If Mort Divine ruled the world

Mort, what do you mean when you say "inherent?" Obviously, you focused on a particular aspect of its meaning when you stated it, hence your italics. Generally, I agree with you on these topics, but I may disagree with you on this particular argument. It sounds to me like it's a Hobbesian "In Nature" argument, which is far too easy to break apart with particularities, i.e. race, class, social distinction, etc., to sustain as a valid argument. In nature, these particularities aren't factors, but they are in our stratified, complicated world. I'm not disagreeing with you generally, just particularly.

by inherent i meant inherent within patriarchal society
Actually, this is a major point among politically-minded intellectuals. Some claim that the race/gender discussion does distract from economic disparity, while others claim that race and gender are inextricable from economic disparity.

If you're interested, there's a book on the former issue (the distraction from economic matters by racial identity politics) by a very reputable literary critic, Walter Benn Michaels:


My library has it, thanks Ein.
I always thought the title was "If Mort Divine ruled the world". Was it always missing the l?

Was it rued the world or ruled the word? I missed it.

EDIT: Actually, the "if" makes it obvious that it was the latter so nvm

I can relate to some extent. I always feel super awkward for the first couple of weeks in the class room. Then I get used to it. The real problem is the actual racism that the article delved into later. I agree that a curriculum should involve some sort of course on minorities and women, such as women's history and a course on the idea of race and its consequences. A required course on white privilege is a stupid idea and would become a laughing stock to many of the white students. And non-Western history is pointless to learn unless you're going to specialize in the field.
I went full retard and went to a campus that was pretty much the "anti-white male" capital of Western Europe. Anyway, all I ever got was angry people trying to burn a whole through my back with their glares. Whatever. I'm quite opinionated about this and I've read a lot into it and I'm not all that interested in hearing any more about what liberals think, unless they're within a position of authority and I'm examining it to see what's really happening behind the scenes. Basically all of this stuff is shit and it's being done for bad reasons.
Minorities segregate themselves a lot of the time because they dislike anglo-saxon values, aspects of polite society and the power of the white male.

Everything in life is about value systems. It's very, very hard for people who aren't white males to command respect in a kind of unspoken way within white majority settings. A lot of them get fucked up about that, especially people from macho / honour cultures. They have to be polite and submit to the white male in order to be middle class and it makes them feel kind of gay.

Anyway though, because, as I stated, everything is about value systems and there is always a multitude of those wherever you have tolerance and liberalism, there is no real solution to this "problem" except to say deal with it.

In b4 endless social science neologisms and a kind of bizarre perverse Christian puritan / quaker inspired cultural self-flagellation bdsm session.
Killing off those who keep that rigid system of 'values' in tact might be a way to deal with it.

White supremacy is going to die a violent death some day.
This is the thing, you guys are too fixated on the specific nature of the value system. When wasn't there one?
This is the thing, you guys are too fixated on the specific nature of the value system. When wasn't there one?

There always has been one - but the problem with the one you support is it actively holds down anyone who isn't a white male.

It has no place in the world.

EDIT: So you think whites are going to be in control of this world forever? and if so that they will willingly give it up?
There always has been one - but the problem with the one you support is it actively holds down anyone who isn't a white male.

Depends how you define actively. In most cases probably much less so than none Ashkenazi Jews and definitely arabs in Israel are "held down". Probably also a lot less than none Muslims in a lot of the Muslim world, none Han in China, various religious communities in the "wrong" district of India, the underclass and none white minorities in Japan, none Buddhists in Sri Lanka, Muslims in Myanmar.

There major problems I see for none whites in the US involve different treatment under the legal system. The problem I see with addressing this is that it actually seems quite "normal" or "natural" that that would be the case. Why? Think about class. How do you judge someone depending on whether they're in a tweed suit and being driven in a rolls royce and how do you judge them if they've got their face stuck out of the window of a 1990 corrola with "nothing to prove" stuck over the window?

Basically, as there is no forceful, coercive cultural agent that will make us all the same, in a USA kind of society, it's inevitable that there will be cultural difference.
It has no place in the world.

EDIT: So you think whites are going to be in control of this world forever? and if so that they will willingly give it up?

Well, how do you think things should be? The way I see it, the left just hide behind neologisms and fabled bad guys and misdeeds.

Give it up willingly? Well the way they're trying to get the whites to "give it up" is through a kind of cultural subversion in which being racist marks you out as working class and rough. I really don't see that leading to a value free society or even an end to "white culture" though. It just leads towards semi neurotic white hipsters who may move into ghettos to be all hip but couldn't exactly "fit in" in some tribe in Sub Saharan Africa and probably have even less in common with the average working class minority than red necks have.
There always has been one - but the problem with the one you support is it actively holds down anyone who isn't a white male.

It has no place in the world.

EDIT: So you think whites are going to be in control of this world forever? and if so that they will willingly give it up?

What makes you think whites are in control of the world? Who do you think controls China?
Asians aren't generally seen as oppressed in the United States so mort most likely files them under white people.
But creepy white men objectify Asian women and desire them in hopes of a submissive wife! That's the same thing as slavery!