If Mort Divine ruled the world

Woman filmed grabbing MAGA hat from man at restaurant faces deportation.

Rosiane Santos, 41, was recorded on video swatting the hat off the man’s head and later told police she didn’t believe he should be allowed inside a Mexican establishment while wearing Donald Trump’s MAGA refrain, according to a report from the Falmouth Police Department. Santos, who was intoxicated, was arrested on charges of disorderly conduct and simple assault and battery – both misdemeanours – and was escorted from the restaurant.

On the way out, she hit the man a final time and swatted at his hat. Santos’ bail was set at $40 (£30) and she was released. She later plead not guilty.

Now, Santos – who is living in the US without legal documentation – also faces possible deportation.

we find asymmetries in individuals’ willingness to venture into cross-cutting spaces, with conservatives more likely to follow media and political accounts classified as left-leaning than the reverse.

This is consistent with liberal's inability to accurately predict conservative views compared with conservative's ability to accurately predict liberal views.
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i get why someone might pull a MAGA hat off someone
hell, i might even do it at some point
but for an illegal to do it is pretty fucking ballsy
like she did it while looking at the camera,
and she seems to be doing it actually because the camera is there
and now she's facing deportation
was she trying to get deported??

I think the point is a bit oversold in this article but:

I was just commenting to Ozz the other day about Metal not really aging. I feel like that about most things since the early 80s. If anything has aged poorly it's some gaudy shit from like the late 90s to late 00s, but at the same time no one is going to laugh at you too hard for some isolated aesthetics from then either, and maybe not even going back further. Maybe we really have mostly run out of completely new, valuable aesthetic ideas barring some new paradigm?
tbh, I think a lot of people would take issue with their categorization of left vs right media. Breitbart is openly right-wing and more or less as far right as one is allowed to go before they are automatically lumped into the white nationalist pool. MSNBC, on the other hand, is just another globohomo MSM outlet. At the very least it would have been worthwhile to include a HuffPo or Salon in the analysis and gauge right-wing following of those networks. Their comparison of Clinton and Cruz is also blatantly misleading when you look at Table 5 and see that lefties follow Cruz to nearly the exact same extent that righties follow Sanders.

EDIT: irt Dak in the previous paper a couple replies up
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I'm with HBB on that one. I also find this comment in their conclusion suggestive:

Partisan outlets in the conservative media ecosystem are simply not a mirror image of the mainstream news outlets that they often position themselves against. Opinion plays an outsize role in this ecosystem, while it is only a part of what mainstream news organizations produce. By the same token, professional journalistic norms are not as widely established in partisan conservative media, so that conservatives with a taste for both traditionally reported news and congenial opinion may need to sample more widely than liberals with analogous tastes.
@HamburgerBoy and @Einherjar86 I absolutely understand your counterpoint. I disagree however with the degree to which you assign "mainstream" to "leftist" outlets because leftists are the ones assigning "mainstream" status in a non-pejorative sense! If, instead of "mainstream", we use "neutral", this clearly shifts CNN, MSNBC, NYT, NPR, WaPo etc into the leftist category. Neutral consists of AP and Reuters for the most part, and maybe a couple more you could argue, but not those "mainstream" options. If we use simple popularity, this makes FOX outlets, at a minimum, "mainstream".
@HamburgerBoy and @Einherjar86 I absolutely understand your counterpoint. I disagree however with the degree to which you assign "mainstream" to "leftist" outlets because leftists are the ones assigning "mainstream" status in a non-pejorative sense! If, instead of "mainstream", we use "neutral", this clearly shifts CNN, MSNBC, NYT, NPR, WaPo etc into the leftist category. Neutral consists of AP and Reuters for the most part, and maybe a couple more you could argue, but not those "mainstream" options. If we use simple popularity, this makes FOX outlets, at a minimum, "mainstream".

I'm not sure if HBB would agree with this, but I think there's a marked difference between CNN and NYT, and FOX News. CNN interviews John McWhorter. FOX interviews Ted Nugent.

Part of the distinction here has to do, again, with journalistic standards.
I'm not sure if HBB would agree with this, but I think there's a marked difference between CNN and NYT, and FOX News. CNN interviews John McWhorter. FOX interviews Ted Nugent.

Part of the distinction here has to do, again, with journalistic standards.

Couple of issues with this. One, you're picking extremes, and if I want to find a Nugent-level celebrity on one of those liberal outlets, it won't be hard to do. Two, "journalistic standards" don't reduce the viewpoint bias. How many Covington, Michael Brown, and Trump examples do I need to pull as problematic for those liberal outlets (with support from McWhorter, not counting the Trump issues, which can easily be mocked with the "turning point/bombshell/etc clips")?
Couple of issues with this. One, you're picking extremes, and if I want to find a Nugent-level celebrity on one of those liberal outlets, it won't be hard to do. Two, "journalistic standards" don't reduce the viewpoint bias. How many Covington, Michael Brown, and Trump examples do I need to pull as problematic for those liberal outlets (with support from McWhorter, not counting the Trump issues, which can easily be mocked with the "turning point/bombshell/etc clips")?

1. Fair enough.

2. You're picking extremes.
CNN considered him enough of an expert on the 2nd amendment to have him on to have a discussion with Piers Morgan, so... kinda blows out this idea that CNN have higher journalistic standards if Ted Nugent is a mark against FOX.
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