Approximately Infinite Universe
I love how the guy that was just shitting all over Gandhi's pacifism is now suddenly ultra-concerned about the tiny number of white children killed during a revolution that freed many-fold more black children.
I like how you think this makes any sense or is a counter-argument. I criticized Gandhi's pacifism because he preached inaction against violence (famously recommending that the Jews oppose Hitler non-violently and no he didn't mean they should just leave Germany either), how the fuck is that comparable to criticizing revolutionaries for slaughtering children, raping and killing women etc in the process of throwing off the shackles of slavery? Yes, it is possible to think the massacring was over the top while also supporting the anti-slavery revolts.
That doesn't mean that I'm naive about war either.
This is why I tease you for being a /pol/tard because it's as if you can't comprehend or talk about anything without taking the most needlessly edgy ridiculous position on any given topic. It's why you're a eugenicist I guess.
Obviously the intentional killing of defenseless children is a bad thing. I never said it wasn't.
fwiw I think it's at least arguable that the white massacres weren't totally a bad thing in Haiti.
I don't see why women or even children should be spared when they directly benefited from and existed to perpetuate the institution that men put into power.
I get women but children? Seriously?
What else are you supposed to do with them? They'd grow up to be in a society that despised them and there would always be the potential of them turning out like their parents.
You're right, you took the slimy route and basically danced around saying it's a good thing.
If action X always leads to outcome Y after thousands and thousands of years, at some point the "it was an unforunate accident" excuse runs dry. The killing of children, let alone civilians in general, is almost a necessity of war. The very action of war is inherently dehumanizing and pits people along national (and frequently therefore ethnic/religious/etc lines), which helps those participating ignore that they are in fact simply committing murder and rape.
The guy mocking centrism is expending energy defending the status quo of war.