If Mort Divine ruled the world

Well I didn't say he addressed alcoholism.

Don't be a slimy fuck.

"I love how these advocacy groups and orgs spend thousands of dollars doing outreach programs to try and fix indigenous community problems of domestic violence, alcoholism and drug abuse and then when someone (especially if they're white) mentions the problem they become racists."

You clearly drew an equivalence between advocacy groups on the issue of Native American alcoholism and Peterson's likely-joke tweet. He's not being criticized for mentioning statistics on the link of alcoholism and being a Native, he's being criticized for making what appears to be an unprompted racist joke.
Lighten up man, it's a joke.

Just what I thought, you have nothing except a weirdly desperate need to shit on someone you don't like at any opportunity lmao.

Don't be a slimy fuck.

"I love how these advocacy groups and orgs spend thousands of dollars doing outreach programs to try and fix indigenous community problems of domestic violence, alcoholism and drug abuse and then when someone (especially if they're white) mentions the problem they become racists."

You clearly drew an equivalence between advocacy groups on the issue of Native American alcoholism and Peterson's likely-joke tweet. He's not being criticized for mentioning statistics on the link of alcoholism and being a Native, he's being criticized for making what appears to be an unprompted racist joke.

No I specifically said "someone" because it happens a lot, you low T contrarian poofter.
No I specifically said "someone" because it happens a lot, you low T contrarian poofter.

"Oh I specifically brought up a story about how Peterson was being unfairly maligned by Twitter for being a racist after he brought up Native alcoholism, and then in the very next paragraph I mentioned the hypocrisy of leftists for criticizing white men for mentioning Native alcoholism, but I wasn't actually talking about Peterson the white man who had said something about Native alcoholism, that was just a joke on his part and an unrelated comment on mine"

You weren't this slimy even the moment you fell from your abo mother's fermented cunt and into the community septic pool.

Name a white man that was recently criticized for this.
I like how you criticized me for presuming to know Peterson’s personal beliefs or motivations, and now you presume to know mine.

Convincing stuff man.

I was joking.

Addressing something and mentioning something are not the same thing.
New Literally not even a reply, plus a dodge. The most intellectually dishonest person on this forum.

Mentioning something, again, is not the same as addressing something. A throw-away joke comment can mention something while not addressing that same something, this is pretty basic stuff.
Cig you gotta read up on how badly canadians dislike native Americans before you say all that shit man LOL. All that maybe he's talking about India shit is hilarious to read.
look, either you stand by the 'right' to make stereotypical jokes or you don't. you don't act like "red people" being "alcoholics" is anything other than obvious

i dont know what peterson's response is but its that simple
Did you even read the link? The joke had NOTHING to do with ethnic stereotypes and was referring to a single, specific personal event between JP and this Gregg guy.

This is yet another case of pearl-clutching cunts assuming racism on the part of someone and in turn making themselves look racist.

For the record, I will always support the 'right' to make stereotypical jokes.
and in turn making themselves look racist.

this doesn't make sense

and he used Indian, not bar tender or her name in that joke. not going to try and convince you anyways but the deep hatred and resentment of white canadians towards indians isnt hard to draw a conclusion there
this doesn't make sense

Yes it does, he mentioned an Indian who just failed to deliver a bottle of alcohol to Gregg, everybody else has assumed he was smearing all Indians as alcoholic thieves because of a racist stereotype they themselves harbour in their own minds.

If he had said bartender or woman, and for some reason the Tweet was dredged up 2 years later, he would just instead be smeared as a sexist or as someone who looks down on bartending or some such horseshit.

It's not about being genuinely upset about a Tweet, it's just confirmation bias for people who are buttmad that he slaughtered that British feminist on TV.

but the deep hatred and resentment of white canadians towards indians isnt hard to draw a conclusion there

You seem to have a very low opinion of white Canadians. Noted.
You seem to have a very low opinion of white Canadians. Noted.

they are self righteous and arrogant as fuck. similar to Californians. they think their shit doesnt stink


he was smearing all Indians as alcoholic thieves because of a racist stereotype they themselves harbour in their own minds.

to act like this historical and ethnic connection is hard to connect is hilariously arrogant of you. woke twitterists or those that live near reservations are well aware of this connection and all citizens should be in Canada and the U.S

it's just confirmation bias for people who are buttmad that he slaughtered that British feminist on TV.

he had one good come back and really just stood there like a dope taking her shit for 25 minutes.

to act as if JP is the only one getting heat for stereotypical attempts at humor is hilarious
to act like this historical and ethnic connection is hard to connect is hilariously arrogant of you. woke twitterists or those that live near reservations are well aware of this connection and all citizens should be in Canada and the U.S

Not sure what it is with you lately, it's almost as if you can't even be bothered to think anymore, but I'm not saying the connection doesn't exist or that the connection at the very least isn't a stereotype that exists, the point however is that the context suggests it had nothing to do with that stereotype and was tied to a very specific personal incident. It was essentially an in-joke that people are now turning into a generalized statement on all indigenous people by Jordan Peterson, which is inaccurate and dishonest.

Thanks for not trying to convince me though. :D

he had one good come back and really just stood there like a dope taking her shit for 25 minutes.

Haha right, you're fucking delusional. He annihilated her.

to act as if JP is the only one getting heat for stereotypical attempts at humor is hilarious

Not doing or thinking that. :err:
It was essentially an in-joke that people are now turning into a generalized statement on all indigenous people by Jordan Peterson, which is inaccurate and dishonest.

and if it was, JP is responsible for his words in which he communicated poorly in a public space.

He annihilated her.

he allowed her to mischaracterize his entire thinking and didn't do anything. 'slaughter' and 'annihilate', are you 12? come on :lol:
and if it was, JP is responsible for his words in which he communicated poorly in a public space.

To some degree that's obviously true, but I also think the public have a responsibility to consider context and not jump to wild conclusions.

Of course since the Tweet is so old, this is obviously just a case of manufactured outrage.

he allowed her to mischaracterize his entire thinking and didn't do anything. 'slaughter' and 'annihilate', are you 12? come on :lol:

He corrected every single mischaracterization while remaining calm, jovial and avoiding looking like a male tyrant picking on the woman presenter. It was basically a blueprint for how to handle an adversarial interview.

Also if I'm 12, you're 5, since you don't seem to be able to handle basic shit like posting a comment that is formulated correctly. ;)
if you're a bitch, yeah

I think you've been tackled too many times by sweaty men that you can't think straight.

he's an adult, he's a communicator, he uses twitter to bolster his success. he is responsible, not 'to some degree.'

Fuck that dichotomy, it's not 0% responsible or 100% responsible, he has some responsibility to be very careful with his words and everybody else has some responsibility to consider context, they're also adults.

Also I could be wrong but I believe the Tweet in question is before his video on Bill C16 that rocketed him into fame, or at least they both occured around the same time.

Edit: yep, that Tweet is from March 2016 and he didn't become famous (or whatever) until around September 2016. So this has zero to do with using Twitter to further his fame, as Ein also insinuated when he claimed this was just about being a provocateur.

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