If Mort Divine ruled the world

I used to enjoy Joe Rogan, but after he debated with Neil DeGrasse Tyson about the moon landing yet to this day still questions it, I've found him irritating, his stand-up is still good though.
Mathiäs;11016270 said:
The furor isn't that she's white, it's that she's been lying about her race and allegedly benefiting from it this entire time. There's plenty of white people involved in the NAACP.

She also sued the historically black college she went to because they found out she lied and took away her scholarship. The whole transgendered versus transracial debate that came from this story and Caitlyn Jenner isn't really comparable to be honest. One blatantly lied about who they were and benefitted while the other didn't. Someone doesn't have to be a member of a race to appreciate its culture and identify with it. Culture is not genetic, it's learned. Equating her lie to being transgendered is offensive to that community, to be honest.

Gender identity is a fundamental aspect who you are. Racial identity does not always have to be because that's a product of culture and society. In other words, being black (or any race for that matter) doesn't determine personality characteristics or anything about a specific person.

It makes sense that someone can know inside what their gender is, but to me, it doesn't make sense that someone knows inside what their race is. What does it mean to be black? What does it mean to be white? Besides melanin levels... That's a really impossible question to answer.

What she did was a choice. She occupied an identity that was created through exposure of black culture. This isn't something she knew deep down inside. What she did was wrong because she took a unique and powerful story and tried to pass it off as her own. It's wrong. I don't see why anyone else thinks otherwise, tbh. What's also alarming is that she didn't even apologize for lying.
Joe Rogan is unbearable

Your sentence structure is what's irritating. And his stand up isn't even remotely good.

Ah man I think he's probably one of the more interesting thinkers to listen to. Not sure who else, in the public realm, I would rather listen to on a matter of social, political and existential things.

Have you seen his latest? It's pretty fantastic. I've seen him live once, think he's great.

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Rogan is not a "thinker". He is a personality who has some thinkers on his show occasionally. Going "Wow man, what's up with that?" over a bunch of stuff is not "thinking".
How are you defining a "thinker" ? I think you are grossly under-representing his appeal if you think he just goes "Wow man." on over 600 podcasts!
I just cringed pretty hard

You're still buying those pills he peddles huh

I tried them, once, and I was skeptical the entire time. =P

Rogan is not a "thinker". He is a personality who has some thinkers on his show occasionally. Going "Wow man, what's up with that?" over a bunch of stuff is not "thinking".

He has a lot of unique ideas and opinions on a vast array of topics. Come on, you and I both know you're trying to put him down for no good reason.
The point of being a personality is commercial appeal. The only put down here is in response to the absurd elevation. Rogan would be as unheard of as any other podcaster if not for things he had done that are completely unrelated to his "thinking". Everyone can haz opinionz. I give him credit for not regurgitating SJW narratives but that's a pretty low bar to meet.