If Mort Divine ruled the world

I don't think of myself as all that fragile, just socially self-reflective. That is, I think to think about what things might possibly mean for everyone involved. I don't have much reason to take offense to things, but I'm a privileged white guy. I just do what I can to try and understand alternative perspectives.

I'm calm, you're the one fucking up your comments. You think to think? Great job you're a human lmao.

Cucks? Calm down man, I feel identified as a rapist because of the ad. You know how you sometimes accuse me of reading too much into things...?

You refuse to read anything into it because it's men, and you're a cuck. If the advert simply replaced the topic and changed the gender you would also oppose it, or at least read more into it than you are with this one.
Jesus christ, sorry if I offended you. If the ad simply "replaced the topic and changed the gender" then it could be about anything. Look, I don't care if you don't like and if large swaths of people don't like it. I'm not saying it's an amazing ad, or even an ethical ad (feminists are upset about it too, for the record), or making great strides for #MeToo, or anything of the sort. But if the point is publicity, then it did what it set out to do. So trash your razors or don't, I don't care.

It's an ad that tried to monopolize on the #MeToo movement and ended up misfiring. I don't understand why it's become the object of so much ire. It's like when the Kardashian sister did that horrible Coke ad.
What if the advert was about Muslims and how Muslims need to stop radicals in their community, would you not think that this implies that moderates are the minority who need to start doing something because #JihadCulture is pervasive? Or that it's the job of moderates to police their community? The implications of that advert, when applied to any other analogous situation, are pretty much fucked up.

So many corporations lately are taking this "shit on men" route, made further idiotic by the fact that most of them court a majority male consumer base, and they're receiving vicious backlash for it, tanking, hemorrhaging money and it's a great thing. No other demographic would EVER stand by while a company targeted at them simultaneously shits on them.

Sorry that man-babies like yourself don't like to see people standing up to corporations who don't have their best interests in mind. They should probably just cuck like people like you do, to prove they're #woke or some lame shit.

Any company that tells me I'm either probably a rapist or have some responsibility to stop other men from raping can go fuck itself. I don't take responsibility for RAPISTS lmao are you kidding me? Women should arm themselves and shoot them in the face, how about that? Make that advert.

Jesus christ, sorry if I offended you.

I'm not offended, you don't have that ability. I'm just shitting on you.
What if the advert was about Muslims and how Muslims need to stop radicals in their community, would you not think that this implies that moderates are the minority who need to start doing something because #JihadCulture is pervasive? Or that it's the job of moderates to police their community? The implications of that advert, when applied to any other analogous situation, are pretty much fucked up.

A good point. I think a commercial that says Islam is, generally speaking, a peacefully practiced and respectable religion, and that the majority of peaceful Muslims can do more to prevent radicalization, wouldn't be offensive.

But I also think that one needs to consider the baseline mentality of people in this country. Generally speaking, it's known that a majority of American men aren't rapists. The point the ad is trying to make is to implore the majority of men to intervene when they see something untoward--not that the majority of men are rapists.

I'm less inclined to believe that, generally speaking, it's known that a majority of practicing Muslims aren't terrorists. I say this because I have relatives who live in the American heartland, and I see what they post on Facebook; and I know they personally feel that most Muslims want to see the end of Christianity and death to Christians.

So you're using two comparable examples, but both take off from very different starting points in terms of general consensus in America.

So many corporations lately are taking this "shit on men" route, made further idiotic by the fact that most of them court a majority male consumer base, and they're receiving vicious backlash for it, tanking, hemorrhaging money and it's a great thing. No other demographic would EVER stand by while a company targeted at them simultaneously shits on them.

Neither do men, apparently...

Sorry that man-babies like yourself don't like to see people standing up to corporations who don't have their best interests in mind. They should probably just cuck like people like you do, to prove they're #woke or some lame shit.

Lay the fuck off dude. You think you're "standing up to corporations"? You're plastering your grievances on an internet forum. What difference is that making? Don't call me a cuck if all you have is a UM profile and a YouTube page.

Any company that tells me I'm either probably a rapist or have some responsibility to stop other men from raping can go fuck itself. I don't take responsibility for RAPISTS lmao are you kidding me? Women should arm themselves and shoot them in the face, how about that? Make that advert.

As a member of society, you do have a responsibility to intervene when something untoward is taking place. That doesn't mean you're responsible for all rape, or some bullshit.
A good point. I think a commercial that says Islam is, generally speaking, a peacefully practiced and respectable religion, and that the majority of peaceful Muslims can do more to prevent radicalization, wouldn't be offensive.

But I also think that one needs to consider the baseline mentality of people in this country. Generally speaking, it's known that a majority of American men aren't rapists. The point the ad is trying to make is to implore the majority of men to intervene when they see something untoward--not that the majority of men are rapists.

I'm less inclined to believe that, generally speaking, it's known that a majority of practicing Muslims aren't terrorists. I say this because I have relatives who live in the American heartland, and I see what they post on Facebook; and I know they personally feel that most Muslims want to see the end of Christianity and death to Christians.

So you're using two comparable examples, but both take off from very different starting points in terms of general consensus in America.

That's not what they did with men in the advert though. If the advert showed statistics showing that rapists are a minority and conveyed the message that most men are [insert positive thing here] I bet it would have received a very different reaction.

There is propaganda out there implying most Muslims are terrorists, but you'd have to be ignorant not to know that there is similar feminist propaganda out there that implies a huge amount of men are rapists. Feminists are notorious for pushing narratives buttressed by misrepresented or misread statistics. The 1 in 4 rape rhetoric is a prime example.

Of course you ignore that though because you swim in a sea of feminist rhetoric which is probably taken for granted as true.

Lay the fuck off dude. You think you're "standing up to corporations"? You're plastering your grievances on an internet forum. What difference is that making? Don't call me a cuck if all you have is a UM profile and a YouTube page.

And I'm offended? You want all my social media accounts or something? I'm not anonymous or anything. I'll give you my home address, I don't care. What the hell was this comment? I'm not saying sperging on a forum is standing up to corporations, I'm saying boycotting the products and giving them negative feedback that will either force them to change or continue to tank is standing up to a corporation, because it is.

As a member of society, you do have a responsibility to intervene when something untoward is taking place. That doesn't mean you're responsible for all rape, or some bullshit.

Sure. But to imply in an advert that women also have a responsibility to stop rape and harassment when it happens to other women (something women in Hollywood utterly failed to do because muh career) would immediately be seen as sexist and it would receive backlash, but of course you'd never call the women saying anything about it "woman-babies" because you're a cuck.

I'm taking a note from feminists who are ruthless and blunt in the pursuit of their interests and in defence of their gender when they're portrayed a certain way or generalized. People who say shit like you do deserve to have their heads bitten off.
This is the Mort thread, I'm just shitting on you. I'm not triggered or offended, if I were I wouldn't be on your side in the Good Television thread. I'm not irrationally lashing out, I'm just not going easy on you on this specific subject. I'm eating some cereal and listening to Patrice O'Neal.

My aircon is blasting sucka, I'm actually kinda cold right now. :D
I see. Well, my windows are open and it's thirty-seven degrees out. So don't call me cuck, bitch. :cool:

Although thirty-seven is actually unseasonably warm for this time of year.
There are several issues to be found with the Gillette ad but two really stand out. One: Substitute "masculinity" with many other labels and get decried as hate speech. Two: When companies are the enforcers of morals we have a huge problem.
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At this rate we're only a couple steps away from the heyday of Henry Ford spying on his employees to make sure they avoided premarital sex and alcohol if they wanted to earn that pay bonus.
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Boardroom worms who undoubtedly have secret knowledge of peers who did something that would be sexual misconduct talking down to wider society. These are the same cunts who would have covered up for Weinstein right until the end.
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Ah ok, I see now. Guys feel like they are being labeled as misogynists and rapists just for being masculine. I think it's kind of a hyperbolic response tbh. Our media has been ripe with examples of sexual assault and rape on basically a daily basis, so if there is an ad that attacks this kind of crime, I cant disagree with it. This is mainstream media we are talking about, so whatever.

Cucks? Calm down man, I don't feel identified as a rapist because of the ad. You know how you sometimes accuse me of reading too much into things...?

This kind of sums it up imo.

Though, im curious:
I'm a privileged white guy.

What makes you a privileged white guy?
Lol people are mad about an ad. I've never been an aggressive feminist, if anything I'd say I'm a very pragmatic and truly equal treatment individual. And any dude who's offended by a television ad is just as big of a crybaby as the women offended by a music video or the Muslims offended by South Park. The lack of actual nihilsm I'm seeing this past week is just disgusting, a just cause for offense.
Meanwhile, a political campaign commercial uses a single anecdote of a black guy committing rape and murder while on parole, and nearly every black person on Earth calls it hate speech.
Ah ok, I see now. Guys feel like they are being labeled as misogynists and rapists just for being masculine. I think it's kind of a hyperbolic response tbh. Our media has been ripe with examples of sexual assault and rape on basically a daily basis, so if there is an ad that attacks this kind of crime, I cant disagree with it. This is mainstream media we are talking about, so whatever.

Yes, rape and sexual assault taking place in the realms of the people who make these adverts and work for corporations, but nothing in the advert addresses that, just shows a bunch of average joe nobodies and shits on them.

A #MeToo advert should actually take place in the context of that hashtag. But corporations are cowards and don't want to rub CEOs the wrong way, because we all know those are the types of men doing this shit.

And any dude who's offended by a television ad is just as big of a crybaby as the women offended by a music video or the Muslims offended by South Park.

That's fair, but of course one of those 3 is always seen as unreasonable and terrible and the rest seen as justified when backlash occurs.