If Mort Divine ruled the world

If "white supremacy" is gonna die one day, what makes you think whoever will replace them is gonna last and not "die a violent death" when white supremacy is gonna try to take over again? Let's just kill each other, it's way better than be "horribly oppresed".

If you think it's better, you're an idiot.
The world has never given transgendered omnisexual Inuits a shot at the throne. They're the benevolent rulers we need, and deserve.
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There are at least two more realistic and nuanced ways of looking at "white supremacy" than what Mort is offering up.

#1. White supremacy is already dead. China has passed the US in PP, Europe and the US remain inept in terms of both domestic and foreign policy, and much of the world that at least went along with the US hegemon is slowly pulling away.

#2. "White supremacy" will live on indefinitely, as the struggle is actually by "class", and the elite whites and elite of every other race will continue to make out like bandits while riling up the Morts and the Fergusites as needed to keep the underkin tearing at each other.

Re Krow: I'd guess you're whi-I mean right. :cool:

The funny thing is Mort is 10x more likely to die due to his position than say, the Koch brothers #Superscaredface.

Lynch was one of the originators of that style ... and he's also been around since the early 90's, you clueless skeezbag. And his shit is more focused on horror, not "wife beat- woman hate" shit. Eminem was still a nobody when Lynch was innovating "horrorcore". "Style of your own" ... lol, clueless.

Only reasons i posted that track was because i want you to shut the fuck up and sit in that corner, bitch.

My faith in you has been partially restored.

Lynch rules, YungVoid can get fucked basically
well for one, no person in the world is "transgendered" because transgender is not a verb that can be done to someone. Two, outside of jokes like this I dont think the word "omnisexual" is ever used, and though I have limited knowledge of arctic native tribes I get the feeling the word "Inuit" shouldnt just be thrown around willy nilly. So its not that I have anything against a transgender pansexual of any native tribe, I take issue with your "humorous" conception of one.
also dude just want to say you liking Trailer Park Boys makes me like the show a lot less, and its a shame because its one of my favorite shows ever and I hate associating it with this website and you in any fashion
I don't pity those who have the luxury to waste time worrying how their sexuality, gender, lack of, or excess in either is perceived. Fuckin children. Its like high school, when everyone was super concerned about the specific wording to express their philosophical values. Shut the hell up and go make some money.
Its like high school, when everyone was super concerned about the specific wording to express their philosophical values.

a) High school is nothing like that.

b) I wish high school was like that.

c) I don't pity those who have the luxury to waste time complaining on the internet about those who have the luxury to waste time complaining on the internet. Shut the hell up and go make some money.
The luxury? Are you kidding me?

Transgender individuals are more likely to be homeless than cisgender individuals, face much greater workplace discrimination, housing discrimination, and deal with disproportionate murder rates and suicide rates.
The luxury? Are you kidding me?

Transgender individuals are more likely to be homeless than cisgender individuals, face much greater workplace discrimination, housing discrimination, and deal with disproportionate murder rates and suicide rates.

Have you read Clive Barker's 'Dread'? That's what I'm saying in a nutshell. An extreme example but maybe you'll get it.

Ein, stop being an angry vag, I wasn't asking for pity.