Poser Disposer
no not mort, he doesn't strike me as a crack smoking dike. I thought she was some random joke/alt account.
wasn't she some crackhead lezzie?
ahh so he was a guy. That explains why he kept posting pics of trannies .... some of which might have been pics of himself lmao. What a rock huffing, cough syrup sipping degenerate he was.Extremely masculine tranny with personality issues due to an inability to "pass" (hence the endless rantings about western cisshet beautify standards). Before she came out as trans she was very likeable like most are, once she came out she went full SJWtard and became a lolcow almost overnight and like I said, was so ridiculous even other SJWs couldn't be bothered with her.
adrian brody looks like a bird. Mort has the facial features of a woman. I wouldn't be surprised if he's actually a cross-dresser by night.I last saw him several years ago and I think he just had a bit of peach fuzz then, he looked kinda like a less Jewish Adrien Brody or something iirc
@Mort Divine @Einherjar86 @Black Orifice @Funerary_Doom
As the main leftists on GMD I was wondering if you could answer a question for me: why do so many people on the left (usually gender and race activists) use the phrase "bodies of colour" often in the same sentence as "people of colour" which seems to imply that not all bodies are people or something? It sounds really strange to me, is there a reason for reducing a person to a body in the rhetoric?
Maybe it's an academic thing...
Despite their billings as images of reality, these Negroes of fiction are counterfeits. They are projected aspects of an internal symbolic process through which, like a primitive tribesman dancing himself into the group frenzy necessary for battle, the white American prepares himself emotionally to perform a social role.
Mort's a qt but not as much as Onder, waif, and a couple others probably
oh, god, this makes me think of Monty Python dragExtremely masculine tranny with personality issues due to an inability to "pass"
that promised to destroy Uber and Hollywood.
"You lefty ruined America"
"We ruined America? I am American"
Did I hear that right? Is she implying the Uber driver isn't? lol.
"You lefty ruined America"
"We ruined America? I am American"
Did I hear that right? Is she implying the Uber driver isn't? lol.