Poser Disposer
Dad Caught in Nightmare as Mom Sues Him for Not Forcing 6-Year-Old Son To Act Like Girl
Ugh. What the fuck is this world coming to?
Ugh. What the fuck is this world coming to?
the part about sex-change operations on children as young as 8-years-old was really creepy-as-hellDad Caught in Nightmare as Mom Sues Him for Not Forcing 6-Year-Old Son To Act Like Girl
Ugh. What the fuck is this world coming to?
The effects of genetic variation on other cognitive and behavioural traits are similarly indirect and emergent. They are also, typically, not very specific. The vast majority of the genes that direct the processes of neural development are multitaskers: they are involved in diverse cellular processes in many different brain regions. In addition, because cellular systems are all highly interdependent, any given cellular process will also be affected indirectly by genetic variation affecting many other proteins with diverse functions. The effects of any individual genetic variant are thus rarely restricted to just one part of the brain or one cognitive function or one psychological trait.
What all this means is that we should not expect the discovery of genetic variants affecting a given psychological trait to directly highlight the hypothetical molecular underpinnings of the affected cognitive functions. In fact, it is an error to think of cognitive functions or mental states as having molecular underpinnings – they have neural underpinnings.
The effects of genetic variation on other cognitive and behavioural traits are similarly indirect and emergent. They are also, typically, not very specific. The vast majority of the genes that direct the processes of neural development are multitaskers: they are involved in diverse cellular processes in many different brain regions. In addition, because cellular systems are all highly interdependent, any given cellular process will also be affected indirectly by genetic variation affecting many other proteins with diverse functions. The effects of any individual genetic variant are thus rarely restricted to just one part of the brain or one cognitive function or one psychological trait.
What all this means is that we should not expect the discovery of genetic variants affecting a given psychological trait to directly highlight the hypothetical molecular underpinnings of the affected cognitive functions. In fact, it is an error to think of cognitive functions or mental states as having molecular underpinnings – they have neural underpinnings.
Not sure what the point is here. It's true that cognitions and behaviors have neural underpinnings, and that the brain doesn't have nice neat modularity, and also that as such, likely won't "directly highlight" molecular underpinnings. And?
And, it means that genetic/molecular foundations alone aren't predictive of behavior, and therefore are insufficient for making any kind of social judgments on what behaviors particular persons might be genetically predisposed for.
EDIT: I'm sorry, not predisposed for, but rather what behaviors particular persons might exhibit. Predisposition doesn't mean exhibition in the first place, and the neurological layer refracts that association even further.
at first i didn't even notice the years on the dates at the top
I don't know that it's an accurate characterization to say that the neurological layer "refracts" the association. Rather, it is part of the process of the emergence from basic parts to complex systems.
May as well nominate any part of the body as "refractors" of molecular predispositions.
I think the reason for pushback from certain places on this topic is that while there are many possible pitfalls for gene editing etc in unintended mutations, the real concern is that knowledge of associations or even the arguments of associations are going to run afoul of equalist dogma. "New Phrenology!" and all that. I have concerns about gene editing, but that isn't one of them.
I think the reason for pushback among scientists is science (although that doesn't necessarily exclude dogma).
I know why the smiley, but I don't hold emergence as a magic wand that renders the foundations as irrelevant.
Scientists aren't really any less prone to religiousity.
Irrelevant? I've never said that just because the behaviors of, say, bees give rise to emergent complexity that can't be reduced to a single bee means the bees themselves are irrelevant.
Hence my parenthetical comment. But if that's the case, then it's true that genetic determinists are victims of their own dogmatic vision. You can't absolve some scientists of dogmatic influence while accusing others. Liberal dogma is neither the only kind out there, nor the overwhelmingly dominant one.
I don't mean the bees but the bee-ness of bees. And the differences between bee types. Those differences manifest at both individual and hive (emergent) levels.
Well hard genetic determinism is a bridge too far. There are various contingent factors, but at the same time there are genetic parameters. Even the the worst of upbringings wasn't going to render the proverbial (or specific) Einstein as intellectually disabled (barring traumatic brain injury), and no amount schooling is going to turn an intellectually disabled person into a proverbial Einstein.
Liberal (or progressive) dogma is indeed not overwhelmingly dominant...outside of the US/Europe. It appears to be an unfortunate cultural mutation, a byproduct of unique environmental selection, which will lead to its own extinction.
I wonder what witty retort or quip he has for this shit.