If Mort Divine ruled the world

I haven't noticed that from what I've seen of him on his own show, but in his interview with Jesse Lee Peterson I noticed that he failed to give consistent eye contact while speaking almost the entire time, and I'm an autist that usually doesn't even pick up on social tells like that. BETA MALE
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People who use cues and scripts tend to stare directly at the camera because that's where they put them (also teleprompters are a classic example), he looks off to his left because that's where his stream chat is, that's where the superchats are, etc. If you watch any amount of his stuff it's blatantly obvious what he says is off the cuff.

BEEETA! I haven't watched the JLP interview yet though.

Just saw this recent upload. He looks at the camera a lot, looks to the left when he's reading his chat, nothing bizarre about it. Also lmao JLP is kinda denouncing groypers now, saying they have no right to ask questions at the events or whatever.
I haven't noticed that from what I've seen of him on his own show, but in his interview with Jesse Lee Peterson I noticed that he failed to give consistent eye contact while speaking almost the entire time, and I'm an autist that usually doesn't even pick up on social tells like that. BETA MALE

Yeah he is another grifter living behind a screen. At least Alex Jones will show up shirtless with a bullhorn to back up his grifting.

@CiG I haven't seen any more than clips, but he's not doing or saying anything new per se. He's just saying it to a demographic who hasn't been paying attention long enough to know this.
I think his point is that Barr’s “fax” are little more than boilerplate invective, easily reworded to fit another perspective.

There’s very little that’s factual about that speech.

I'm flattered that you took my half-assed reply, commensurate to the half-assed argument you posted, so seriously.

Naturally, though, you chose to ignore the mention of wealth inequality...

View attachment 22398

...cause you think that's fine (or, as Barr would put it, part of “the proper balance of freedom and order necessary for healthy development of natural civil society”). So why bother arguing.

Two things generally: I think where some of the disagreement is is in what constitutes "progressive" or "conservative". Strictly ideologically speaking, not only do these terms not neatly map onto the US political parties, they don't even apply to the majority of Americans. What Barr is referencing, in my opinion, is the conservative focus on systems as opposed to outcomes. It's Kant v Mill until all NE/W European stock die out.

Secondly, of course an outcome that can occur is wealth inequality, which by itself without further qualifiers is of no consequence. In this case one might complain about "extreme" wealth inequality and start talking about the 1%. Except who is and isn't in the 1% changes over time, and most of the unequal gains since the bank bailouts have been to the .1%. Does that mean there is a systems problem? Maybe (yes). But progressives can't approach it from that direction and so you get San Francisco.
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@CiG I haven't seen any more than clips, but he's not doing or saying anything new per se. He's just saying it to a demographic who hasn't been paying attention long enough to know this.

That's probably true (nobody is really doing anything new in politics), I don't particularly care as I'm not a TrueFan™ just following for the carnage. However it's blatantly retarded what you said about looking off-screen to his cue cards/script and I just wanted to point that out. Either you're very unfamiliar with casual livestreaming or you're being uncharitable on purpose.

The spaces have gentle names: The reflection room. The cool-down room. The calming room. The quiet room.

But shut inside them, in public schools across the state, children as young as 5 wail for their parents, scream in anger and beg to be let out.

The students, most of them with disabilities, scratch the windows or tear at the padded walls. They throw their bodies against locked doors. They wet their pants. Some children spend hours inside these rooms, missing class time. Through it all, adults stay outside the door, writing down what happens.

This is child abuse. No surprise it's occurring in Illinois/Chicago.
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The only "alt right" person actually doing real work, that I can tell, is Mike Cernovich. Everyone else is just talking for clicks (Cernovich also talks for clicks of course, but he also appears to be doing real legal and journalistic work).
Not very familiar with him, but I know his name. What has he done?

Well his history was manosphere dudebro, but since around 2015/2016 he shifted (not atypical of online grifters to shift the grift where the money and attention is) to politics. He took a ton of flack over his promotion of the Pizzagate "conspiracy" and his regular calling of (mostly Dem) politicians etc pedophiles that the media covers for, which is always dismissed....by the media. Now with the Epstein fiasco, he deserves significant benefit of the doubt.

He uses cancel-culture tactics against leftists/journalists, which is amusing when they cry about it. EG:

Of course, speaking of Epstein, Cernovich is working to blow the doors off of this case that the media and many important people obviously want to go away:
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I was thinking about it, and I'm willing to horse trade here:

Donald Trump impeachment for "bribing" a foreign power to investigate a criminal enterprise in exchange for Locking Her Up for the emails (or war crimes, or shutting down Bill's rape victims, etc)

Democracy appears to need atomized individualism.....
Some sub-Saharan African nations have been practicing democracy for a little while now, to say nothing of obvious outliers in the image (Turkey, India, Finland, Israel, Taiwan, etc). It's probably more the other way around: nations incapable of the infrastructure required to facilitate movement of populations or self-sufficiency also tend to be incapable of democracy (or any stable government for that matter). Local collectivism is a crutch for those that cannot be independent.