If Mort Divine ruled the world

If I had to pick one I'd pick evangelicals, since presidents have been promising the movement of the embassy among other things to their jewish base for decades without results. Trump was the first one to deliver a real result for evangelicals in a long time. But I'm well aware that Trump has long-lasting connection with jews as well.
I didnt say he's the second coming of jesus, i said he's a practicing christian. Which he is, regardless of what you think.

I didn't either, was just pointing out that his life doesn't really look like that of a sincere Christian. All of his gestures towards Christianity that I can think of have happened in a political context, from policies to reciting The Bible at rallies---meanwhile in his personal life it seems to be the total opposite.

And saying politics made him into a powerful man is not something you or anyone else needs to explain to anyone, let alone me and has nothing to do with any of my initial claims.

Huh? I said politics made him into a powerful Christian specifically (he was already a powerful man), meaning to remain the most powerful Christian in the world he has to continue to please his Christian base. One thing feeds the other.

how in the world is telling people who burned down a public church to fuck off a political move? How is telling people who are trying to trash the country to fuck off a political move?

How is it apolitical? For one, I don't believe Trump does anything without political consideration. He's a very political animal and even his most petulant and personal moments in public have a political angle. Two he could have made the same statement from Twitter like usual, he chose to have that whole area cleared out so he could be seen to walk to St. John's and hold up a Bible for the media.

I'm telling you that move was not "pandering to evangelicals" in any way.

Agree to disagree I guess.
Huh? I said politics made him into a powerful Christian specifically (he was already a powerful man), meaning to remain the most powerful Christian in the world he has to continue to please his Christian base. One thing feeds the other.
again, pointing out that being the president of the United States has made him into one of the most powerful people on this planet is not something you need to point out to anyone. Having trouble seeing why a christian man who become president would stand up for against the anti-christianity that has been systematically spreading throughout this country is what you're having trouble with. And saying that those moves are just so he can pander to his base is pretty shallow and retarded imo.

I didn't either, was just pointing out that his life doesn't really look like that of a sincere Christian.
Not every praciting christian is pure bro. Some of the strongest champions of christianity thorghout history were ruthless killers. Doesnt mean they weren't practitioners/followers of certain religious sects. All you are getting at is "but he's not a good christian", which means jack shit as far what were talking about. I never said hes a good christian, i said he IS a christian(and a strong one at that). And that's a irrefutable fact.

How is it apolitical?
really? Standing up for a church and your country being burned down is a political move? Lol, okaybro. So if me and you decided to beat the crap out of some people who burned down a church, and then stand in front of said church and take a picture with a bible, does that mean were also making political moves? Or are you just automatically including anything and everything he does under "political moves" just because hes the president?

he chose to have that whole area cleared out so he could be seen to walk to St. John's and hold up a Bible for the media.
i just love how your approach to this is basically just a CNN talking point. yea bro, he cleared out a bunch of people just to hold up a bible for the media. No point in me continually repeating myself so yeah, im done.
If I had to pick one I'd pick evangelicals, since presidents have been promising the movement of the embassy among other things to their jewish base for decades without results. Trump was the first one to deliver a real result for evangelicals in a long time. But I'm well aware that Trump has long-lasting connection with jews as well.
So all the other president who promised that move to the jews and didnt do it werent mainly doing so to try and take the jewish vote? Are you being serious here? And the fact that Jews love and support Trump more than just about any of our previous presidents doesn't literally prove what you're saying is incorrect? Dude, cmon. that move was first and foremost for the jews. Not sure how you;re having trouble with this.
So all the other president who promised that move to the jews and didnt do it werent mainly doing so to try and take the jewish vote? Are you being serious here? And the fact that Jews love and support Trump more than just about any of our previous presidents doesn't literally prove what you're saying is incorrect? Dude, cmon. that move was first and foremost for the jews. Not sure how you;re having trouble with this.

Other presidents tread more lightly and help Israel and/or American jews in a more discrete ways. Reagan was the first president to add the plank of moving the embassy to Jerusalem, which was a factor in turning evangelicals from 66% pro-Carter to 66% pro-Reagan in one election. However, prior to that you had Nixon bailing out Israel in the Yom Kippur war (despite Nixon disliking jews privately), LBJ covering up the USS Liberty attack, etcetc. Post-Reagan you've got guys like Obama who readily gave Israel money, cozied-up to the Hollywood and Wall Street types, and begged to be given access to an exclusive jewish golfing club (Obama was rejected). Trump helped to make Israel more of a religious Christian issue than any president prior.
so the demorats are once again taking advantage of everything that's going on and are trying to reinstate affirmative(literally one of the most racist policies this country has seen in modern times.) action in california after it was rightfully banished 25 years ago. Smfh.

Some interesting stuff, but the argument misses what happens without a police entity existing and legitimate problems occur. And this phrase comes.off as dismissive and short sighted, but also central to their thesis

We’ve all grown up on television shows in which the police are superheroes. They solve every problem; they catch the bad guys; they chase the bank robbers; they find the serial killers. But this is all a big myth. This is not what police actually do. They’re not out chasing bank robbers or serial killers. The vast majority of police officers make one felony arrest a year. If they make two, they’re cop of the month

Some interesting stuff, but the argument misses what happens without a police entity existing and legitimate problems occur. And this phrase comes.off as dismissive and short sighted, but also central to their thesis

I agree with about 80% of the article (the fact that police rarely ever stop serious crimes and all the implications of that), but the problem comes in when the author is a race-baiting apologist for violent criminals like Trayvon Martin. The problem of government police is best-remedied and *only* remedied by citizens acting in the defense of their own neighborhoods. Only marks can realistically stop themselves from being victims.

This is real. Someone actually did this in Metaxourgio, a neighborhood in Athens.
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