If Mort Divine ruled the world

how is that "slam" even relevant to the topic? The potency of the social systems has little to do with the whiteness of its constituents, and demonizing brown people doesnt make your point any stronger and in fact evades the question.

Like for fucks sake theres a false equivalency being made here between being right and having strong arguing skills, chica obviously has little experience yelling over a dude who thinks he's right just because he's being louder. Did you notice the puffed up posture and the raised volume? Legit aggro cause this dude cant handle a dissenting opinion so much that he's gotta peacock all over the motherfucker and steamroll the discussion to avoid confronting anything that challenges his worldview of white supremacy.

Also come on anyone who puts all that MLG shit over top the video is doing it as joke, you guys know that how you gonna pretend like the video isnt intended as humor just to do the same damn posturing? Fucked up
it's very, very hard to wake up liberals to reality. almost impossible a lot of the time, a lot of their underlying beliefs originate in forms of Christianity.
it's very, very hard to wake up liberals to reality. almost impossible a lot of the time, a lot of their underlying beliefs originate in forms of Christianity.


And 'hurr liberals are idiots' claims that imply that 'non-liberals' are somehow better are fucking bollocks.

What the fuck do you even mean by 'reality'?

The 'liberals' that people like you bitch about piss me off too, but those that love to oppose themselves to them are even fucking worse.
how is that "slam" even relevant to the topic? The potency of the social systems has little to do with the whiteness of its constituents, and demonizing brown people doesnt make your point any stronger and in fact evades the question.

Like for fucks sake theres a false equivalency being made here between being right and having strong arguing skills, chica obviously has little experience yelling over a dude who thinks he's right just because he's being louder. Did you notice the puffed up posture and the raised volume? Legit aggro cause this dude cant handle a dissenting opinion so much that he's gotta peacock all over the motherfucker and steamroll the discussion to avoid confronting anything that challenges his worldview of white supremacy.

Also come on anyone who puts all that MLG shit over top the video is doing it as joke, you guys know that how you gonna pretend like the video isnt intended as humor just to do the same damn posturing? Fucked up

I think the point is more that you can't say mostly-white-European-country-X is better at accepting more cultures when they are in fact more homogenous and do not have large minority populations to begin with. There are exceptions, of course (Sweden an obvious one where Muslim immigrants are overrepresented in crimes), but there's also nationalist backlash in many of those countries as well.

And 'hurr liberals are idiots' claims that imply that 'non-liberals' are somehow better are fucking bollocks.

What the fuck do you even mean by 'reality'?

The 'liberals' that people like you bitch about piss me off too, but those that love to oppose themselves to them are even fucking worse.

Well, I think that video shows examples of irrational and magical thinking involved in some liberalism, especially regarding social justice and opposing an apparently endless white racism. If people feel what they're doing is pious they may be a bit blase about evidence against that.

The reality is what I outlined earlier in this thread. Basically, "by definition" nothing "good" can come about from the deconstruction of the white male and western civilization. Good implies a ranking according to a value system, but no replacement value system has been specified. You could say, we have to have a world caliphate and then try and argue how it would be better, but saying shit like, we need to subvert white dominance, we need to break down this, break down that... Leading to what? To benefit whom? As directed by whom? Want a world government? Describe it then.
I think East Asia could be argued to have a superior system (far lower crime, strong economies in short periods of time), although Japan is arguably the most racist first-world country in existence, so you'd just be replacing a white male dominated system with a yellow male one. The main thing to learn is that third-world shitholes are shitty for a reason, and no first-world country should ever try to accommodate or accept their values.
The irony is that if liberals get their wishes and if you have kids, you may as well go ahead and convert to Islam for their benefit. There doesn't even have to be a war, simple demographic assimilation and triumph of an ideology with piety in reproduction and subduing non-believers. Liberalism is imperialistic and reproductively impotent. When it runs out of assimilable external targets (and I think the GWoT and Asian Capitalism have demonstrated the external limits), it will rapidly consume itself, and bring everything it can down in the process. The US was the first to use nuclear weapons, and I wouldn't be surprised if a SJW would rather nuke the earth as the last use, than even imagine failure. God forbid if a Miss Scholl ever got access to that power.
The irony is that if liberals get their wishes and if you have kids, you may as well go ahead and convert to Islam for their benefit. There doesn't even have to be a war, simple demographic assimilation and triumph of an ideology with piety in reproduction and subduing non-believers. Liberalism is imperialistic and reproductively impotent. When it runs out of assimilable external targets (and I think the GWoT and Asian Capitalism have demonstrated the external limits), it will rapidly consume itself, and bring everything it can down in the process. The US was the first to use nuclear weapons, and I wouldn't be surprised if a SJW would rather nuke the earth as the last use, than even imagine failure. God forbid if a Miss Scholl ever got access to that power.

The irony is that if liberals get their wishes and if you have kids, you may as well go ahead and convert to Islam for their benefit. There doesn't even have to be a war, simple demographic assimilation and triumph of an ideology with piety in reproduction and subduing non-believers. Liberalism is imperialistic and reproductively impotent. When it runs out of assimilable external targets (and I think the GWoT and Asian Capitalism have demonstrated the external limits), it will rapidly consume itself, and bring everything it can down in the process. The US was the first to use nuclear weapons, and I wouldn't be surprised if a SJW would rather nuke the earth as the last use, than even imagine failure. God forbid if a Miss Scholl ever got access to that power.

way tl;dr
It isn't exactly long.

I wonder about what the consequences of nuclear weaponry are for international relations sometimes. Pakistan has nuclear weapons, but it's the only Muslim country that does. I think it's the only country that doesn't have a no first use policy, bar maybe Israel. I just wonder how exactly nations conduct their politics, especially in regard to diaspora. Would Pakistan threaten nuclear attack against a country that wanted to deport its Pakistani population? I seem to vaguely remember South Africa "threatening" world war 3 because some female black South African athlete was deemed to be intersex and then possibly inapplicable for entry. I know there was that UN declaration on the elimination of all forms of racism, I suppose that was heavily pressured for by the newly independent former colonies. They were mostly trading with Rhodesia right up to the end of the war though, as was the Eastern Block / Communist Eastern Europe. It's weird. I don't know how good states are at acting as representative of global ethnic groups.