If Mort Divine ruled the world

wasn't she some crackhead lezzie?

Extremely masculine tranny with personality issues due to an inability to "pass" (hence the endless rantings about western cisshet beautify standards). Before she came out as trans she was very likeable like most are, once she came out she went full SJWtard and became a lolcow almost overnight and like I said, was so ridiculous even other SJWs couldn't be bothered with her.
I last saw him several years ago and I think he just had a bit of peach fuzz then, he looked kinda like a less Jewish Adrien Brody or something iirc
I always said Onder looks like a young Sinead O'Conner. I was always more of Sigourney Weaver guy myself, lol.

Extremely masculine tranny with personality issues due to an inability to "pass" (hence the endless rantings about western cisshet beautify standards). Before she came out as trans she was very likeable like most are, once she came out she went full SJWtard and became a lolcow almost overnight and like I said, was so ridiculous even other SJWs couldn't be bothered with her.
ahh so he was a guy. That explains why he kept posting pics of trannies .... some of which might have been pics of himself lmao. What a rock huffing, cough syrup sipping degenerate he was.
@Mort Divine @Einherjar86 @Black Orifice @Funerary_Doom

As the main leftists on GMD I was wondering if you could answer a question for me: why do so many people on the left (usually gender and race activists) use the phrase "bodies of colour" often in the same sentence as "people of colour" which seems to imply that not all bodies are people or something? It sounds really strange to me, is there a reason for reducing a person to a body in the rhetoric?

Maybe it's an academic thing...

Short answer:

I have neither used, nor seen anyone use, the term "bodies of color" in any academic writing. I have used, and seen, the term "person(s) of color.

Longer answer:

I have written, and seen others write, about the depiction of "black bodies"; but that's in reference not to black persons, but to black (fictional) characters--i.e. representational figures without personhood but whose appearance is taken to be emblematic of black personhood (the shorthand for this is stereotypes, but that's a bit simplistic).

So critics might use the term "black bodies" when they want to emphasize the ways that a text portrays the ideas, assumptions, stereotypes, expectations, etc. that surround the notion of "blackness," rather than genuine, realized black persons.

The basis for approaching texts in this way is, in my opinion, Ralph Ellison's 1953 essay "Twentieth-Century Fiction and the Black Mask of Humanity," in which the author writes

Despite their billings as images of reality, these Negroes of fiction are counterfeits. They are projected aspects of an internal symbolic process through which, like a primitive tribesman dancing himself into the group frenzy necessary for battle, the white American prepares himself emotionally to perform a social role.

According to Ellison, black characters in much white fiction (from the first half of the twentieth century, at least) are less persons than they are bodies--ersatz figurines, counterfeits, frauds, imposters, bodies without selves. So there is a tradition of writing about "black bodies" in fiction since they're often portrayed as less human than brutish, purely physical, mindless, even animalistic.
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Two wealthy Jewish Hollywood women explaining to a non-white Uber driver the privilege he possesses, before having him fired. This kind of shit more than anything makes me question my libertarian beliefs. I'd seriously vote for a (non-Jewish) communist that promised to destroy Uber and Hollywood.
"You lefty ruined America"

"We ruined America? I am American"

Did I hear that right? Is she implying the Uber driver isn't? lol.

Dude even said he's American in the video lmao. Why is that bitch even taking an Uber? Did she not make enough from Breaking Bad and 24 to take a limo?
The problem is that government and corporation are both inextricable and rapidly centralizing. There isn't a single conservative or libertarian with political power that is willing to call that out, and the non-liberal lefties tend to pursue methods that only exacerbate the problem, like treating tech companies as utilities (which is exactly what billionaires want and why guys like Warren Buffet buy out utilities and monopolies rather than competitive industries). Only violent overthrow can unfuck our signalling economy at this point.
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