If Mort Divine ruled the world

woulda thought this thread would be butt-banned or the Social Forum closed to cut off the spreading corruption

Nah, no pansies please. It's the main difference between here and most of the other neutered sites that you probably love to frequent.

re Rogan: I've seen a shit load of his podcast, seen most of his stand up, been listeing to his fight commentary since he started, etc. And i truly feel sorry for anyone that would consider him a "thinker".
He's only a thinker in comparison to most celebrities in America, it's actually pretty funny that inviting a few interesting guests on your podcast and asking questions is all it takes to be dubbed an intellectual, probably because most of his fans are dumb as dirt.
In many ways he's the American Russell Brand.

I prefer him when he's being funny, his impersonation of women's male friends being hungry wolves is the shit.
I ask you guys to define what being a thinker is and instead you go off on a bashing campaign based on Fear Factor or something. Petty shit, dog.

I mean this is a good perspective;

Who else is out there to listen to speak on current things in society? Just in the last week he's had people on to talk about the university aspect of GMO/agriculture and trophy killing/conservation in Africa. Where else are yo going to be able to listen to a discussion about these topics in as much length as you're interested?

Don't know why you're hating on him as a standup, dude has been around for over 2 decades I think.
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She also sued the historically black college she went to because they found out she lied and took away her scholarship. The whole transgendered versus transracial debate that came from this story and Caitlyn Jenner isn't really comparable to be honest. One blatantly lied about who they were and benefitted while the other didn't. Someone doesn't have to be a member of a race to appreciate its culture and identify with it. Culture is not genetic, it's learned. Equating her lie to being transgendered is offensive to that community, to be honest.

Gender identity is a fundamental aspect who you are. Racial identity does not always have to be because that's a product of culture and society. In other words, being black (or any race for that matter) doesn't determine personality characteristics or anything about a specific person.

It makes sense that someone can know inside what their gender is, but to me, it doesn't make sense that someone knows inside what their race is. What does it mean to be black? What does it mean to be white? Besides melanin levels... That's a really impossible question to answer.

What she did was a choice. She occupied an identity that was created through exposure of black culture. This isn't something she knew deep down inside. What she did was wrong because she took a unique and powerful story and tried to pass it off as her own. It's wrong. I don't see why anyone else thinks otherwise, tbh. What's also alarming is that she didn't even apologize for lying.

Being transgender is a choice according to the transtrender crowd - or "tucute" as they call themselves. These folks believe that you don't need dysphoria to be trans, when that's what being transgender is in the first place. When you disconnect transgenderism from gender dysphoria and act as though it's something you can choose for the sake of being different or nonconformist, accepting "transracial" as a valid identity becomes the next logical step.

You guys hatin on Mr. Hogan are just misguided.

What do you mean? I have seen zero hate directed at the Hulkster in this thread.
I ask you guys to define what being a thinker is and instead you go off on a bashing campaign based on Fear Factor or something. Petty shit, dog.

I mean this is a good perspective;


Who else is out there to listen to speak on current things in society? Just in the last week he's had people on to talk about the university aspect of GMO/agriculture and trophy killing/conservation in Africa. Where else are yo going to be able to listen to a discussion about these topics in as much length as you're interested?

Don't know why you're hating on him as a standup, dude has been around for over 2 decades I think.


McDonald's has been around for 60 years, does that mean it's quality?
Have you ever eaten McDonald's? Fuck yeah it is.

I've never seen you so reluctant to actually participate in an argument, Jimmy. Too emotionally invested, find some skank on Tinder.
Have you ever eaten McDonald's? Fuck yeah it is.

I've never seen you so reluctant to actually participate in an argument, Jimmy. Too emotionally invested, find some skank on Tinder.

eh I guess I'm just lazy. And how dare you talk about the women I date on Tinder that way. They're hoes thank you very much
Who is arguing about whether transgenders can choose their feels? Let's assume they can't. Who is in the position to claim Miss Dolezal can?
He's only a thinker in comparison to most celebrities in America, it's actually pretty funny that inviting a few interesting guests on your podcast and asking questions is all it takes to be dubbed an intellectual, probably because most of his fans are dumb as dirt.
In many ways he's the American Russell Brand.

I prefer him when he's being funny, his impersonation of women's male friends being hungry wolves is the shit.

Who said he was an intellectual? You're trying to hard man.
So tired of reading about this shit. It's sad when the only places you can escape this shit are the Nuclear War Now forum and 4chan.