The Ozzman
Melted by feels
only one that i heard was fake was maxine waters, was soros/clintons non-existent as well?
I believe the Soros one was actually detonated by the bomb squad but other than that I'm not sure.
only one that i heard was fake was maxine waters, was soros/clintons non-existent as well?
False dilemma.
People don't need rational motives to pull this shit... so why not engage in these activities right before midterms?
OR... the timing means nothing because we're talking about a person (or persons) who's irrational enough to send reportedly potential, if flawed, explosive devices in the mail.
Sleeper 13 Productions released the controversial video on Dec. 13. It shows a pouty, young boy wandering into his parents’ bedroom, stealing a handgun out of their dresser drawer and then shoving it into his backpack.
The boy then carries what is presumably a loaded weapon into his classroom. After class, he approaches the teacher, takes the gun out of his backpack and slams it onto her desk.
“Can you take this away? I don’t feel safe with a gun in my house,” the boy says.
“Our children deserve a safe world,” the ad says. “Stop gun violence now.”
Mail bombs are inherently irrational?
Not inherently in the metaphysical sense that nothing's inherent...
But given that we're a global community of human beings with, generally speaking, comparable empathetic responses and attitudes toward acceptable behavior... yes, mail bombs are "inherently" irrational.
Now, narrowing the scope further:
Given that we're talking about America, in which the purpose of sending mail bombs seems to be one of three possibilities--genuine harm, false flagging, or trolling--yes, all three are certainly irrational.
And if we're dealing with an irrational person, then I'm no longer convinced by any fallacious appeals to circumstantial and/or coincidental details. Even if you end up being right--and I stress this point--your reasoning is still shit.
Since when does conformity to some biological consensus imply rationality? The irrational (M-W: not logical or reasonable) aspect is that most/all of the bombs have been complete duds with no chance of working, from what I've heard so far. The would-be bomber may have a 70 IQ and think that a pipe attached to wires and a clock will magically create an explosive, which would imply irrationality since he performed an action with no chance of it meeting his goal. If his goal was to troll the media, it seems like his plan worked well, and was rationally conceived.
I really don't know where you obtained or alternately how you independently generated this conception of rationality. As HBB noted, rationality is logical processes. There is psych research asserting the primacy of goals as orienting to behavior. In this understanding, the only way we can determine whether or not mail bombs are an irrational behavior is if they do not have any logical argument towards achieving desired goals of the maker/sender.
Edit: It would appear you're arguing that "abnormal" behavior is irrational. That's a terrible definition.
Not when you consider the potential consequences, which could be achieved as easily through legal means.
That's not what I'm saying.
EDIT: and besides, you argue for correspondence between normality and rationality in virtually your every waking breath.
Again, as I say in my (edited) post above, being rational isn't the same as being logical.
I don't know what else to say at this point.