Way to jump to conclusions about my perspective. I disapprove of the killing of children in any numbers, and that any time that it happens is a tragic accident. I wont deny the entire slave uprising, but if some asshole decides to kill the children in the process, then he/she is a fucking dickhead for doing so. Casualties of war seem to always involve innocent civilians, and I think most people recognize this as an unfortunate circumstance rather than as an active part of the process. Just because it happens doesnt mean it should be justified.
And tbh, yes, I think actively stabbing a child to death with a bayonet is quite different from accidentally killing a child with an errant bomb. The result may be the same, but the intention was not. According to you, someone driving a vehicle who accidentally kills a child who jumped into the road after a ball is to be equally judged as someone who murders a child with a kitchen knife.