If Mort Divine ruled the world

"It would be totally wrong to equate the KKK and ICE but that's not what Kamala Harris did, that's what I and millions of other Americans did, she just pointed out that I'm totally wrong is all"

At N.Y.U., Conley kept getting into disagreements with geneticists, arguing that their methods were dangerously naïve. It seemed to him implausible that studying only twins — the gold standard of genetics research — was enough to teach us the difference between nature and nurture. But over time, he decided that it wasn’t enough to just argue. Conley is an academic, and even within that tortured group he is something of a masochist. At that time he was a tenured professor, the kind of gig most people see as the endgame of an academic career, and yet he decided to go back and grind out another Ph.D., this time in genetics. He went into his program believing that our social environment is largely the cause of our outcomes, and that biology is usually the dependent variable. By the end of his time, he says, the causal arrow in his mind had pretty much flipped the other way: “I tried to show for a range of outcomes that the genetic models were overstating the impact of genetics because of their crazy assumptions.” He sighs. “But I ended up showing that they’re right.”

Now he says he’s convinced the benefits of studying polygenic scores are worth the risks. “I still have some queasiness about what can be done with this research, how politically explosive it can be,” he says. “But as someone who wants to drill down into human behavior, I don’t think we can ignore it anymore.”
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This exemplifies everything wrong with feminism. From the boilerplate, to the ego, to the lack of knowledge or preparation, to the participation check and applause for doing nothing but looking like a fool.
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I wonder how long it will be until Dems start to acknowledge that the Aryan Brotherhood and other similar gangs/groups allow Hispanics into their ranks. Middle-class Hispanics are due to lose their unprivileged status and become full-blooded wipipo.
I wonder how long it will be until Dems start to acknowledge that the Aryan Brotherhood and other similar gangs/groups allow Hispanics into their ranks.
the only hispanics in their ranks are ones that grew up with them in their neighborhoods and are basically white. A hispanic guy that gets locked up today with no connection to any of the white hoods will never be a part of the Brotherhood.

Same can be said about all the other gangs, i know some black guys in Mexican gangs too, but they dont act like black thugs, they act like proper hispanic cholos, lol