If Mort Divine ruled the world

Hardly comparable. Stan Lee isn't responsible for deaths, I also happily shat on Fidel Castro the day he died.

hardly comparable, one was a comic book writer, editor, publisher. The other was a veteran who went on to the political arena. That's like saying any politician that meddled in foreign governments/affairs was a war criminal. Most people here actually liked him and looked at the man as a war hero, not a war criminal, but yeah leave it to a fucking australian to probably say otherwise.

probably this. #don'tDependOnPronouns #isOtherAPronoun?
... smh.
really? Do i need to pull the baby feeder spoon out again? I literally feel like i'm losing brains cells when exchanging with some of you.

You conflated a politician who constantly called for wars and supported warhawk policies with a comic book creator. I have no problem shitting on the former.

When you've experienced the horror of war as intimately as he has yet supported warhawk policies as he did his entire career, you lose the privilege of waving your service and imprisonment in the face of detractors.

for the thousandth time, i didn't like the man. Having the decency to not shit on the dead is no way trying to appeal to anyone or uncommon, but what would a classless piece of shit like yourself know? Also you trying to be edgy and appealing to some of your peers here sounds more like what's going on. Either that or you're just legitimately a garbage human being. I'm leaning more towards the latter.

I actually shit on McCain the least aggressively, it was Dak and HBB that truly shat on him. But regardless, I would happily shit on him if I were isolated on a desert with nobody to hear it. I see no real difference between him and Osama bin Laden who in his early life was also a patriot who fought for his country.

Fuck warhawks and your McCain ball-licking doesn't impress me.

i agree, but i didnt hop on some internet microphone and start shitting on the man the day he died. And a big fuck you to you for being classless scum.

Here have a trophy.
As a veteran and as a current service member, and with multiple relatives in or having served in the military, I perpetually shit on McCain. His death was a blessing to this earth.
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What is it about getting a degree in language or gender studies which turns people into solipsists? Something about getting lost in the words in one's head? "I think, therefore everything I fail at/struggle with is bad." This is the structure of piece after piece in this style, from blogs to the pages of the Guardian. Reflection without insight. Education without learning. Wheels spinning in place and it's not my fault!
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What is it about getting a degree in language or gender studies which turns people into solipsists? Something about getting lost in the words in one's head? "I think, therefore everything I fail at/struggle with is bad." This is the structure of piece after piece in this style, from blogs to the pages of the Guardian. Reflection without insight. Education without learning. Wheels spinning in place and it's not my fault!

When those same people decide to waste a 4 year degree and then get mad when their (lack of) qualifications can't get them anything other than a job at Starbucks, it shouldn't surprise anyone that their wheels are spinning in place except that it's all their fault

In this episode of RADICAL CRAM SCHOOL, Auntie Kristina tests the Young Rebels to see if they've been tainted by the patriarchy, and finds out why Hello Kitty doesn't have a mouth. RADICAL CRAM SCHOOL is a kid-centric, unscripted web series created by comedian Kristina Wong that empowers Asian girls and all kids of color to embrace their identities, fight for social justice, and be the revolution.
"[White men have] Grabbed the levers of power in big money making machines". I didn't know there were so many European American bankers. Secondly, just accepting the statement at face value: Who did they grab those "levers of power" from? As if these "levers of power" and "big money making machines" just "exist".

Eastern Michigan University's Women's Resource Center will no longer host productions of "The Vagina Monologues," noting that the play's version of feminism excludes some women.

The WRC announced its decision in an email, which came after the center evaluated responses from a survey. Survey respondents opposing the production consistently indicated they were concerned that the play centers on cisgender women, that the play's version of feminism excludes some women, including trans women, and that overall, "The Vagina Monologue" lacks diversity and inclusion.

The survey was launched as a result of conversations with current students, as well as feedback from a WRC workshop titled "Not all women have vaginas," during the 2017-18 academic year.


The new Fundies have succeeded where the old Fundies were unsuccessful.