If Mort Divine ruled the world

It might not be the current popular usage due to the prevalence of social democracy in the current mainstream political realm. I won't disagree there, but wouldn't you similarly argue that capitalism is also not defined by the population at large as it is "theoretically" but that doesn't stop libertarians from saying that they desire a true capitalist society?

B. It doesn't so you're not wrong there, so why not go with "progressivism for dummies" as it would be more accurate. You yourself disagreed with the description of Reagan as a conservative due to his ideology not aligning with conservative ideals enough. Why not hold yourself to that same standard here?

No contention here. However, you have been quite vocal in support for progressivism, as is pretty much anyone who supports "socialism" even properly defined as per theory. It's not exactly some huge leap to lump it together.

A. If the workers do not own the means of production, how can they own the results of their labor entirely? Abolish private ownership (nothing to do with ones personal property, no toothbrush strawmans necessary here) and have it owned collectively by the workers otherwise someone else will claim ownership.

The means of production is merely the product of other means of production. And how does that even square with service jobs?

Abolishing private ownership of the "means of production" doesn't even begin to make any sort of nuts and bolts sense. Neither does an attempt to quantify your "product". I work part time in retail at the moment. My job primarily consists of answering questions to the best of my ability (in some cases I may be wrong), cleaning my area, and loading merchandise. What is my product? In what way did I aide in the creation of the "means of production"? What even is the "means of production"?

Even if you could somehow satisfactorily answer the above questions as to what one's "product" is, that doesn't in any way address how one determines what the value of the product is.
A. If the workers do not own the means of production, how can they own the results of their labor entirely? Abolish private ownership (nothing to do with ones personal property, no toothbrush strawmans necessary here) and have it owned collectively by the workers otherwise someone else will claim ownership.

Isn't this what Venezuela has had and now it's a giant shithole slowly falling apart?

Fairly presumptuous on your part then wouldn't you say? You've never been to college but you're absolutely sure you know how it is and how classes are taught.

I'm not sitting here with a crystal ball, people investigate these classes. They take them and then write about what happens in them. Then you have people like Christina Hoff Sommers who used to teach them herself and now has firsthand knowledge as to how they operate. Also you can get your hands on many of the textbooks.

Not exactly rocket science.
The heckling at this event is hilarious. Starts immediately.

This is hilarious, the whole crowd was ready to jump a black student because he was attending a Milo talk. The left has officially repulsed me to the point of no return. If you support these people, the progressive movement and all of this identitarian politics drivel, you're a fucking idiot.

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Barbara Boxer is such an idiot (hyperbole!). However, she does make one telling statement: "Try running for the Senate on your platform." That's what it is all about for these people.

Edit: "Our prosperity, right now, depends on the ignorance of our politicians". Heheh.
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This is hilarious, the whole crowd was ready to jump a black student because he was attending a Milo talk. The left has officially repulsed me to the point of no return. If you support these people, the progressive movement and all of this identitarian politics drivel, you're a fucking idiot

Maybe you wouldn't get so worked up if you didn't watch biased videos all day long
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Maybe you wouldn't get so worked up if you didn't watch biased videos all day long

Maybe you wouldn't say that if you didn't agree with them and most retarded SJW drivel.

Also, how is 3rd party footage showing a crowd running at and threatening a black guy at the door to a Milo event biased? I really want to hear this. It might as well be security cam footage.
Chubster/limpwrist story time?

I'm surprised at how strange those men acted in reading things they didn't see. I also hate how the big girl responded. I don't really get the tactic, maybe they think that those anonymous tweeters will change their ways? Such optimism, i'm jealous.

Jeez Dak, did TB move in with you instead of going to Armenia?
It's weird to call it a distraction when it only helps alienate the republican base and indifferent males on the left. I doubt it took any effort at all to get through..and quite honestly I don't know why Jackson should be on any US Currency.

BTW have you read the 'complaints' against Hamilton?
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If America is best explained as a Puritan-Quaker culture locked in a death-match with a Cavalier-Borderer culture, with all of the appeals to freedom and equality and order and justice being just so many epiphenomena – well, I’m not sure what to do with that information. Push it under the rug? Say “Well, my culture is better, so I intend to do as good a job dominating yours as possible?” Agree that We Are Very Different Yet In The End All The Same And So Must Seek Common Ground? Start researching genetic engineering? Maybe secede? I don’t support Trump any more than I support Osama bin Laden; if somehow Osama ended up being elected President, I would start thinking “Maybe that time we made a country that was 49% people like me and 51% members of the Taliban – maybe that was a bad idea“.

The Obamanation forged the Trumpening, both of which may eventually bring about the Fracturing.

Her glasses is doing something weird to her eyes but that's besides the point. :lol:

So, this actually made me think back to a couple weeks ago. I was going over the constitution which is a very dry topic but if taught in conjunction with current events it's actually fun. We were talking about the bathroom bill and this is actually self contained class so there's 6th 7th and 8th graders (age range from 11-16 years).

So this lady is talking about "micro aggressions" and stuff. But in all honesty everyone has them. While talking about the bathroom bill, I gave my students a scenario to free write on. Something along the lines of "how would you feel if you saw a transgendered person using the same bathroom as you" and many of my students (the 11 year old especially) basically said they'd want to beat them up because "they don't like those people." I mean it also surprised me on how many negative preconceived notions they had on transgendered people too. Like this one girl in the class said she wouldn't want a biological male but now female using the same bathroom because she feels it leads to perversion (obviously not in those words but that's where she was going).

Basically I'm trying to say that everyone has microaggressions, even minorities (including those individuals who it affects the most). Especially when it comes to transgender issues... I mean that shit is embedded in a lot of kids in this community to just be outwardly hateful and ignorant for no reason towards gays. Despite talking and getting two sides of the story I think even if the kids changed their minds a little bit, as soon as they go home and talk about it to their parents whatever their parents/families/communities tell them will stick

Anyways that was a deviation.

Basically I think microaggressions take more of a shape in minority communities than like white communities. I can't imagine a transgendered person walking in my neighborhood without getting harassed. I also think it works with opportunities too.
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I don't have any issue with the assertion that x group is "-ist" over y group, after a fashion. It's well confirmed that people more positively appraise those that are most like themselves. Obviously this would encompass those that look similar by kind and then degree, and then move on to other less obvious differences. Where the contention lies is how much of a problem this very natural and absolutely not-going-away orientation is. When Tranny Mctranface from that video comes in contact with "whitecishetscum", he or she are not much like it/xe/whatever, so there's an immediate, mutual, less-than-positive appraisal. If I walk into a room of people I don't know, am I more likely to walk up to a white guy that appears to conduct himself in a fashion similar to my own, or Lil Jon? There's no compelling ethical framework to suggest any ought to counter the simple is here. What SJWs et al offer is a buttload of feelmongering parrotpoints in the place of anything we might call rational.