i disagree. I know plenty of people who raised in hellholes and are nothing like the people they were raised and abused by.
a rare breed. You truly do deserve some kind of recognition or award for it.
Fair enough, but compare that to how many hellholes produce people who go on to create hellholes. I look at myself, I have no addictions, I work for myself, I have no criminal history etc. I'm a productive member of society by most standards.
99.9% of my family however are welfare leeches, drug addicts, criminals, domestic abusers, jobless etc. Sometimes making it out of a shitty situation is mathematically a miracle.
Also, if how you're raised by a family doesn't heavily impact your values, we wouldn't need to set parental standards, worry about broken families and the destruction of the family unit, there wouldn't be a measurable link between criminality and fatherlessness in the home and so on.
im just saying that a persons values can definitely be separated from the way they were raised.
Oh and i forgot to call you names or what not so FUCK YOU PAL! YOU'RE A PIECE OF SHIT THAT I'D BEAT UP etc
He just leans too hard.
haha yeah same here but im still not sure if Wall was talking about sitting sidewayz in his car(switches) or sitting sidewayz on his porch after some drank lmaoI was thinkin Paul Wall - Sittin Sidewayz.
which is why i linked you to the videoI meant the song and artist mang.
When I became an anarchist, I was a depressed and anxious teenager, in search of answers. Radicalism explained that these were not manageable issues with biological and lifestyle factors, they were the result of living in capitalist alienation. For, as Kelsey Cham C notes, “This whole world is based on fucking misery” and “In capitalist systems, we’re not meant to feel joy.” Radicalism not only finds that all oppressions intersect, but so does all suffering. The force that causes depression is the same that causes war, domestic abuse, and racism. By accepting this framework, I surrendered to an external locus of control. Personal agency in such a model is laughable. And then, when I became an even less happy and less strong person over the years as an anarchist, I had an explanation on hand.
Activists anxiously pore over interactions, looking for ways in which the mundane conceals domination. To see every interaction as containing hidden violence is to become a permanent victim, because if all you are is a nail, everything looks like a hammer.