If Mort Divine ruled the world

Anyway I didn't mean for this to become about abortion, we already know where the other sits on this subject. No point going in circles. I simply think you underestimate the gravity of having a kid but it's always going to sound ridiculous or conceited to you until you've experienced it.
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You have excuses for everything these days.

I never said having kids always functions to change a persons mind about x position. I said I hoped that it would. Unfortunately, it's very difficult to get someone to understand something when their social standing depends on them not understanding it. But it is true that rich liberals are the biggest NIMBYs and white-flighters. It allows them to avoid the uncomfortable interactions that would cause uncomfortable levels of cognitive dissonance.

It’s really Dak’s didactic paternalism that annoys me. That guy was a dad long before he had any kids.

:lol: It's kind of truuuuue.
"The points of view expressed were those of Dr. Powers alone and are protected under his right to free speech,” it said in a statement."

I'm sure this line would be similarly used if he had replaced the word "white" with any other racial identifier. :lol:
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Link to the text if anyone is interested: http://archive.vn/2cRrM

This kind of thing makes me feel like race relations will never improve. I wouldn't be surprised if many minorities secretly (or openly) share this same opinion. What a toxic attitude.
Certainly won't improve as long as we have laws and Supreme Court justices that repeatedly rule in favor racial discrimination. fwiw I don't think a substantial portion of any ethnic group shares those kinds of views, but you only need 5~10% of the population to go rogue and commit to a path of violence to enact broad social changes and decline.

EDIT: Anecdotally, Puerto Ricans seem to be particularly criminal and unproductive sect anyways. We should just give them their island back, ban their entry to America, and let them become Haiti 2.0.

If we give it to the wrong people (the ones who will eat it and shit it out and need more tomorrow and shit out babies) that’s like nurturing a farm of diseased rats

Mandatory sterilization, while I love the idea, it provides immediate positive results, will be too difficult to implement politically
mandatory sterilization of the people who are too broke to financially support offspring
but only after min wage becomes a living wage
can't sterilize people that are actually working a full 40-hour-work-week

Wokism, as I've said before, is like Fundy Christianity. Apparently others notice too.

i disagree with number 5

from the article
“He remains a member of our faculty. Dr. Powers has been advised that he does not speak, nor should he suggest at any time, that he is speaking for the college.”

In a June 2016 piece on another site, The Independent, Powers blasts people who voted for President Trump as “racist a- -holes.”

“F- -k your whiteness with my dirty Rick James boots,” he wrote in the piece.

In a 2018 piece, Powers admits popping ecstasy and roaming the East Village in a drug-induced stupor to celebrate the election of Barack Obama in 2008.