Leftists: We need to help refugees escaping from terrible countries
Trump: Those places ARE shitholes
Leftists: Reeeee racist!
Trump: Those places ARE shitholes
Leftists: Reeeee racist!
Who he prefers or who he allows? I see no problem with what he said there. Plenty of other world leaders would tell you the same. And it has absolutely nothing to do with "bu bu bu but dats racizm"The word "shithole" isn't actually why Trump's being called a racist. It's because he basically implied he prefers Norwegians over Africans. Guy can't stop digging holes.
I don't care what his rationale is, but immigration policy has to be based on the needs of the country, not the immigrant.
Who he prefers or who he allows? I see no problem with what he said there. Plenty of other world leaders would tell you the same. And it has absolutely nothing to do with "bu bu bu but dats racizm"
Honestly I’m very tired of this “you *deserve* to live in America if you’re productive narrative.” Can we stop tying human worth to labor output? I was born in America; therefore, that’s where I live.
I don’t even feel like combating Trump with how productive immigrants are/have been even though my surroundings (myself included) have been a testament to that. To me, a person of color can literally be the most respectful/talented/intelligent/successful person ever but someone racist will still think he/she is better than that person due to pseudo science/pseudointellectualism, and just straight up stupidity. I’m tired of having to justify myself to idiots. Being racist is fucked up because people of color are PEOPLE. Idk. Maybe this rhetoric doesn’t get pushed around a lot.
White supremacist Richard Spencer, an organizer of the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, Va., last year, lambasted conservatives defending the president on Fox News for pretending the remark was not racial in nature.
“It’s obviously all about race, and to their credit, liberals point out the obvious,” he told The Times.
It's all about race to people like Richard Spencer and the so-called liberals he's speaking about. Spencer uses these situations as an opportunity to push his race realism informed politics (America will become a shithole if we keep bringing in shit races) and buttresses it with the virtue-signaling left.
It's all about race to people like Richard Spencer and the so-called liberals he's speaking about. Spencer uses these situations as an opportunity to push his race realism informed politics (America will become a shithole if we keep bringing in shit races) and buttresses it with the virtue-signaling left.
Spencer and his ilk are the dark unconscious of this country that most of us would like to ignore. Those who say Trump's comments have no racial motivation are willfully blinding themselves.
It probably does have racial motivation. It's unfortunate it takes someone with racial motivations to speak truth to media power.
Spencer and his ilk are the dark unconscious of this country that most of us would like to ignore. Those who say Trump's comments have no racial motivation are willfully blinding themselves.
Spencer and his ilk are the dark unconscious of this country that most of us would like to ignore. Those who say Trump's comments have no racial motivation are willfully blinding themselves.