If Mort Divine ruled the world

No, they aren't. BLM routinely defends violent thugs and actively tries to destroy the rights of citizens to defend themselves from a violent attack. I'd rank them above the politicians that feed off of their bullshit (e.g. Obama and Hillary), but they're still useless people whose thought processes go no deeper than "Man X was shot, man X was black, therefore it was a bad thing".

Cops are primarily used to generate revenue and enforce the nanny state (war on drugs, war on guns, war on privacy, etc). The Supreme Court has ruled that they have no obligation to protect anyone, and that's generally what happens. They provide extremely unreliable testimony in the court room, and they very rarely arrive at a crime scene prior to its completion. I'm not saying dismantling every police force instantly would be the smart approach, but they could easily be scaled back to becoming glorified taxis for bad people.
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No, they aren't. BLM routinely defends violent thugs and actively tries to destroy the rights of citizens to defend themselves from a violent attack. I'd rank them above the politicians that feed off of their bullshit (e.g. Obama and Hillary), but they're still useless people whose thought processes go no deeper than "Man X was shot, man X was black, therefore it was a bad thing".

Maybe it's your thought process going no deeper than thinking that is their thought process. It's the manner in which the black men were killed that screams racism. Can you honestly say a white man would be shot in his car with his 4 year old while reaching for his wallet, or shot while restrained, by the same cops? Racism exists. There is a need for their movement whether you agree with every facet of what they do or not. I acknowledge the movement is needed, and disagree with some of their methods. Just like I acknowledge police are needed, and disagree with some of their methods.
Can you honestly say a white man would be shot in his car with his 4 year old while reaching for his wallet, or shot while restrained, by the same cops?

This statement right here disgusts me. Dont be so fucking ignorant. They only kill black people. right? Cops never shoot anyone whos skin color isnt black/brown? No? If a cop pulls up to some trashy white trailer park neighborhood, or a latino, Armenian or hispanic neighborhood ... do you think it would have been any different? No, i can guarantee you that it would not. And i can tell you that from experience. There are neighborhoods all over southern cali that dont have a single black person but you better believe that if you make the wrong move, the cops are going to fucking unload on you. For example, if a cop goes up to the Avenues(not a black neighborhood) in LA, and there's a car with 5-6 foos hanging out, and the cop rolls up to them and one reaches in his pocket or tries to punch a fuckin cop, what do you think is going to happen? There is only one correct answer here. And it shouldnt be surprising to anyone ... If it is than it just showcases that said person should not be commenting on things they evidently never experienced, even seen or . Anyway... I'm a minority, lived amongst minorities my whole life ... most of the cops in my cites police department are black, so are most of the judges and most of our mayors have also been black. Most of the people pushing this war on blacks bullshit are either a)riled up african americans or b) (which most of the people here would fall under)sitting on top a hill in some fuckign suburb and have never even come close the experiences such things. And usually the reason that a) is riled up is because of politicians and activists that fall under b).

Cops end up killing people when they feel threatened,.... most of them are twats that were probably bullied or something growing up so im pretty sure that its not hard for such people to feel threatened at the drop of a hat. So if cop walks into a poor neighborhood(which im guessing most of you guys think are only black neighborhoods? Right? Ignorance at its finest), you better believe that he is going to be on his toes. Like i said, some of you guys are clearly separated form whats going on in the actual ghettos/hoods. It's easy to scream "racism" when you've never come close to experiencing it or being around it.

that being said, both of the cops that shot Sterling need to be put to death imo. We never got to see what happened in the Philandro video initially, i didnt see if he tried to reach for his gun or not. He definitely shouldnt have been standing their pointing the gun at him when he was fucking dying. But one thing i did notice was how calm and casual his fuckin cunt of a wife was when he was slouched over and going out. ugh.

It just disgusts me that every time a cop shooting happens the left and their brainwashed lackeys jump on the race card. White people get shot by cops, we dont hear shit http://www.dailywire.com/news/7274/cops-shoot-white-guy-fresno-nobody-pays-attention-hank-berrien ... black guy gets shot by the cops, gets blasted all over the media. truly sad.

that is all.
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Maybe it's your thought process going no deeper than thinking that is their thought process. It's the manner in which the black men were killed that screams racism. Can you honestly say a white man would be shot in his car with his 4 year old while reaching for his wallet, or shot while restrained, by the same cops? Racism exists. There is a need for their movement whether you agree with every facet of what they do or not. I acknowledge the movement is needed, and disagree with some of their methods. Just like I acknowledge police are needed, and disagree with some of their methods.

That particular case is very unfortunate and I fully support murder charges against the cop if it went down the way it was described (and I'm inclined to believe it did, based on his lack of a criminal record and possession of a CCW). Unarmed white people get shot by cops too though. See:


EDIT: TNB beat me with the story above
This statement right here disgusts me. Dont be so fucking ignorant. They only kill black people. right? Cops never shoot anyone whos skin color isnt black/brown? No? If a cop pulls up to some trashy white trailer park neighborhood, or a latino, Armenian or hispanic neighborhood ... do you think it would have been any different? No, i can guarantee you that it would not. And i can tell you that from experience. There are neighborhoods all over southern cali that dont have a single black person but you better believe that if you make the wrong move, the cops are going to fucking unload on you. For example, if a cop goes up to the Avenues(not a black neighborhood) in LA, and there's a car with 5-6 foos hanging out, and the cop rolls up to them and one reaches in his pocket or tries to punch a fuckin cop, what do you think is going to happen? There is only one correct answer here. And it shouldnt be surprising to anyone ... If it is than it just showcases that said person should not be commenting on things they evidently never experienced, even seen or . Anyway... I'm a minority, lived amongst minorities my whole life ... most of the cops in my cites police department are black, so are most of the judges and most of our mayors have also been black. Most of the people pushing this war on blacks bullshit are either a)riled up african americans or b) (which most of the people here would fall under)sitting on top a hill in some fuckign suburb and have never even come close the experiences such things. And usually the reason that a) is riled up is because of politicians and activists that fall under b).

Cops end up killing people when they feel threatened,.... most of them are twats that were probably bullied or something growing up so im pretty sure that its not hard for such people to feel threatened at the drop of a hat. So if cop walks into a poor neighborhood(which im guessing most of you guys think are only black neighborhoods? Right? Ignorance at its finest), you better believe that he is going to be on his toes. Like i said, some of you guys are clearly separated form whats going on in the actual ghettos/hoods. It's easy to scream "racism" when you've never come close to experiencing it or being around it.

that being said, both of the cops that shot Sterling need to be put to death imo. We never got to see what happened in the Philandro video initially, i didnt see if he tried to reach for his gun or not. He definitely shouldnt have been standing their pointing the gun at him when he was fucking dying. But one thing i did notice was how calm and casual his fuckin cunt of a wife was when he was slouched over and going out. ugh.

It just disgust me that every time a cop shooting happens the left and their brainwashed lackeys jump on the race card. White people get shot by cops, we dont hear shit http://www.dailywire.com/news/7274/cops-shoot-white-guy-fresno-nobody-pays-attention-hank-berrien ... black guy gets shot by the cops, gets blasted all over the media.

that is all.

First of all, my son is half black. my ex wife was black. my current girlfriend is black. I grew up white in a majority (70%) hispanic neighborhood. So don't go acting like I haven't seen racism first hand. You're making a lot of fucking assumptions about me and I don't like it. I have every right to be acting like a "riled up african american" here when racism clearly affects those i love, and by association, me.
That particular case is very unfortunate and I fully support murder charges against the cop if it went down the way it was described (and I'm inclined to believe it did, based on his lack of a criminal record and possession of a CCW). Unarmed white people get shot by cops too though. See:


EDIT: TNB beat me with the story above

Yes it happens. However it happens disproportionately to black people. Black Lives Matter is trying to fix that.
Ironically I grew up in a majority black neighborhood and live in one now, and I married a hispanic, and my perspective mostly aligns with TB, except having an issue with the Sterling situation.

Edit: @Baroque I know you're coming in late but I've already offered a very reasonable explanation as to why it happens more, and even pointed out it happens probably less than it should if cops were actually systemically treating them worse than white suspects.
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You dont have an issue with the cops killing him for no good reason? Did you see his hands? They were open most of the time(as in i dont want any problems open) ... even when he was on the ground. They wrestled him to the ground, yelled GUN, shot and killed him while he was in a completely defensive position, and then proceeded to pull a gun out of his pocket. That is all i saw. Those cops definitely need to fry.
The fucking worst response. We need to be working on healing here not opening new wounds.. Eventually there has to be peace, one way or another. Why not now?

It'll just lead to more police being shaky as fuck and perpetuating everything.

Something will give soon and it won't be good..
Proof pls.

For starters, Getting pulled over:

A higher percentage of black drivers (13%) than white (10%) and Hispanic (10%) drivers were stopped by police during 2011.

In 2011, about 68% of black drivers believed police had a legitimate reason for stopping them compared to 84% of white and 74% of Hispanic drivers.

A lower percentage of white drivers stopped by police in 2011 were searched (2%) than black (6%) or Hispanic (7%) drivers.


Use of Force:

Among those who had contact with the police, blacks (3.5%)
were 2.5 times more likely than whites (1.4%) and 1.7 times
more likely than Hispanics (2.1%) to experience the threat
or use of nonfatal force. Blacks (1.6%) were more likely than
whites (0.6%) to experience verbal force. Similarly, a higher
percentage of blacks (1.6%) experienced physical force than
whites (0.7%) or Hispanics (0.9%).



Of reported persons who died during the process of arrest, about 42 percent were white, 32 percent were black/African American and 20 percent were Hispanic or Latino.


^However yes, this is disproportionate as I said, since only 13.2% of the U.S. population is black, while 63% is white.

I don't understand what those percentages are even supposed to represent. 13% of all black people had been stopped by the police on a given year, compared to 10% of all white people? That sounds negligible at best, especially when you consider that at least for certain crimes, blacks commit them at a rate roughly 10 times higher. It can't be 13% of people stopped by police are black compared to 10% of white people and 10% of Hispanics, because then where is the other 67% going (inb4 "female Asian drivers")?

Anything about physical force used by cops during an arrest can be dismissed knowing the disproportionate amount of violence committed by blacks against cops compared to other ethnicities. The number of blacks killed by cops is very proportional to the percentage at which blacks kill cops. I don't deny that there are scared cops out there that fuck up badly (the dude in the car again, the guy running down a stairwell shot by an Asian cop in NY, etc), and that race isn't a partial influence, but the way BLM would make you think, the cops are just the new KKK and it's virtually impossible for a white guy to be shot.
I don't understand what those percentages are even supposed to represent. 13% of all black people had been stopped by the police on a given year, compared to 10% of all white people? That sounds negligible at best, especially when you consider that at least for certain crimes, blacks commit them at a rate roughly 10 times higher. It can't be 13% of people stopped by police are black compared to 10% of white people and 10% of Hispanics, because then where is the other 67% going (inb4 "female Asian drivers")?

Anything about physical force used by cops during an arrest can be dismissed knowing the disproportionate amount of violence committed by blacks against cops compared to other ethnicities. The number of blacks killed by cops is very proportional to the percentage at which blacks kill cops. I don't deny that there are scared cops out there that fuck up badly (the dude in the car again, the guy running down a stairwell shot by an Asian cop in NY, etc), and that race isn't a partial influence, but the way BLM would make you think, the cops are just the new KKK and it's virtually impossible for a white guy to be shot.

Proof pls.