Green New Deal as in the one Cortez is shilling?
I'm not sure if there are other Green New Deals floating around besides the one we're referencing, but without any detail he said on Twitter that he's onboard.
Internal meta-analyses revealed that liberals—but not conservatives—presented less competence to Black interaction partners than to White ones. The simple effect was small but significant across studies, and most reliable for the self-reported measure of conservatism. This possibly unintentional but ultimately patronizing competence-downshift suggests that well-intentioned liberal Whites may draw on low-status/competence stereotypes to affiliate with minorities.
I'm pretty surprised that Yang has expanded past his fanbase on /pol/ tbh. He not only will say anything but already has promised everything. Anyone that opens their platform with the word "AI" is a joke.
As opposed to identity politics.
At least identity politics work for electoral purposes. I'd never vote for a person that puts identity politics front and center, but I respect the hustle of those that do. Yang is just r/politics memes synthesized into a platform, backed by post-ironic /pol/ fanbase. I don't frequently feel second-hand embarrassment but listening to him speak manages to do it.
Yang is just r/politics memes synthesized into a platform, backed by post-ironic /pol/ fanbase. I don't frequently feel second-hand embarrassment but listening to him speak manages to do it.
Well maybe you're engaged in /pol/ etc, I'm not. I do know a few things about the trucking industry, and I do read about AI/automation/robotics and production/business, and I also read a fair amount of popularly available economists, and I also am somewhat on top of foreign policy. Yang is the only sane person on all of these topics of all available candidates from the Democratic Party, excluding Tulsi Gabbard, who is at least sane on FP.
I love being a "weirdo" who won't "deny white nationalism" or "the patriarchy" or "free market capitalism" or the "welfare/warfare state" while also being interested in voting for a Taiwanese man and a Hawaiian woman who promote UBI and reducing the US global military footprint.
It's as bullshit as fear over global warming. Yeah AI is getting better, yeah sea levels are rising, no there isn't any point of doing anything until problems actually foment. Doubling the already ridiculous federal budget now because AI may end all low-end service jobs in 100 years is insanity. The idea that capitalism is a system that needs to be saved at all costs is just as bullshit. Rather than empower large corporations, who will be the only ones able to afford paying workers under a UBI system, just increase food stamps and housing as needed. Private-option socialized medicine is painful enough; private-option socialized employment will be the end of personal agency. As a borderline ancap I'd prefer with Sanders' 70s desire of nationalizing everything over this eternal corporate dick-sucking.
Which popularly available economists, btw? A lot of the mainline left-leaning ones like Larry Summers and Krugman reject the MMT stuff that Yang supports, let alone non-Kenyesians. It's guys like Tucker Carlson that like to act as if automation is ending the world as we know it, not real economists.
I'm totally against free college as well, but the fact that much of Europe can more or less fund it while virtually no one has managed to put UBI into practice tells me that the former is at least somewhat potentially affordable.
At least democratic governments are somewhat beholden to their constituents. I'll take a public monopoly over a private one that can arbitrarily seek 30% profit margins.