If Mort Divine ruled the world

Someone please explain to me what this blackout tuesday stuff is? I'm on the verge of boycotting one of my local comic shops if its what i think it is.
At least I haven't lost my sense of humor because I've been laughing about this all day. It's been all over my Instagram feed. When I first looked this morning I see a bunch of people posting black squares and changing their profile pics to just black which I rightly guess is the virtue signal of the day. I quickly come to learn the idea is to "blackout" totally from social media for the day in "solidarity" or something... by logging onto your social media account to post a black square and tell everyone else to follow suit. And some have been liking other posts all day. Fucking brainlets can't even virtue signal right.
Kanye just joined #WhiteoutWednesday on YouTube :lol:

EDIT: Actually, some are saying that his YouTube channel has always been this way. nvm maybe
It was a thing that was getting some traction on /pol/ and elsewhere yesterday, but most places suppress it, it seems.
/pol/ pretended it was a troll operation and convinced a couple Twitter mouthpieces to say so, but they figured it out quickly enough.
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what is this pol/ thing you guys are always talking about?

are you fucking joking? Half of the stupid react pictures you post are straight from 4chan and half of your posts sound like /b/ diarrhea. Unless you’re pulling them from somewhere that takes them from 4chan, there’s no way you don’t know.
are you fucking joking? Half of the stupid react pictures you post are straight from 4chan and half of your posts sound like /b/ diarrhea. Unless you’re pulling them from somewhere that takes them from 4chan, there’s no way you don’t know.

Calm your tits. The only time i've ever been to 4chan was when i asked you guys what it was a few months ago. I find gifs via search engines, like everyone else. I don't join every forum there is on the internet like you do, you fat whiny bitch.
4chan is pretty much the epicenter of controversial/subversive/edgy internet culture. These days even lefties like Kyle Kulinski call people cucks, post brainlet wojaks, etcetc.

A guy in real life randomly asked me if I was a 4chan regular in 2012, back when I in fact was not (I thought he was talking about the intro-level programming language FORTRAN at first). 4chan is totally normie/mainstream now.