If Mort Divine ruled the world

Isn't Black Panther a black nationalist/continentalist fantasy? That's how I've always understood it, at least. If the alt-right sees Black Panther as their new hero, then I'd say they're ignoring the historical circumstances that gave rise to black nationalism.

Which doesn't surprise me, so whatever.

In my run-ins with the alt-right I've noticed that they admire a lot of non-white nationalists, separatists, isolationists etc. They often show support for Palestine and other peoples who are being occupied by foreign states etc.

Of course this great admiration for native people fighting against occupation ends with supporting Native Americans, indigenous Australians, Maoris and so on lmao.

But in their defense the alt-right have no problem condemning imperialism/colonialism, even if they also try to be apologists for the history of wherever they're from.
The Twitterati are trying to smear Jordan Peterson as a racist because he has in some vague context brought up the link between indigenous people and alcoholism.

I love how these advocacy groups and orgs spend thousands of dollars doing outreach programs to try and fix indigenous community problems of domestic violence, alcoholism and drug abuse and then when someone (especially if they're white) mentions the problem they become racists.


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The problem is he's not speaking to the actual reasons for alcoholism among Native Americans. All he's doing is perpetuating the stereotype that Native Americans drink because they're Native Americans, not because of the conditions they've inherited.

He's a provocateur, nothing more.
I was referring specifically to the film. Black nationalists and the alt-right won't unite over a film whose premise is separatism, since unity and separatism are mutually exclusive. The extent of agreement is: "We don't wanna be around you fuckers," and the other group says "Good by us."

Black nationalists themselves are often militant and incredibly intolerant.

Louis Farrakhan and David Duke were united in their support for Trump.
The Twitterati are trying to smear Jordan Peterson as a racist because he has in some vague context brought up the link between indigenous people and alcoholism.

I love how these advocacy groups and orgs spend thousands of dollars doing outreach programs to try and fix indigenous community problems of domestic violence, alcoholism and drug abuse and then when someone (especially if they're white) mentions the problem they become racists.



Well it was a racist joke from what I can tell. Not that I don't love racist jokes, but I don't see how that addresses issues of alcoholism any more than replying to a photo of a white guy shooting a gun at the range with "Better you than some black guy shooting it at his wife" addresses black gun violence.
The problem is he's not speaking to the actual reasons for alcoholism among Native Americans. All he's doing is perpetuating the stereotype that Native Americans drink because they're Native Americans, not because of the conditions they've inherited.

"Actual reasons" being the status of wards of the state?
Louis Farrakhan and David Duke were united in their support for Trump.

Farrakhan also said that Trump would drive America into the depths of hell. He supported him for the same reasons that Slavoj Zizek did.



"Actual reasons" being the status of wards of the state?

I'm talking about displacement and relocation.
The problem is he's not speaking to the actual reasons for alcoholism among Native Americans. All he's doing is perpetuating the stereotype that Native Americans drink because they're Native Americans, not because of the conditions they've inherited.

He's a provocateur, nothing more.

He wasn't speaking to anything, he made an offensive joke to a friend on Twitter which had zero broader context, which is now being used to redefine him as a racist. How can you claim to know whether he is or isn't speaking to the actual reasons for alcoholism among Native Americans ? Nice confirmation bias mang.

Well it was a racist joke from what I can tell. Not that I don't love racist jokes, but I don't see how that addresses issues of alcoholism any more than replying to a photo of a white guy shooting a gun at the range with "Better you than some black guy shooting it at his wife" addresses black gun violence.

Well I didn't say he addressed alcoholism.
He wasn't speaking to anything, he made an offensive joke to a friend on Twitter which had zero broader context, which is now being used to redefine him as a racist. How can you claim to know whether he is or isn't speaking to the actual reasons for alcoholism among Native Americans ? Nice confirmation bias mang.

I'm not claiming to know him. I'm saying that he didn't bother to specify reasons or circumstances in his comment. He made an intentionally offensive and irresponsible comment, and that's all I said.

No one has had more issues with displacement and relocation than the Jews. I notice they aren't perceived to have a problem with alcohol.

Same old move, Dak. Nothing worth repeating here.
I'm not claiming to know him. I'm saying that he didn't bother to specify reasons or circumstances in his comment. He made an intentionally offensive and irresponsible comment, and that's all I said.

No you implied that he's attempting to speak on indigenous alcoholism issues when all he did was make a joke to a friend which isn't even in the same ball-park as attempting to speak on an issue and then dishonestly called him a provocateur based on your faulty characterization.

You're being slimy.

Anyway, condemning a blatantly awful history isn't going to solve issues right now, that's just going to make bourgeois whites feel white guilt which is really just a pseudo-intellectual strand of masochism.
No you implied that he's attempting to speak on indigenous alcoholism issues when all he did was make a joke to a friend which isn't even in the same ball-park as attempting to speak on an issue and then dishonestly called him a provocateur based on your faulty characterization.

You're being slimy.

Anyway, condemning a blatantly awful history isn't going to solve issues right now, that's just going to make bourgeois whites feel white guilt which is really just a pseudo-intellectual strand of masochism.

I'm not being slimy. I'm saying he's implying that Native Americans drink because they're Native Americans. If he offers no other explanatory factors, then what am I supposed to believe? That he knows such factors because he's an academic? If he's a legitimate academic, then he would address those factors; but he doesn't.

He's a child in a tweed jacket.
I'm not being slimy. I'm saying he's implying that Native Americans drink because they're Native Americans.

He didn't imply that at all.

If he offers no other explanatory factors, then what am I supposed to believe? That he knows such factors because he's an academic? If he's a legitimate academic, then he would address those factors; but he doesn't.

Why would he write a paper before telling a joke to a friend? You're being a fucking retard now.

Oops better write a paper on how retardation shouldn't be conflated with being a dense cunt online, hold on, I'll get back to you.
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He didn't imply that at all.

Well, he didn't give any other reason. So that's all I have to go off of.

Why would he write a paper before telling a joke to a friend? You're being a fucking retard now.

Oops better write a paper on how retardation shouldn't be conflated with being a dense cunt online, hold on, I'll get back to you.

Awww, now he needs 9000 words in order to make an intelligent comment? I didn't realize the only options were "write articles" or "make stupid comments."

What's even more interesting is that the Tweet is nearly 2 years old, yet it was dredged up now? lmao a team of salt-miners at work probably. For all we know this Gregg guy had some alcohol stolen from him by an Indian, or perhaps a mutual friend of theirs is Indian (from India) and cheekily stole his booze one time.

In fact, it's rather ironic that if he was referring to someone from India, all these white pearl-clutching dickheads have just assumed he was talking about an indigenous American. But if that's the case it won't be called racism.

Awww, now he needs 9000 words in order to make an intelligent comment? I didn't realize the only options were "write articles" or "make stupid comments."

Do you know what a joke is? A humorous off-hand comment? Or has the stench of your own farts melted your brain?
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Oh the poor Native Americans. Tossed too and fro by circumstances. Someone let the Jews know the Holocaust was NBD.

In case you didn't know, Jews existed all over the world in the 1930s. Native Americans only lived (wouldn't you know it!) in America. There weren't any Native Americans living in Europe to raise the average standard of living for Native Americans, or to offset the atrocities visited on them in America.

View attachment 14294Do you know what a joke is? A humorous off-hand comment? Or has the stench of your own farts melted your brain?

Lighten up man, it's a joke.