If Mort Divine ruled the world


All anecdata, but I'll vouch for seeing similar anecdata. I met like 2 women in the USMC out of around 30-40 who could hang with the men, and they were exceptional specimens in multiple aspects. I met a 3rd who could hang physically, but was an emotional trainwreck waiting to happen. I married one of the ones who had no business in the military in general, and she'll agree with that statement. Was a matter of survival.

I will say that the USMC seems to be fighting back by upping the physical requirements across the board, which is a solid clandestine response.
article said:
As for white adults, Hagerman says, if they really want a less racist world, they may need to rethink how they approach parenting. "Everyone is trying to do the best for their kid," she says. "But I actually think that there are times when maybe the best interest of your own kid isn't actually the best choice. Ultimately, being a good citizen sometimes conflicts with being good parents. And sometimes maybe parents should decide to be good citizens over being good parents." That could mean voting to raise taxes so to better fund public schools. Maybe in our case it should have meant choosing a public school rather than a private one.

Damn. The rich and privileged really do have a different view of the world. It seems ironic to me that the author of this article just automatically equates white with rich, and minority groups as almost like a child that needs to be coddled and bolstered. Do you really think that rich-ass black kid sitting in the seat next to whitey in some prestigious private school is going to face the same hardships as the black kid who grows up in poverty? The author of this article views our continuously more stratified aristocracy as a race issue, when in reality it is a socioeconomic one. Ironically enough, people like this author are actually doing a disservice to the idea of racism, imo. Your gated community tokens arent struggling, that's for sure.

I also envision this author going to some charity donation drive for poor inner city minorities dressed in a suit, and up on a power podium attempting to say how he is just like them. Nobody buys it, and apparently neither does he himself. He is right in a way though; the way that rich white kids are force-fed the idea of being charitable towards minorities just enforces how different the two are. It also breeds the type of class resentment that led to the core middle class standing behind and voting for somebody like Trump.
I hadn't bothered watching that commercial before. lmao, didn't realize they even had that Young Turks chick in it. P&G is one of the most pozzed companies out there right now.
Never heard of 'pozzed' before so I googled it. lmfao

The only thing that I can really knock the add for is the shameless TYT plug. Are people against the social propaganda aspect of it? Political adds have existed for ages now. The liberals have this one in the bag though. You are automatically pro-misogynistic if you disapprove of this add, and I can't even blame them for thinking that way. Real men should respect women. I mean, does anyone really disagree?
Real men should respect women. I mean, does anyone really disagree?

Corporations shouldn't be moralizing like that, in my opinion. Or they can, but I can tell them to fuck off, especially when their business practices are pure dogshit.

The trap is that it shames men not into respecting women (most already do to varying degrees) but that it specifically shames men into supporting #MeToo which is an entirely different thing. It also implies that there is a #RapeCulture where a minority of men need to stand up to some evil imagined majority, when we all know that statistics show that rapists and harassers aren't representative of men. If they really had any balls or sense of scope they'd have made the advert specifically targeting wealthy men, men in power, men of privilege and riches, they'd have called out Hollywood for example.

But no, same old shit, they just smear regular men with the actions of rich animals with no sense of boundaries. Fuck the advert on every level.

Only bit I liked was that they used that viral clip of the black guy breaking up a fight between two young black kids. Great clip, except it was mischaracterized by putting it in a video about men and their treatment of women, when that clip was about men and class.
I also love the reactions. Watching a bunch of fragile man-boys get their panties in a bunch is really exhilarating.

Seriously, if it offends you that much then don't buy their product. This is almost as bad as when people got up in arms over athletes kneeling during the national anthem.
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I also love the reactions. Watching a bunch of fragile man-boys get their panties in a bunch is really exhilarating.

You really think I'm more fragile than you? That's hilarious.

Seriously, if it offends you that much then don't buy their product. This is almost as bad as when people got up in arms over athletes kneeling during the national anthem.

They won't be. Why would anybody with any self-respect (ie not cucks like you) support a corporation that conflates all men with rapists? Nobody would expect women to support a corporation that shits on women, not sure why you would expect men to not hold themselves to the same standard.
You really think I'm more fragile than you? That's hilarious.

I don't think of myself as all that fragile, just socially self-reflective. That is, I think to think about what things might possibly mean for everyone involved. I don't have much reason to take offense to things, but I'm a privileged white guy. I just do what I can to try and understand alternative perspectives.

They won't be. Why would anybody with any self-respect (ie not cucks like you) support a corporation that conflates all men with rapists?

Cucks? Calm down man, I don't feel identified as a rapist because of the ad. You know how you sometimes accuse me of reading too much into things...?