If Mort Divine ruled the world

literally argued that because women are relegated to the home by their husbands dominance that these women can now undertake in learning how to market and trade their household items or cooking

literally argued that because women are relegated to the home by their husbands dominance that these women can now undertake in learning how to market and trade their household items or cooking


This is the unsurprising result of a movement in perpetual search of a cause. This is even an intersectional development, as some college students want segregated campuses for the good of minorities, and women who accuse immigrant men of rape and sexual assault are xenophobic bigots and/or should modify their behavior to avoid being provocative.
and im doing a group project thing for this Africana conference on saturday and its centered on the pros/cons of Islam/Christianity on the development of Africa and the chicks in my group just argued for moral relativism and that universal laws shouldn't exist

this shit is too much
Morality is relative. That's just how it is. It's purely subjective. And universal laws probably don't exist; but it shouldn't be presented as an ultimatum, i.e. "you can either have feminism, or else there are universal laws." We can be feminists and criticize the way that Islamic women are treated in non-Western countries.

Sounds like it may be a poorly handled class. Sorry.
Morality is relative.

you're being literal when you know the phrase "moral relativism" has a clear meaning, one that sympathizes and allows certain cultures/societies/countries to participate in terrible acts. I would say objectively horrible for some and obviously muddled when you want to add more to the 'list.'

And universal laws probably don't exist; but it shouldn't be presented as an ultimatum

not entirely or generally, but there are certain issues where IMO you cannot claim to be a 'feminist' while also supporting an anti-woman position. One position that I argued is that women should, universally, be allowed to any amount of sexual freedom they desire.

Sounds like it may be a poorly handled class. Sorry.

I can just see the conflict in our prof's eyes. Born and raised in Nigeria and a christian and he married a white woman, one I suspect is an anthropologist. But today was so ridiculous and, apparently, only me and another hetero white male (har har) are perplexed by the audacity of the information.

I even told him after class the way he presented the information was disingenuous and overly sympathetic in response to generalizations from Westerners in the 20th and 21st centuries. Didn't seem to happy about that, and he tried to tell me this one islamic region in Nigeria cared about domestic violence/criminalities against women in the home more than any place on Earth and I was just like "bruhhhhhhhhh they would literally be the only society on Earth to ever do this"
you're being literal when you know the phrase "moral relativism" has a clear meaning, one that sympathizes and allows certain cultures/societies/countries to participate in terrible acts. I would say objectively horrible for some and obviously muddled when you want to add more to the 'list.'

Cultural relativism =/= moral relativism.

And how is moral relativism to be taken if not literally? It literally means that morality is not objective; and that's probably true.

not entirely or generally, but there are certain issues where IMO you cannot claim to be a 'feminist' while also supporting an anti-woman position. One position that I argued is that women should, universally, be allowed to any amount of sexual freedom they desire.

I think there are certain times when that's true, it just can't be construed as a universal.
We can be feminists and criticize the way that Islamic women are treated in non-Western countries.

Obviously one can, but there's nothing that indicates that as the correct or eventually generally likely opinion. Progressive movements, insofar as they have any mass, are quite un-tethered. It's a witch hunt in search of witches, and preferably new exciting witches (cause old witches are so like, not the current year). Of course, we know from fashion and other areas that "new" is relative, and sometimes what used to be out is now in.
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Stealing is definitely relative. Murder is the wrong word since it literally means illegal killing. Rape, yeah tough there to find instances of "good rape" lol
even the worst acts can seem righteous given the right contextual framework. re: rape, how about a situation where a woman revenge-rapes her rapist? could totally see an audience cheering that in a movie.
Look at CASSETTEISGOD's cousins slightly to the north and their practices of pederasty as a cultural norm. In any modern Western society that would be considered rape (though obviously our racially superior ancestors were cool with it as well a couple thousand years back).