If Mort Divine ruled the world

the sad thing is this policy is going to happen, since USWMNT apparently have a similar deal and Canadian ladies hockey team. I can't imagine how far are we as a society going to entertain female sports? Why isn't it enough at the collegiate level? bleh
This is only going to keep escalating.

What I'm always confused by with Americans especially on the left is, why do they never seem to understand the concept of being allowed to film in public areas?

Edit: they're wearing brown shirts... :rofl:
I had a feminist moment today. This slick fuckin salesguy at my work walked by and said 'Smile!' And the most polite thing I could muster back was 'Yeah I just have one of them faces'. Which is true, I have resting sadmad face.

I have never heard a dude complain of the same indignity, maybe it doesn't piss you people off as much.
Maybe it's just because I don't fuckin like the guy.That's the root of all feminazi right there. They didn't fuckin like a guy, and now it's a national crisis over something that occurred once.
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I've always had a terrible, dorky smile so I tend not to do it and just kinda smirk instead. In 6th grade we were having our photos taken for our school IDs, and I attempted a proper smile since that's what we were supposed to do. The photographer told me to knock it off or she'd tell a teacher (she thought I was intentionally making a stupid face). You know that photo of the awkward looking middle-aged white business guy captioned "Yes, I have a lizard up my asshole" or something like that? That's how I smile. My lips don't move properly, they just sort of stretch into a constricted oval around my teeth. I ended up not smiling at all for the picture.

Since then I've had literally dozens of people comment on the fact that I never smile. Every once in a while (mostly happened when teaching) something would catch me off guard and I'd manage one, and the usual comment wasn't that I had a nice smile so much as that I had nice teeth, and people previously assumed I had bad ones I guess.
Maybe it's just because I don't fuckin like the guy.That's the root of all feminazi right there. They didn't fuckin like a guy, and now it's a national crisis over something that occurred once.

There's a 2 panel comic I saw once on the webz that nailed this phenomenon but I can't find it for the life of me. Basically shows a handsome guy telling this women "Hey looking good" and the boxed title on the panel is "Appropriate" and the next panel is some fat, pimply dude saying the same thing and she's trying to call HR and the boxed title is "Inappropriate".
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I've been told to smile before. Didn't really think about it again until you brought it up :p
I had a feminist moment today. This slick fuckin salesguy at my work walked by and said 'Smile!' And the most polite thing I could muster back was 'Yeah I just have one of them faces'. Which is true, I have resting sadmad face.

I have never heard a dude complain of the same indignity, maybe it doesn't piss you people off as much.
I started noticing that too on the local news facebook feed here. The college I go to had some shitty weather right before spring break and students were like "ya, maybe it shoulda got cancelled" (~18 inches of snow over 24 hrs, no ploughing. I drove in it, was pretty gay)

and half the feed was "fucking snowflakes, maybe Obama shoulda drove for you"

it's like damn bruh
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just sat through an hour lecture about how veiling women and forcing them to be domesticated was empowering in African societies

so triggered