If Mort Divine ruled the world

Not only are the borders artificial European constructs, so are all of the complex abstract terminologies and theories with which sociologists construct oppressions, racisms and excuse failure.

How are they excuses? It's a fact that multinational corporations have a massive influence in the developing world. You can either stick your head in the sand and pretend like that's not happening, or you can acknowledge it. If you're gonna stick your head in the sand, then you have nothing to contribute to this conversation.

As for the origins of these post-colonial theories, you are objectively wrong to say they exclusively European constructs as figures such as Edward Said, Franz Fanon, and Paulo Freire, to name a few, have been massively influential on the theories.

A lot of pretty important ideas simply did not exist in African languages. Basically what tended to happen upon decolonization was a return to what had happened before..

This is just plain wrong and no historian would agree with you. The statement is beyond and stupid and the only reason I see you saying it is because you want to believe it. There's no point in arguing against that.
Multinational corporations had huge investment in every developing country. Interestingly, China is the biggest contributor these days and have a different tactic than whitey and not sure its going any better. And the radical appeal to christianity is wacko as well
They tend to perceive black people with greater caution than whites. This inevitably leads to harsher treatment.

Also, police may have killed more whites than blacks; but percentage-wise, blacks have suffered the greater loss.
Sterling's rap sheet is severely damning, and it doesn't really look good for the public discourse. But, I just have to say...

...when you say shit like this, you sound far less intelligent than you actually are.

From our perspective, he looks like a criminal and a "thug." From the perspectives emerging from his community, we get a totally different story. Let's not condemn an individual human based on a paper trail that, as you've already said, a disproportionate number of blacks in neighborhoods like this all have. Sterling wasn't unique. So unless you're advocating a widespread extermination policy of law enforcement toward black men with rap sheets of twenty items or more, I'd say we should save our applause for something other than police brutality.

tl;dr - don't be arg.

Gonna have to pull a "No, you!" on this. He doesn't have a blase "rap sheet of twenty items" and he wasn't "just selling CDs". He was pedophile, with 6 accounts of assault/battery, two weapons charges, and "public intimidation". Most certainly would have been more if he wasn't locked up for long periods of time. Then what is he doing when out, when the cops were called this time? Illegally carrying and another episode of public intimidation and more broadly, almost an exact repeat of the 2009 incident. It's more amazing he hasn't been shot prior to this incident, if not by the police than by one of those other "disproportionate number of blacks in neighborhoods like this".

I'm not saying he is "unique". I'm not saying let's go find every guy with 10+ things on his record or whatever or shoot him. But you have a violent and aggressive man here, who is threatening people, who has attacked people repeatedly in the past, carrying weapons repeatedly he isn't allowed too, and struggling with officers repeatedly. He gets zero benefit of the doubt unless you have an agenda. The world is also objectively better without him. The majority black community he was in was better off without him, even if they don't think so or won't say so.

This isn't Eric Garner selling some loosies. This isn't Philando Castile with a busted taillight and a dimebag. I don't give a shit what his homies are saying. Just like there is a Thin Blue Line, there's a Thin Black Line in such communities - to their own detriment I might add. I highly doubt all those assault and battery charges are against whites.

The narrative you are creating is broken. In most cases, they aren't being handed the reigns "again" because these nations didn't exist prior to colonization. In most cases, a modern African nation is the conglomeration of numerous ethnicities, cultures and religions. The borders are a European product and served European needs. Now, these heterogenous societies are compelled to govern through a modern nation state, typically grounded in external (European) governance systems.

What happened to Diversity is a Strength©? I'm also curious as to what a functioning (certainly modern) alternative to European governance system is. I don't know of any. Even Europeans had the equivalent of totemic chiefdoms or whatever you want to call it if you go back far enough.

Furthermore, via neocolonialism, multinational corporations hold massive sway in many resource rich developing (or should I say "mis-developed") nations. In many cases multi-national corporations have more power than the governments of developing countries. Resources are sucked out of mis-developed countries and imported to developed countries, benefiting an elite minority in the mis-developed country, while devastating the majority. For example, look at the way that sweatshops can come in and exploit a region for its laborers only to leave for another country when a better opportunity arises. Now all those workers are left unemployed and desperate and the economy is broken. At the same time, these companies often function within tax havens and avoid having to give back to the countries they are exploiting. Add in a lack of accountability, a lack of education, disease and lack of basic resources, and you have the perfect recipe for exploitation and a dearth of successful resistance.

The problems is much more the sweatshops leaving than staying, although sometimes sweatshops leave because of dogooders. Colonizers provided education. African nations are often rich in natural resources. China has poured quite a bit of money into the continent in the last decade or so. Some countries are doing better than others though. Wonder why...maybe there are population differences. Now obviously it would, as you said, require more country-by-country detailed analysis, but this whole "ermagerd mutlinationals und muh colonialism" is quite a hamfisted analysis to say the least. Other analyses lay quite a bit of blame on the doorstep of charities, which either dump piles of free goods into a society putting locals out of work, or which merely go to the corrupt warboss in the area.

I like how you list 3 guys who "aren't European" but 2 were educated in either the US or Europe and one of those was American. I'm sure that had no effect whatsoever. 1 guy is all it takes though amirite?

There are no levels to civilization.

There are objective levels of material and arguably levels of ethical achievement, and that is what is usually referred to when referring to levels of civilization.

stats here show unarmed whites and blacks being shot at pretty much the same rate


Which shows a significant amount of restraint by cops considering the proportional liklihood of danger from blacks. Young black males anyway, not all of them.
Well there's violence and there's homicide. The homicide figures are much more skewed to black on black. Those are percentages though, not raw numbers. As there are more whites, there are certainly going to be higher raw numbers.


According to the US Department of Justice, blacks accounted for 52.5% of homicide offenders from 1980 to 2008, with whites 45.3% and "Other" 2.2%. The offending rate for blacks was almost 8 times higher than whites, and the victim rate 6 times higher. Most homicides were intraracial, with 84% of white victims killed by whites, and 93% of black victims killed by blacks.[38][39][40]
When facts and laws don't matter to leadership, eventually they won't matter to the led either. "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law".
So this is the kind of contextless community sobstory bs getting peddled that I was referring to a couple of pages ago:


"Alton was a respected man. He was beloved in the community. He did not deserve the treatment and this excessive force that was exerted on him by the police department," Jordan, the Sterling family attorney, told CNN.
Muflahi, the store owner, said he'd known Sterling for six years and never saw a confrontation between Sterling and anyone. Sterling never got into fights, he said.

He knew him for six years? According to the information I can find, that would mean he met him right before he went to jail:


In 2011, Sterling was sentenced to 5 years of hard labor in the Louisiana prison system concurrent with any other sentence.

Judging by the "failures to register as a sex offender" entries, he was only in jail for ~4 years. So in the yearish he was out he want right back and got another weapon and started selling bootleg stuff again, while failing to follow other simple laws as well. Either way, I guess he didn't get into too many confrontations the store owner would have seen in six years, unless the store owner could see inside the jail from his counter. If he was indeed respected and beloved, we can only imagine what kind of community it is.

Separate note: remember when everyone was all "ermagerd Ray Rice"? Dude didn't have anything on ol Alton.

Edit: Had another thought: What else is this store owner able to really safely say?
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Proof of the latter claim?

stats here show unarmed whites and blacks being shot at pretty much the same rate


Check these links:

http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/...un/01/the-counted-police-killings-us-database (be sure you've selected "per million")


Near the end, the authors write this:

In effect, larger county population size, a higher proportion of black residents in the population, lower median income, and greater disparities in income all appear to be reliably associated with an elevated ratio of police shooting rate against unarmed black individuals relative to unarmed—and even armed—whites.

Gonna have to pull a "No, you!" on this. He doesn't have a blase "rap sheet of twenty items" and he wasn't "just selling CDs". He was pedophile, with 6 accounts of assault/battery, two weapons charges, and "public intimidation". Most certainly would have been more if he wasn't locked up for long periods of time. Then what is he doing when out, when the cops were called this time? Illegally carrying and another episode of public intimidation and more broadly, almost an exact repeat of the 2009 incident. It's more amazing he hasn't been shot prior to this incident, if not by the police than by one of those other "disproportionate number of blacks in neighborhoods like this".

Just a few comments on pedophilia:

He was convicted of having "carnal knowledge of a minor." That doesn't mean he was a pedophile, which is someone attracted to children. In fact, the "child" in this case couldn't have been younger than thirteen, and was probably closer to seventeen. So he had relations with someone under the age of legal consent, despite the fact that consensual sex happens all the time across legal boundaries and happens a lot in certain demographic neighborhoods.

The world is also objectively better without him. The majority black community he was in was better off without him, even if they don't think so or won't say so.

Well, again, pretty stupid thing to claim. If certain people say the world is worse without him, then that kinda throws a wrench right into the gears of "objectivity." :cool:
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He was convicted of having "carnal knowledge of a minor." That doesn't mean he was a pedophile, which is someone attracted to children. In fact, the "child" in this case couldn't have been younger than thirteen, and was probably closer to seventeen. So he had relations with someone under the age of legal consent, despite the fact that consensual sex happens all the time across legal boundaries and happens a lot in certain demographic neighborhoods.

The age I found was 14. If we put the shoe on a white foot, we'd be talking about what a sick fuck instead of some making excuses.

Well, again, pretty stupid thing to claim. If certain people say the world is worse without him, then that kinda throws a wrench right into the gears of "objectivity." :cool:

Domestic abuse victims often think they are worse off without the person beating the shit out of them. I doubt you want to go down that route of justification.

Edit: In response to that Guardian link: Treating all police shootings as unjustified is pretty ridiculous. We've already said the job was impossible, but somehow doing so makes it more impossible. For decades (primarily young male) blacks have committed ~half of the countries homicides, despite being a fraction of the population - at 8 times the rate of the white majority. That doesn't even get into other crimes. That they are only killed in police altercations at a rate little more than doubling white suspects shows, again, a tremendous amount of restraint.
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