If Mort Divine ruled the world


(article about a youth female soccer team beating boys in Spain)

These young women demonstrate that when females are given the same opportunities, the same resources, and the same encouragement as males, then they can achieve similar results. And this is a lesson not just for sport but for all domains. Unless we overcome archaic attitudes, unequal resource distribution, and unfairly imposed barriers, then we will never achieve gender equality.

:lol: :lol:

or just only compete against boys before they hit puberty

I hope this weasel faggot is arrested.

damn this is great. just good youtube content
The way /pol/ tracked him down was very impressive, hackers should become bounty hunters.

Netflix appears to have removed a segment from a 1996 episode of Bill Nye the Science Guy that attributes biological sex to chromosomes.
Netflix has yet to clarify the reason for the edit, but it was likely made due to Nye embracing gender fluidity on his new Netflix show, Bill Nye Saves the World, a position that could stand at odds with this original lesson.

"Embracing" like he's converting to a new faith. :lol:

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The people who don’t have coherent opinions on Muslim immigration are the so-called reasonable people in the middle. It is nonsense to argue about whether our Muslim immigration policies are good or bad without the benefit of knowing where the tipping point is, if such a thing even exists. My guess is that the pro-immigration people and the anti-immigration people would agree we shouldn’t go past the tipping point. But if neither side knows where the tipping point is, you can’t call the opinion on either side sensible.

So that’s where we are on this issue: The extremists on both sides are repugnant and/or stupid. But they are the only ones with policy preferences that are rational – based on their priorities of course, not yours. The so-called sensible people in the middle (including me) have opinions that are effectively nonsense because we don’t know where the tipping point is.
hmm, i'm not sure the pro-cheap-labor side has a tipping point. is there one? how massive would that influx of immigrants have to be to cause harm via taxation?
Anyone else "headscratching" over the Russophobia from the Diversity & Love crowd combined with the total lack of concern over the confirmed compromised confidential Hillary email server vs the uproar over the alleged classified ISIS info diverged to another anti-ISIS country (Russia)?

And the Democratic Party prides itself on rationality. At least the Republicans are accidentally right twice a day.
White immigrants and foreigners have never really held much of a place in the pantheon of pearl-clutching and virture-signalling within the progressive left movement.

Virtue Signaling white progressives are NIMBYS as soon as true Diversity threatens. They only accept SWPL assimilating high IQ Others, and never move to areas which radiate the Vibrancy which they wish on everyone else. They are the ultimate social/cultural hypocrites. At least Bubba is honest.
I read it. It's an interesting human interest story and an insight into how slavery isn't purely colonial, and an anecdotal insight into how individual psychology and social roles interplay. What it isn't is any sort of SJW ammo.

Yet, Murray is excoriated by both the expectedly ignorant, privileged, acting-out, and mostly white, rich kids at Berkeley, as well as their grandparents in Congressional hearings. I know I've yet to encounter any empirical evidence to irrefutably disprove the genetic aspects of intelligence, to include broad, general differences which can be categorized "racially". I put race in scare-quotes not because race doesn't exist, but because it isn't so generally set as some simpleton bigots like to think. This is what writers like Chanda Chisala submit and I think they provide, at least prima facie, reasonably articulated and empirically-backed arguments.