Black Science Man ain't wrong bruh
Y'all see Smash Mouth's reaction to it? Lmao
Witness in El Paso (allegedly) saw multiple shooters.
Uhoh guys. Dayton shooter was a metalhead. I'd say we have to watch out for metal to get tied to mass shootings, but since he was a leftoid I imagine the coverage of this shooting will get aggregated into the "White Nationalist!" bullshit headlines so no one looks too closely at the large variance in reported motivations between different shooters.
is that what you think he was?Obama may have been the plain jane needed after a trump
I forgot how wild everyone gets when there's at least a hint of white nationalism involved with a (mass) shooting(terrorism?) and when there isn't. this double standard is wild. fascinated to see how terrible the next presidency is, Obama may have been the plain jane needed after a trump
so the guy who basically divided and shattered this country and ultimately gave us Trump was a plain jane? Eh it's not your fault, he seemingly also convinced almost half the nation that he was just some regular ole' guy while slowly ripping up and destroying the foundation of this country. The man was a virus.Yeah