If Mort Divine ruled the world

its not like the man is just pretending to be christian to get votes

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Are you really this fucking stupid?
are you always this fucking ignorant? The guy has done quite a lot to preserve christianity in this country. Do you need me to make you a *list and slap you up with reality again?

oh yes, someone who has murdered dozens of innocents babies is going to tell me how Trump isnt a christian. Lulz.
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While I don't think he's an atheist or any alternative religious denomination, I don't personally buy the whole practicing Christian thing.
what you buy doesnt mean shit really. The facts are there. He is a church going christian who has done a shit load to preserve christiainity and has stood up to a lot of the anti-christian views and policies that have been pushed by child-murderers like Ein and his daddy Barack Osama.
@CiG That photo op was pretty much what i said it was. It was a giant middle finger to all of the people who burned down that church, all the "peaceful protestors" who have been looting, destroying properties, assaulting others etc and also a middle finger to all of the guys like crimson who said "look he's hiding behind closed doors". Im not surprised one bit at the way he handled it.... by letting his balls swing on face of all the wokies.
Pelosi isnt from Ghana, shes not a minortiy and has proven numerous times that she does care about them or what they believe in.

Trump is a church going christian who has proven numerous times that he cares about christian traditions and values.

those two photo ops are non compatible to anyone outside of lefties who recognize what pelosi did and how embarrassing it was and are just doing what they naturally do, trying to slander trump any chance they get.

Edit: and how in the world is telling people who burned down a public church to fuck off a political move? How is telling people who are trying to trash the country to fuck off a political move?
.. you also think the only reason he seems to be standing up for chrisitian values and beliefs is because he's pandering to base that he already has locked down ... and not because you know, he's actually one of the most powerful christians on this planet.

Pandering to Christians (specifically Evangelicals) is part of how he keeps his base locked down, and he's only "one of the most powerful christians on this planet" because of politics in the first place. Before that he was just a playboy business man that mingled with pornstars and Epstein-types, and lead a life that doesn't exactly look all that Christian.

For people who have Christian values I'm sure it's great having a leader in power firmly on your side in terms of policy (as HBB pointed out he's done more for Evangelicals than anybody else) but that's politics. He's also done a lot for Jews (mostly in the form of sucking Israel's cut cock) and that lines up with the pandering he's been doing to the Evangelicals too.

Do I dislike Pelosi's pandering more? Sure, it's way cringier but that's my bias speaking.
Pandering to Christians (specifically Evangelicals) is part of how he keeps his base locked down, and he's only "one of the most powerful christians on this planet" because of politics in the first place. Before that he was just a playboy business man that mingled with pornstars and Epstein-types, and lead a life that doesn't exactly look all that Christian.

I didnt say he's the second coming of jesus, i said he's a practicing christian. Which he is, regardless of what you think. And saying politics made him into a powerful man is not something you or anyone else needs to explain to anyone, let alone me and has nothing to do with any of my initial claims.

I'm telling you that move was not "pandering to evangelicals" in any way. You might have missed the edit in my last post but i'll jsut say it again

how in the world is telling people who burned down a public church to fuck off a political move? How is telling people who are trying to trash the country to fuck off a political move?

Someone like Bill Clinton taking a pic with a bible, who did nothing to help the church in any way(which i personally dont care about tbh), falls more in the line of pandering than someone who has went out of his way to stand up to anti-chrisitan views that have been spreading throughout this country. And ill say it again, him doing what he did was no pandering at all. telling people who have burned down a church and are destroying this country to basically fuck off is not a political move.
and hes sucking israels dick beacuse he panders to the jews. He's not a jew, but he wants their money and votes. Half this planet has pandered to those blood sucking leaches. That has nothing to do with him standing up for christianity, which is what happened here and what the left is painting the same way as you are. I personally give zero shits about religion, but i never let my views(or anyone else's) cloud the truth.
Moving Israel's embassy to Jerusalem and all that other stuff is total evangelical viagra. It makes zionist jews happy too but that doesn't take anything away from the appeal to evangelicals.
Trump will work for his base if it's easy (e.g. can be decided by executive order). Evangelicals are his most loyal supporters who vote largely on issues of Israel and abortion. Half of my family is evangelical Christian and they went from Cruz missiles to Trump lovers in no time, in part thanks to his unwavering support of Israel.