If Mort Divine ruled the world

lol @ acting like the KKK is actually some kind of terrorist organization in this day and age. They're practically non-existent. You really need to go out more man.

They are more like cockroaches. They like to hide in the corners, but to be honest; yeah pretty much non existant. The most space they occupy is Sand Mountain (which I live around in retrospect.) Hardly a thing to worry about unless you're black or somethin going around that area on your own.
If Trump officially declared that the KKK was a terrorist organization they wouldn't be satisfied anyway, and they'd still defend AntiFa regardless, so just stop pretending like you actually care what Trump does or doesn't say about them lmao.
Is view, that biological sex — simply the way your body is built — makes you immutably one thing or the other and, therefore, trans women aren't "real" women, is a basic tenet of trans-exclusionary radical feminists, or TERFs. As trans people and issues have gained more visibility in recent years, so has the backlash.
Oh dang. so the term sex is going away now too?? Wild move hah

What is hateful and unwelcome, however, is her assertion that "sex is real" and that someone's gender identity can — and should — be boiled down to their sexual organs.
oh, guess so haha
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far form it. Nothing weird about Trump holding up the bible. Pelosi, schumer and the rest of those dirtbags kneeling down wearing african clothing is pretty pathetic and showcases that once again minorities are nothing more than stepping stones and chess pieces for them.
what content? He's a practicing christian who is taking a picture of a book he has championed numerous times. A book that the values of this nation were built on. A book that was used when him and every other president before him were sworn into office. I see nothing out of the norm there. I think its funny and kind of lame that were at a point where people are actually using it as some kind of fodder against him. "look he pushed "peaceful protestors" out of the way to take a picture in front of a church". What they really should have been talking about was how that church was torched up by all those model citizens of ours.
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he cleared out a "peaceful crowd" that wanted to see his head on a spike, walked up to a church that those same people had vandalized and proudly held up the bible and basically said "FUCK YOU GUYS FOR BURNING THIS CHURCH". I think he handled it like a fucking boss.