDIT: For some reason I'm getting this feeling like I've had a similar conversation here before. In fact, it feels like it's been the third time. This is kind of creepy tbh.
Yes but tranny and shemale are words that most of the trannies and shemales use themselves, and trust me i know .. im in southern california....

Well, sure, but the usage in that context is different. But I'm not interested in getting involved in this debate because nothing that any of us say is going to be an epiphany to the poster it's directed at. That and you're not interested in a philological discussion. I would like to point out, however, the similarity of your argument with "tranny" and "shemale" to that used by some whites with regard to "my pals." Let's see...

Yes but my pals is a word that most of the my pals use themselves, and trust me i know .. im in southern california....

I'm not saying it's an equivalent, but it's certainly comparable and worth consideration. Just curious, because of all of the trans people you live near. Are you an acquaintance of any of them?
my pals is a word that most black people use? :lol: Are you fucking kidding me? Or is it that you think that the use of the word "nigga" is equivalent to my pals?

Just curious, because of all of the trans people you live near. Are you an acquaintance of any of them?
Hardy har har, you so fanny.

You cannot go to Hollywood without seeing or running into trannies bro.... they're all over the place there. West hollywood is like the tranny capitol of the US. You cant even get a proper meal to eat anywhere around there without running into one.

edit: Funny story, a few years ago were were walking down Hollywood Blvd and some big ass tranny asked one of my friends for a cig and when my friend told him to get lost he tried to snatch a cigarette from his ear ... they got into a little tussle and the shemale got laid out, but that big motherfucker had some hands ... my buddy had a nice little shiner for a week or so. :lol: We still fuck around with him to this day ... "you remember when that big ass tranny almost knocked you out" :lol:
my pals is a word that most black people use? :lol: Are you fucking kidding me? Or is it that you think that the use of the word "nigga" is equivalent to my pals?

Again, context. Do you think transsexuals don't use the terms "shemale" and "tranny" to each other in a similar context to that of black people using "nigga" to one another? Also, your distinction of "my pals" and "nigga." Why don't you try using both of these pronunciations in different instances to a random black person on the street and see if their responses are any different? I'd have to bet it won't be.

Hardy har har, you so fanny.

You cannot go to Hollywood without seeing or running into trannies bro.... they're all over the place there. West hollywood is like the tranny capitol of the US. You cant even get a proper meal to eat anywhere around there without running into one.

I didn't ask if you encountered them on the streets. I asked if you were an acquaintance to any of them. I understand that this discussion concerns distinctions and you're not getting the distinction we're discussing, but the distinction between "acquaintance" and "random person" is pretty clear.
Again, context. Do you think transsexuals don't use the terms "shemale" and "tranny" to each other in a similar context to that of black people using "nigga" to one another? Also, your distinction of "my pals" and "nigga." Why don't you try using both of these pronunciations in different instances to a random black person on the street and see if their responses are any different? I'd have to bet it won't be.

Are you serious? Isn't Baltimore supposed to have a pretty large African American community? Because you truly sound fucking clueless. Nigga and my pals are not even in the same ballpark bro. I know plenty and i mean plenty of non black people that use the word nigga around black people, on a everyday fuckin basis bro ... i grew up here in southern cali, minority neighborhoods my whole life, went through the crummy public school system here and trust me when i tell you that just about everyone on the streets uses that term around here. Mexicans, blacks, even fucking asians call each other nigga here on a regular everyday basis and there is absolutely nothing behind the word. I'm pretty sure most of the people from around here will tell you the same. Shit there are even some chicano/latino rappers that use nigga in their rhymes(which i think is fucking lame) and they have tons of black fans.

Like i said, there's nohting behind some of these words. Why make something out of nothing? That's something that has been happening way too much in the last 6+ years. All these people that no one bothered or gave a fuck about in the 90's are coming out like they've been some kind of victims for the past 20 or so years? Are you guys fucking kidding me? Were we living on different continents or what? How many of you guys actually witnessed more fag/tranny bashing or even racial division in the 80s or 90s than you do now? Everything was much more calm back then. It was less socially divided and a lot of this hate that we are witnessing today(race problems included) did not exist back in those times.
Are you serious? Isn't Baltimore supposed to have a pretty large African American community? Because you truly sound fucking clueless. Nigga and my pals are not even in the same ballpark bro. I know plenty and i mean plenty of non black people that use the word nigga around black people, on a everyday fuckin basis bro ... i grew up here in southern cali, minority neighborhoods my whole life, went through the crummy public school system here and trust me when i tell you that just about everyone on the streets uses that term around here. Mexicans, blacks, even fucking asians call each other nigga here on a regular everyday basis and there is absolutely nothing behind the word. I'm pretty sure most of the people from around here will tell you the same. Shit there are even some chicano/latino rappers that use nigga in their rhymes(which i think is fucking lame) and they have tons of black fans.

Like i said, there's nohting behind some of these words. Why make something out of nothing? That's something that has been happening way too much in the last 6+ years. All these people that no one bothered or gave a fuck about in the 90's are coming out like they've been some kind of victims for the past 20 or so years? Are you guys fucking kidding me? Were we living on different continents or what? How many of you guys actually witnessed more fag/tranny bashing or even racial division in the 80s or 90s than you do now? Everything was much more calm back then. It was less socially divided and a lot of this hate that we are witnessing today(race problems included) did not exist back in those times.

Yes, Baltimore has a high black population. And I attend an HBCU with a black population of over 90%, so I know full well that in certain instances of colloquial language, black people use "nigga" to one another. What I'm not talking about are those instances in which people know one another and use certain terms in a specific context. These are people who know one another and know that the term being used is not being used in a derogatory manner. Don't you realize that black people who do not know one another can use the term "nigga" in an effective derogatory manner to one another? Think of it like this: your friends and you will call each other faggots to joke with one another and everybody gets a kick out of it. You enjoy it when your friend jokes that you're a faggot and you like to joke that your friends are faggots. In a different scenario, a random man on the street who is pissed of at you because you bumped into him calls you a faggot and you don't find it very funny in this instance. As a matter of fact, it pisses you off because he's the faggot. I understand that the usage of my pals over time has adopted an alternative usage of endearment in the context in which friendliness promotes endearment, but that's not what the term is when it is used aggressive manner.

Political correctness is a problem, but what you're arguing is not an instance of political correctness gone overboard. It's bigotry. And what you're witnessing today is not some made up problem. It's a confrontation of disenfranchised individuals against institutionalized discrimination. You didn't witness it before because social history isn't an instantaneous process of the oppressed overcoming oppression. It's a very long and drawn out piecemeal process that gives the appearance of ebbs and flows, the ebbs of which you're referring to when you point out the good ol' days before them trannies started complaining and before them blacks started blockin' roads over thems crime infested neighborhoods.
Bro, did you miss the part where i said basically EVERYONE on the streets uses that word around here? I never said that the only people that use that word are friends of one another. Also, again you're relating the word nigga to words like faggot when in reality nigga isnt anywhere near being the loaded word that you're making it out to be. It is everyday slang here that is used by just about everyone. For gods sake, it comes nowhere near having the same meaning as my pals ... It's basically the equivalent of using the word "foo" or "man" around here in most ghetto neighorhoods, not just black ones. It just sounds funny when other people use it, that's like a white boy using the term "ese" when talking to Mexicans or other whites, nothing offensive at all ... just kind of goofy and stupid.

edit: Oh shit, is white boy another soon to be banned term?
Are you serious? Isn't Baltimore supposed to have a pretty large African American community? Because you truly sound fucking clueless. Nigga and my pals are not even in the same ballpark bro.

The distinction between nigga and my pals only exists in rhotic speech. I imagine that most younger African Americans in the West Coast are at least somewhat rhotic in their speech, even if they do have a "black accent"; however, true non-rhotic speakers do not go out of their way to drop the R in my pals - it just comes naturally. Older black folks in the lowland South, however, would likely be more thoroughly non-rhotic in their speech, as that is a feature shared with most traditional white accents in the region.

This R-dropping originates from Britain, where it had become a common in mainstream southern England by the late 18th century. I may be rambling, but there surely more non-rhotic speakers across the pond than in America. So, I find it weird that "nigga" has become a specific marker of African American Vernacular speech.
my pals is a derogatory term, nigga is not. No where near it. It's as simple as that.

And i also find it funny that some of you guys bring up shit like philology and then proceed to argue this with me. To be honest, BO's initial response was pure nonsense. Relating the words shemale and tranny to my pals is already retarded as fuck, but saying that my pals = nigga is beyond retarded and like i said just shows how fucking clueless some of you guys are. You shouldn't be arguing about things that seem to be completely foreign to you. All this does is show that you guys clearly have not spent much time around african americans or even other minorities. I wouldn't be surprised if you guys treated the few black friends you guys claim to have as some sort of endangered species or trophies of some sort.

And im going to stop talking about race with you fools, as it's clear to me that most of you guys have never even spent any time around most of the minorities that you guys love to argue about. It just blows my mind how some of you guys love to sound all pretentious when talking race and shit yet you're so disconnected from the actual subject in real life that it's beyond sad. Just a bunch of keyboard activists who've never seen or experienced any of the shit that they love yapping about.
I've been ignoring all the intelligible posts in this thread and reading tnb being angry. More entertainment value, methinks.