If Mort Divine ruled the world

An hour or so later (and I am not bullshitting)I'm applying flea medication to a dog and rubbing it into the dogs skin and this same person forcefully grabs my wrist and hand and yells at me like a child to stop. This is all non sense I know but some females or people for that matter really don't fucking understand logic and/or ethics blah fucking blah blah

Why'd she tell you to stop that? Seems like you were doing your job.
Well, she did get an older black man on camera with her and said that he was her father.

People refer to people who are not their biological parents as their parents quite commonly. Was it some random person? Also, it seems quite apparent she is dealing with some transracialphobia fears, and it is not unusual for trans people to hide either hide the desire to transform or hide the fact that they have transformed after the fact, until they feel comfortable having that discussion. The "outing" of a trans person is just out of pure spite.
She also claimed that her adopted siblings were her children or something. Her parents are real assholes for outing her like that though, I see why she hates them lol.
Maybe she lied because of the societal pressures of those 'transracial' people Dak has referred to. I really have a hard time seeing the difference in this and gender issues.
What the fuck is transracial? Why isn't it okay to change your race when it's okay to label yourself whatever you want in terms of gender or change it on a whim?
If she was actually just trolling people and is really a conservative I'm going to need medical assistance with my laughing.
Mathiäs;11016480 said:
She also claimed that her adopted siblings were her children or something. Her parents are real assholes for outing her like that though, I see why she hates them lol.

Apparently she accused her parents of abuse to gain custody of one of her adopted black siblings, so if that abuse was made up (she seems like a compulsive lying type) I think the parents are justified to say anything.
Get out of here you fuck.

Brilliant show my good man.

Mathiäs;11016480 said:
She also claimed that her adopted siblings were her children or something. Her parents are real assholes for outing her like that though, I see why she hates them lol.

Apparently she accused her parents of abuse to gain custody of one of her adopted black siblings, so if that abuse was made up (she seems like a compulsive lying type) I think the parents are justified to say anything.

What it sounds like to me is a strong black woman escaped abusive relationships, is fighting the white patriarchy and trying to benefit her people as well as more broadly the people of her community, and some white people are trying to shut that shit down by claiming shes just lying about all of it. Maybe one or more of her claims is false - but so what? White people have been lying about everything for years and getting away with it while minorities get hammered for every little discrepancy. Time to talk about equality in passing judgment, never mind the victim blaming and auto-doubting of women. This is why males are always getting away with rape.

If she was actually just trolling people and is really a conservative I'm going to need medical assistance with my laughing.

That's pretty unlikely.
What the fuck is transracial? Why isn't it okay to change your race when it's okay to label yourself whatever you want in terms of gender or change it on a whim?

I saw an article talking about people that are "transabled" ie people who have purposely FUCKING DISFIGURED THEIR BODIES because of some body dismorphia disorders. Why can't we just say these people are sick? You're mentally damaged if you see a limb on your body and want rid of it.
I wouldn't say they are sick, but mentally unstable I'll agree with. 'Transable' is a bullshit term. You shouldn't get any special treatment for disfiguring yourself unless it's psychiatric help.
Transable :lol:

I mean, I've heard of crazy people having healthy limbs removed before, but I never thought about the trans implications of that. Seriously good stuff there.
Transabled is such a dumb term, but there are very rare condtions where people can feel as if a limb does not belong to them or is "wrong" and want it removed. Kinda like phantom limb syndrome in reverse.
The question is, do we support their right to remove a limb or do we treat them medically?
Many will argue that such a desire means you're not in a state of mind to make the decision in the first place.
Same with the suicidal wanting to die, philosophically I support the individual's right to no longer exist, but the desire to die is generally considered irrational.
Didn't say it was, I'm saying a suicidal state of mind is, doesn't mean there aren't plenty of situations wherein suicide could be a rational choice.