If Mort Divine ruled the world

So I just got home and listened to it properly, she says she was born in America as if that makes her more American than someone who moved there and became a citizen? Hahahaha.

This is going to completely backfire on her, only a retard would post this to their Twitter thinking it was a win or something.
Unfortunately I doubt it will backfire at all. For whatever reason it doesn't seem to be picking up much traction despite being posted on Breitbart, and the one mainstream "article" (Heavy.com) is titled 'WATCH: Uber Driver Goes on Furious Rant & ‘Almost Kills’ Two Women For Being Democrats'. I'm noticing a lot of cool wine moms are rushing to defend their fellow women against this obviously violent male as well. If you're working-class and speak up against the elite class, you're simply garbage and deserve to lose your livelihood (at a minimum).
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I think the irony of Milo is that if leftist professors stopped fear-mongering about him, he'd basically vanish. The shreds of popularity he still has are pretty much riding on this idea that he's some evil white supremacist fascist.

(Video is about a female student who secretly filmed a disagreement she had in class with her professor.)

There is no reason to be ashamed or embarrassed. Mocking lower incomes is exactly how those who benefit from + promote wealth inequality the most keep everyday people silent about 1 of the worst threats to American society: that the rich are getting richer and the poor, poorer.

:lol: this fucking phony son of a bitch.
.@EmmanuelMacron in #Paris at l'Arc de Triomphe: "Nationalism is a betrayal of patriotism. By saying 'Our interests first. Who cares about the others?' we erase what a nation holds dearest, what gives it life, what makes it great, and what is essential: Its moral values."


like, let's go frenchify those silly africans to our south so our futbol team can win more championships. when did shitty nations and California get on their high horse so often?


Today, more than 2,000 volunteer inmate firefighters, including 58 youth offenders, are battling wildfire flames throughout CA. Inmate firefighters serve a vital role, clearing thick brush down to bare soil to stop the fire's spread. #CarrFire #FergusonFire #MendocinoComplex

Stan Lee isn't responsible for deaths
hardly comparable, one was a comic book writer, editor, publisher. The other was a veteran who went on to the political arena. That's like saying any politician that meddled in foreign governments/affairs was a war criminal. Most people here actually liked him and looked at the man as a war hero, not a war criminal, but yeah leave it to a fucking australian to probably say otherwise.

anyway, RIP to Stan Lee ... one of the most important people of our lifetimes(in my humble opinion).
hardly comparable, one was a comic book writer, editor, publisher.

Agreed, so I'm not sure why you conflated being disrespectful to someone who caused deaths with being disrespectful to someone who wrote comic books.

Most people here actually liked him and looked at the man as a war hero, not a war criminal, but yeah leave it to a fucking australian to probably say otherwise.

Appeal to popularity fallacy.
Agreed, so I'm not sure why you conflated being disrespectful to someone who caused deaths with being disrespectful to someone who wrote comic books.

really? Do i need to pull the baby feeder spoon out again? I literally feel like i'm losing brains cells when exchanging with some of you.

Appeal to popularity fallacy.
for the thousandth time, i didn't like the man. Having the decency to not shit on the dead is no way trying to appeal to anyone or uncommon, but what would a classless piece of shit like yourself know? Also you trying to be edgy and appealing to some of your peers here sounds more like what's going on. Either that or you're just legitimately a garbage human being. I'm leaning more towards the latter.

Fuck John McCain for what he did as a politician

i agree, but i didnt hop on some internet microphone and start shitting on the man the day he died. And a big fuck you to you for being classless scum.