The Ozzman
Melted by feels
CIG is pretty much the perfect fusion of radical centrist and anti-SJW NPC.
CIG is pretty much the perfect fusion of radical centrist and anti-SJW NPC.
CIG is pretty much the perfect fusion of radical centrist and anti-SJW NPC.
10-1 it's by some leftists
Antifa demolished by Proud Boys:
which ones were fake?
Gotta love all the fake bomb threats. 10-1 it's by some leftists, just like all the "hate grafitti" after the 2016 election.
It's purely conspiracy theorizing, but of the worst sort.
You apparently don't even understand what a conspiracy theory is.
What are you going on about, "rational motive" for republicans? We're talking about random individual people, not some coordinated effort by political agents. People aren't rational. A few rednecks fired up by Trump's rhetoric aren't contemplating the political risks.
Fuck you and the horse you rode in on. You apparently don't even understand what my response implied.
I love AntiFa and their braindead chants and signs and basic inability to be civil, be interviewed, show their face or even back up their positions with any degree of rationale. I hope they never stop.
Dude, I usually don't understand your points.
That being said, you were attributing rational motive to the act by betting on "liberal" actors, implying that attacks two weeks before elections would bode well for democrats.
I'm saying that's conjecture and coincidence, i.e. "purely conspiracy theorizing" (to quote you). People don't need rational motives to pull shit like this. Take a step back from your poisoned worldview for one whole second.
My world view is "poisoned"! Unlike the world view of those who would commit these acts close to elections with no thought to how it might hinder their preferred outcomes!
Because they just randomly decided to do this now for a hurtful effect - sucks for Repubs thanks to Repubs!
People don't need rational motives to pull this why not engage in these activities anytime but right before midterms?
I hope it was a radical centrist trying to own both sides kekekek