If Mort Divine ruled the world

you made it sound like there was no islamic radicalization until WW2

That's pretty much the case afaik. Islamic nations were gradually becoming Westernized until after WW2. Guys like Nasser publicly mocked the idea of women being kept in veils, the Shah outright persecuted fundamentalist Muslims, Turkey emerged a secular nation, etc.

EDIT: The Shah was of course heavily influenced by Western powers, not the best example there though Mosaddegh was in many ways moderate as well (certainly not a radical Muslim).
nah dude, northern Africa was radicalized against other Muslim sects as well as christianity. I feel like you're ignoring ethnic hatred inside Islam as well
nah dude, northern Africa was radicalized against other Muslim sects as well as christianity. I feel like you're ignoring ethnic hatred inside Islam as well

Northern Africa was more pissed off at European/Christian colonial rule at the time afaik.
EDIT: The Shah was of course heavily influenced by Western powers, not the best example there though Mosaddegh was in many ways moderate as well (certainly not a radical Muslim).

Of course Mosaddegh wasnt a radical muslim. He was first and foremost a Persian. It's just sad that one of the oldest countries/people on this planet had to become "muslimified"/hi-jacked in order to escape from the grip of the west. But it had to be done. And every country should look at the way they handled their NON-VIOLENT revolution. I have so much respect for the Persian people. They are one of the most "forward-thinking" muslim countries on this planet and they couldt give any less of a fuck about what the western countries think about them. And that scares the shit out of the west. Every country in the region should be striving to be like them. They have some of the largest christian and jewish(most outside of the occupied lands of Palestine) populations in the region. There are minority neighborhoods, churches, synagogues etc all over that country. This is all shit that no one out here wants you to hear.

Interesting fact, you guys know muslims cant wear bathing suits at the beach(they dress up like ninjas) .. but yet they have beaches in Iran that are designated for christians, jews etc where they can do as they please. Also, do you guys know they have one of the highest numbers of trannies in that country?
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its that islam was radicalized in africa and the middle east for a long damn time

You are using that term way too loosely. "ANY FORM OF RELIGIOUS VIOLENCE = RADICALIZATION" :lol: If that's the case we can pin that word to Christians(we've slaughtered far more people in the name of jesus than any other religious group), we can pin that word to the people who wrote and followed the talmud, etc.

We can and do pin that word to religious violence. It's just that you're sitting here trying to unpin it from Islam while playing down Islamic terrorism and claiming that Muslims are more peaceful than Christians.

It's a giant clusterfuck of needless bias.
this isnt a dick measuring contest, its that islam was radicalized in africa and the middle east for a long damn time

Are you using radical and radicalized interchangeably? Makes it confusing what you're talking about.
i don't understand the distinction you're trying to make here

To radicalize something is to make it (more) radical. Is your point just to say that fundamentalist Islam operated in Northern Africa and the Middle East? Then duh. So did fundamentalist Christianity for much of the same time period. My point is that the general direction of Islam in the first half of the 20th century was moving in the opposite direction of radicalization. It was gradually becoming moderate and governments of Islamic nations were gradually becoming secular.
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We can and do pin that word to religious violence. It's just that you're sitting here trying to unpin it from Islam while playing down Islamic terrorism and claiming that Muslims are more peaceful than Christians.

It's a giant clusterfuck of needless bias.

Im trying to unpin what? Did i say islam doesn't have radicals? :lol: Or was i trying to explain the main reason why they indeed do have radicals(as do all other religions) today? Maybe you need to go back and re-read what i posted. You guys are making a habit of taking what you want form my posts and just twisting shit up in order to spit out some nonsensical response.

muslims on a whole are far more peaceful than christians. The fact that you're grouping all of them as radicals or terrorist is very telling of where your mindset is at. There are christians committing atrocious, mindboggling crimes against others every second of everyday, but yet we're more peaceful than they are?

Quick question, are there even any muslims out there in australia?
To radicalize something is to make it (more) radical. Is your point just to say that fundamentalist Islam operated in Northern Africa and the Middle East? Then duh. So did fundamentalist Christianity for much of the same time period. My point is that the general direction of Islam in the first half of the 20th century was moving in the opposite direction of radicalization. It was gradually becoming moderate and governments of Islamic nations were gradually becoming secular.

we have oppressed them, and anyone that doesn't see that is a grade A ignorant bigot.
In 2010 our census revealed there are roughly 476,000 Muslims in Australia. Obviously will have increased since 6 years ago.
My good buddy Luq is a Muslim. Indonesia is one of Australia's closest neighbors to boot.

But no, what do they look like? Arabs?

muslims on a whole are far more peaceful than Christians. The fact that you're grouping all of them as radicals or terrorist is very telling of where your mindset is at. There are christians committing atrocious, mindboggling crimes against others every second of everyday, but yet we're more peaceful than they are?

Citation needed.
Is your point just to say that fundamentalist Islam operated in Northern Africa and the Middle East? Then duh.

no, my point is that there were radical and non-radical muslim political movements. that's why radical and radicalized are interchangeable here

So did fundamentalist Christianity for much of the same time period

am I back in high school or something? everyone knows Christianity killed lots of people and was radicalized and politicized for global conquest. why are we acting like "omg i'm saying christianity is just as bad as islam oooooo my god"

My point is that the general direction of Islam in the first half of the 20th century was moving in the opposite direction of radicalization.

yeah i don't think this is true at all. muslim nations have had power vacuums since the fall of the ottoman empire in ww1 and nothing but stabilization is going to de-radicalize any nation
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i keep saying "we" when talking about christians. Just want to make clear to ya'll that i am not a christian. There's not a religious bone in my body

am I back in high school or something? everyone knows Christianity killed lots of people and was radicalized and politicized for global conquest. why are we acting like "omg i'm saying christianity is just as bad as islam oooooo my god"

because you have people like cassette claiming that muslims are radicals, terrorist, baaaayyyde people, but christians arent. :lol: