If Mort Divine ruled the world

I have to admit that it does make me smile inwardly when I hear women bitching about men in public. Like on time at In-N-Out where two women probably in their early 30s, certainly starting to age a bit, were ranting about exes and one of them keeps going on about what an asshole he was but how much she still misses him and "YOU SAID IT WOULD LAST FOREVER" and how at least they can now hit up the clubs.


I think a more fitting name for that superhero would be Straw Man.
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The unfortunate thing is that in the first two examples, the guy that slapped the woman was initially charged with assault until the video proved he didn't start the fight, and the bus driver lost his job and was also charged with assault. It will be a long time until female privilege ends in the court rooms.
It's a good thing that Morts are currently anti gun because that's all that is in between them and full blown ISIS status. Won't be much longer before the lid blows off this violent extremism.
So because i'm (probably) taller and heavier than you, if I tell you angrily to "Shut the fuck up" then i'm intimidating you and thus causing assault?

If that causes a reasonable expectation of physical violence, yes. Uneven power balances often rest on the ability for one to exert oneself over another through force of some kind.

Different situation than the masturbating because there is no inherent difference in power between two men on a social level.

There is with men and women.
A basic bitch acquaintance sent me this article awhile back when I first got with my dude. Pretty sure basic bitches are the biggest misogynists on the planet.


....and don't forget to let him bang other people. After all, he comes home to YOU, and that's what really matters!
Not all threats are considered assault. To rise to the level of an actionable offense (in which the plaintiff may file suit), two main elements must be present:

- The act was intended to cause apprehension of harmful or offensive contact; and
- The act indeed caused apprehension in the victim that harmful or offensive contact would occur.